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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Especially since no one went all 'football is the best sport in teh world!!111!'" Did you read Gorgon's post above mine? He didn't flat out say it but the tone says it all. "Soccer or football or whatever doesn't interest me to much but any time the USA is playing I'll watch it." Like i said above, watching soccer is boring (like baseball is for the most aprt); but finding out winners and losers plus the of the field drama is entertaining espicially in this WC. My faves are US, SK, andm Australia. "never him(/her?)self being a bigot in the first place." Oh, i am a bigot. Towards bigots who hate or bash people simply because they come from certain places. I don't hate people because they come from x country sorry.
  2. That's because aussies are kewl.
  3. 'Major nation'? L0L Over a silly sporting naming system. Soccer is soccer. the arrogance that the world thinks soccer is theb best sport' simply because it's the 'most popular' world wide. There are plenty of things that are popular that aren't very good. Soccer is one of them. It's a fun sport to play but just like baseball; it is so boring to watch. Following the winners and losers is fun and the drama in this WC espicially by the uppity European clubs is entetraining but trying to watch an actual game and actually enjoy it is hilariously coma inducing. And, it's not just the low scores as I love 1-0 games in hockey. The bigotry of most of the world is hilarious to watch as well espicially when at the same time theyc ry about the US' supposed bigotry. Grats to the Amerikans, and the South Koreans. And, HAHAHAHA to Team NK.
  4. "both because they care for their neighbour's national sovereignty" No, they don't. Your second line of thinking is likely more true.
  5. "I honestly think they have a better idea of how to direct their resources, having access to market research and sales figures." I honestly believe you are wrong in your assessment. Even professional companies get it wrong from time tot ime. Shocking, I know, but definitely true.
  6. Condolences to Visceris' family, and may he rest in peace.
  7. "Are you making an assumption about how I feel towards this guy?" WUT U TALKIN' 'BOUT, WILLIS? I wa sobviously referring to Hurlshot's damning of the guy because he was a 'bad dude' with a shady past not the guy merely referring to a rumour.
  8. "The guy doesn't really have a stellar track record, but feel free to jump in his corner and be weird." So saying that he's accused and not actually guilty yet is 'jumping into his corner and be weird'? What aprt of thew orld you live in? In mine, it's innocent until proven guilty... not thrown in prison due a potential bogus 'confession' and found out that the person who 'cionfessed' is innocent. Someone being a bad dude does not equal guilty. It's not evidence. "I'm not sure why they would lie about a confession." You've never heard of cops being so sure of a suspect's guilt that they beat the suspected perp to a pulp to get the confession? And, no, a police officier's 'gut feeling' is also not evidence. "Well, rumor has it he got the crap beaten out of him before he confessed so that lays a bit of a question mark on him." Rumour but this is just one reason why he may have confessed. He may be guilty but many have him confimred as guilty before any trial. The news is really guilty of this, of course since they should be impartial. Internet tough guys though can jump on the he's guilty bandwagon if they want.. and maybe he is, but will you apologize to him if he's not? Doubtful.
  9. " The funny thing is that both KOTOR and NWN actually use the same engine." Only half true. KOTOR uses a completely twisted version of the Aurora. Not really the same engine. Just looking at the two games should tell you that. they look, feel, and play completely difference despite KOTOR having extremely dumbed down D&D character system. P.S. NWN > KOTOR No contest.
  10. "Authorities in Peru say he confessed to killing Stephany Flores there, AFAIK." So, they say. "Hard to imagine this guy not being guilty as sin." Why? Because you've been told he's guilty? Because he looks guilty? He's been accused. He hasn't been found guilty.
  11. "I can't compute how anyone could like NWN1 more than NWN2?" That's easy. NWN1 is far, and away better. the two OCs are about equal but sorry nothing makes me laugh more than people claiming a story about having a sword up your butt is better than *anything*. That's laughable. Plus, NWN2 is brought down by one of the sozziest games ever.
  12. Demo was a wasted effort. Why bother with a demo months after the fact? Do it before or right when it comes out or not at all.
  13. Is he guilty... or just accused?
  14. There is no conspiracy. AP isn't important enough one way or another for people to conspire against it.
  15. NHL 10: About start my league's 12th season. AP: No comment (yet).
  16. That nation was already in pieces. And, if there's any genocide of anyone it's all on the people who commits it. Also, Iraq commited its share of attempted genocides. It wasn't all lies. Saying that is a lie inofitself. Iraq is better off without Hussein in power. Sure, things could have been handled better, no doubt about it.
  17. If the article posts truth, Isreali Jews used to be called Palestinians? Hmmm.. And 'Palestinians' wer ejust known as Arabs? Hmm..
  18. "I'm of the opinion that if Palestinian terrorist organizations had stopped targeting Israeli civilians 10 years ago they would have been immeasurably closer to their goal of full independence and statehood, just sayin'." The problem with this theory, that's only part of Hamas' goal. Another major goal is the total destruction of Isreal. As long as theya re the democractically elected government of Palestine, it's kinda hard for Isreal to take them seriously in 'peace' negotations. The comaprison of Isreal to NK is laughable in so many levels though. Can anyone really take such a comment seriously?
