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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Likely a very low, neglible percentage though. *shrug*
  2. Great movie, but nah. I see appearnace in games the same way i do in real life. An annoyance to get done with as soon as pssible. Get it down ASAP and go live life/play the actual game.Barbies are for little boys (in modern times) and girls.
  3. The greatest writer of all time while largely considered a 'master of horror' has written tons of great fantasy/sci fi books. Most notable The Stand, It, Green Mile, a billion others.
  4. "(Bio fans spend many, many hours" I spend less than 5 seconds on appearance. R00fles!
  5. YES! Deep Roads are vastly underrated. Best 'dungeon' in the game.
  6. "what's there to giggle about? " It's a sexist concept. I could just imagine the over the top bashing if a group was calling itself 'Boy Gamerz'. R00fles! As for the game, meh, as long as it is 2/3rds as good as DA was, it should be a fun little action game, but I won't be hjolding my breath...
  7. "Why do DA2 previews inevitably have to be as derogatory of DAO as possible? " It's not personal. It's about hyping DA2. You loved DA1? Don't worry DA2 is way better than it. DA2 makes DA1 look like POR2. If you liked DA1, you'll like DA2 even more! Get DA2 now for just 99.99. It's marketing 101.
  8. "What about dyslexic people?" Tough ****.
  9. "i can deal with that. it sounds totally different than what they were claiming a few months ago though. Maybe they realized that alienating their entire fan base was a bad idea. " More likely people overrated to certain hype. Anyone who truly thoguht that DA2 combat would be vastly different than DA1's combat are fooling themselves. "I don't think the "BG Crowd" can be so easily dismissed, the games sold well and have been supported for a decade by a very dedicated community, and the games themselves have achieved a high level of cultural... thingy. Obviously what Boo means by the BG crowd is a bit more exclusive." No, it isn't. The Bg crowd dimisses themselves as they buy, play, and enjoy the JEs, KOTORs, MEs, and DAs. *shrug* BIO has been caterinbg to the Bg crowd for the past 10 years+. L0LZ
  10. "I'm sure they'll do it right, but I doubt they will." Say what? This doesn't even make any sense. P.S. Antyone who claims BG wasn't successful, popular, and genre defining simply ebcause they disliked it fail big time. Of course, they missed the point as well. the claim was one shouldn't try to do something they never did before as it is destined to fail. The medical doctors proved that theory wrong 10+ years ago. R00fles!
  11. "I seriously doubt that. GoW was made Epic, a company that's been making MP games since 1998. It's sort of like expecting Dice to release a great RPG." Illogical. Before BG, BIO had never made a RPG so going by your idea BG was destined to suck yet BG is one of the most popular RPGs ever. Lack of doing something previously does not mean insta fail. Or else the medical docs would have mega failed making their first game and they would have remained nobodies. *shrug*
  12. "but I think it only had FF for one of them on the consoles." No.
  13. "homosexuals usually take excellent care of their body, so they make physically topnotch soldiers." False streotype with no basis in fact. Just like non homosexuals, homosexuals come in all sizes, shapes, and health. Anyways, about time this was repealed. 'Twas a dumb law.
  14. "was the leadup for dragon age 1 like this? the only major gripes i remember hearing about that one were the cheesy heavy metal marketing and blood spatter effects" It was much worse. people were claiming that DA1 would bomb. L0LZ
  15. "I'd instead be worried of how your country is perceived by foreigners. " Who cares what bigoted foreigners think. I surely don't. They're bigoted.
  16. R00flescopter!
  17. "I don't get to do this often, but Volourn is pretty much right. The Bioware doctors were, post acquisition, moved to key positions within EA. It's safe to say that on some levels, EA became a part of Bioware, instead of the other way around." Not exactly what I claimed but , anyways...
  18. Or NE since their road to the SB will more likely need to go threw the pats not the Dolphs...
  19. "That being said, I wonder if his body can handle another season." Sadly, he's probably done. I wish he would come back to prove the usual doubters wrong; but I don't think he's willing to go through it all again. Skill wise, favre is still one of the top 20 QBs in the league (stats this season be damned) and since this is a 32 team league, he's good enough to be a starter. Also, contrary to mythical beliefs, in the end, Favre will be remembered as the damn good QB he is who was human. AS for him having ane go.. big deal.. you need an ego to be a QB. Every QB has an ego. If youn are gonna play a position of QB where you will either get heavily praised or criticized you need a huge ego to take the abuse you are gonna get. Favre is still going on a high note despite his struggles this season. He goes away with more class in his pinky fingers than his detratcors have combined in their entire bodies.
  20. Goodbye Kelverin.
  21. "Technically speaking its EA's new game' Bioware is just a subsidiary at this point. bought out twice now. Only a matter of time before they get merged in with some other studio in 'cost saving measures'." Nope. Still BIO's new game. BIO is part of EA, but the people in control of BIo are the same as always. Don't forget that the docs are members of the EA board.
  22. No. AP is bad bad. It's ES-POR2-FO3-DTU-EOTB bad.
  23. "Trust me Nepenthe. You can go back and look at the threads for ME1 and ME2. The first month is excitement and satisfaction from almost all the people posting. The negativity sets in later." That's because it's kewl to hate the popular espicially on the Nerd Heaven of the Netspace. "Bio didn't make a lot of games, I feel sorry for you, Volo " I love plenty of non BIO games. I've been ennjoying games for nearly 3 decades, and BIO games for maybe 10 of those. *shruG*
  24. Actually, I'm very happy since I try to spend most of my time on games I enjoy.
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