  19. "Also, Alpha Protocol is skill based in the minigames." Not completely true. It's both character skill and player skilled based.
  20. Balony. ME countries use the West as scapegoats when the ones who treat their people the worst or the ME leaders. Just look at how they treat Palestine all the while bashing Isreal. Don't blame the US for the sorry state of the ME. That's the ME's doing.
  21. "it's simply an organization looking to fill it's coffers; you can't put the blame on them for putting people out of jobs & hurting econony." Hamas is the democratically elected governemtn of Plaestine. It is their job to do what's best in the inetrest of Palestinian civilians which they do not. "(because countries don't take part in suicide bombings, extremist groups do)." Wut? Sure, they do. Isn't old skool Japan known for its kamakazee type of attacks? Palestine also commits sucide bombings and that's a governing body of a country. So, why make stuff up? I think the misatek you people are making is assuming I'm notsome hardcore Isreal backer. I'm not. I'm all for a Palestine country. In this thread, I criticzed Isreal for how it handle this particular situation. I still find out Hamas, and Palestine seems to get a free pass from anti Isreal groups. "Assuming it's the latter, lol. Considering Israel had the western world's support from the very beginning, and considering their economical & military strenght, I doubt they recieved any kind of psychological trauma, suicide bombings aside (because countries don't take part in suicide bombings, extremist groups do)." Western support from the beggining? L0LZ How quickly one forgets the Holocaust. How quicjkly forget the constant attacks on isreal by the UN despite there being much worst countries in the world when it comes to abusing human rights. Let's not forget the 6 Muslim countries that all attack Isreal at once. Or the threat by iran to wipe 'Isreal off the map'. That's the difference. Isreal isn't trying to wipe out Palestine, but the current democratic leaders of Palestine surely would wipe out Isreal if they could, as would Iran. "I doubt they recieved any kind of psychological trauma" Yeah, because the the threat of constant rocket attacks or suicide bombings at bust stops and coffee shops isn't psychologically traumatic. Come on, now. Palestine and Isreal are BOTH guilty of inflicted psychological trauma each other, and until they BOTh ship up, it will continue.
  22. "And Jews were not the original inhabitants of Israel, either. That would be the Canaanites, or perhaps an even earlier group of tribal hunter-gatherers which has ultimately disappeared from the historical record." Never clamed they were. That's why I had (and others) in brackets. "In the 21st (and late 20th) century, destroying people's homes and taking their lands for your own people is not considered the norm. It is considered outrageous and out of the question. And yet Israel did that. And now they're destroying Gaza's economy in an attempt at psychological warfare hoping they'll just give up and leave." You just dscribed how every Muslim country in the ME feels and has done to Isreal, and you probably justify it. And, Gaza's economy is destroyed because of Hamas, the rulers of Palestine.
  23. "So it would be okay for native Americans to drive whites out of the new world?" No. They weren't the original inhabitants of NA either despite the 'native' part of their name. On top of that, considering the fact, the natives (which btw I am technically enough indian blood in me to be considered for bigoted native only bonuses in Kanada go figure), hypocriticval claim that 'nobody owns then lan and is everybody's all the while staking their claim on it. On top of that, indiains had a habit of murdering each other for the land, women, and goods (and, yes, I know now all tribes were like that as there were peaceful ones as well) so what's good for the goose is good for the gander. So, yeah, if Natives could take out 'whitey' (it';s nice to see your bigotry towards whites is high sicne you didn't bother to mention blacks, mexicans, and other races just the big bad boogeyman whitey) then by golly they could do it. In conclusion, antives NEVER owned NA so they have no real claim to it contrary to what butthurt people think. Like I said above, going by many Native teachings, NOBODy can technically own land and it's owned by 'everyone'. So.. why so butthurt? P.S. The alrger issue though is that peoplem who spouse the fact that the 'jews stole palestinian land' is laughable modern talk since a) the land was jewish before it was stolen and b) palestinian is a modern made up term, anyways. P.S.S. This doesn't mean eveyrthing Isreal is does right. In fact, they do lots of things wrong. But, let's not make up facts.
  24. "Why is it that if anyone says anything mildly bad against the jewish people, it's anti Semitic but when anyone does that to any other group (or they do it to any other group) it's not made much of?" Kiddin' right? Say stuff about Blacks, Muslims, and Mexicans, and watch the accusations of bigotry fly. I feel for the poor Asians myself as people seem to be able ttrash them and get away with it. "They've been stealing Palestinian land since the 30s." Nonsense. The 'Palestinians' are a makebelieve group that was inventtedn out of thin air and are relatively new decribed as 'Palestinians'. The so called Palestinian land was stolen from Jews (and others) well before that. Is it REALLY theft to take back that was stolen from you in the first place? Really wish people would pay attention to real history and not the modern fable that's been pushed as 'fact'.
  25. "Great. You're basically citing only old games. That kinda proves my point, thanks Vol! " Dragon Age. NWN series. KOTOR series. Probalem with bigots who look down from others is that they are ignorant. They simply don't know what theya re talking about. Just because Amerikans may not like AP as much as Europeans do does not mean theya re dumber or hate RPGs. That's silly talk. Plain, and simple. Espicially, since the ratings aren't that much of a difference.
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