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Everything posted by Volourn
"Except for the fact that KotOR2 has better writing than pretty much any game BioWare has ever made." No it doesn't. It's writing is average. And, your two big examples of its great writing are examples why; Kreia = a rip off of a certain PST character and a dumbed down version. kreia is okay as a villain but she is one of the most one dimensional, obvious characters ever that is - for no reason -f forced on the player depsite being a bad guy out to destroy the PC. And, her stupid psycho babble is the type that amaeture dumbnut 'pyshocologists' would spout. She's at least as shallow as Marek was but at least Marek was supposed to be shallow. HK47 = Great character written and created by BIO that all KOTOR2 do was more of the same. Obsidian only gets quarter credit for him. BTW, those whoc laim HK47 is somehow 'improved' in KOTOR is jokin'. He's the same. Nothing has changed. What HK is a better version of Minsc. On the whole, while Obsidian's writing is solid, it is vastly overrated. And, KOTOR is amongst its worst examples too. Stick with praising MOTB as awesome Obsidian writing as KOTOR2 writing is merely 9slightly) above average.
KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 are both overrated average games. ME1 and ME2 are light years better than both of that trashy series. No contest. ME series takes all the good from KOTOR series and makes it better and takes all the crappy aspects of KOTOR eries and improved it big time. ME series > KOTOR series No contest.
"ME is an infinitely inferior attempt to copy KOTOR in a lot of ways, that doesn't speak well for ME." L0L This is hialrious. ME series is vastly sueprior to KOTOR series in every way possible. ME is definitely an attempt to do BIO's own version of SW, and it does a heck of a job. KOTOR is a slightly above average game with horrible dumbed down combat and one nice twist. ME is just plain awesome.
"Should be tragic and evoking sympathy" No, no he shouldn't. That would be trite and passe. He'd be worse off.
Everyone moved on. Maybe he got a better offer. Maybe BIO couldn't pass up gettuing a somewhat popualr movie score rpoducer to do it. Maybe EA demanded the change. Maybe the time table for the game's release was too quick for him to produce what he wnated. Who knows.Not juch will likely change about ME3's score since BIO will likely ask the new guy to keep the tunes to basically the same style anyways.
I don't get scared watching movies horror or otherwise. I've been watching horrior movies since I was a baby. On the other hand, I have been disgusted by gruesome details shown though. L0L Gross.
"Looks like Jack Wall and friends have botted from the franchise because Clint Mansell just confirmed he's working on the ME3 score." Consideirnjg who BIO got for ME3, seems like Wall got canned and BIo was looking for an upgrade. L0L then again, I like Wall's music so *shrug*. Still, nothing there suggest that Wall 'bolted' (why would he do that?, no logic) or that he even got fired. LMAO
"Vol is kinda right. I wouldn't say that Iranicus is THE most overrated character ever, but as main villain he is pitiful... but still better then utterly horrible Mellisan." Irenicus isa wesome,a nd one of the best villains ever in gaming. Definitely not overrated. With posts like yorus he is criminally udnerrated. Melissan, on the other hand, is horrible. Easily thew orst BIO main villain ever - even worse than the medusa from SOU, and that says something.
I think suicide is a cowardly act. Harsh I know, but I believe one of the ebst qualities of humans is our spirit, and enver say die attitude. There's tons of tales of someone living in miserabkle, in great pain, having a horirble disease, etc., etc and then overcoming said issue and living a fulfilling life. It takes guts to live through tough ****, and we should be encouraging those who feel liekc rap and their lvies are worthless to better themselves and fight through it. Should we also euthanise drug addicts and alocohols whose issues are destroyiing their lies despite there being tales of triumph? or perhaps we should euthanise the athlete who loses a leg because he feels his life is over because he can't pursue his dream anymore and feels worthy? I dunnjo. About promping them up, and pushing them and giving them motivation to triumph. Cowards are cowards and I don't think we should celebrate cowardice. I feel sorry for those who contemplate suiicide since it's gotta be crappy to feel that horrible about your life.. but, that's why they need help to fix their life not end it. Those who say we should help suiciders, on the other hand, have some type of issue that makes them think it's cool to kill anyone who may not have a perfect life, imo. pure sick. Remind me of those punks we ehar about in highschool who taunts the 'loser' into committing suicide and is shcoked SHOCKED when they actually do. R00fles! Disgusting.
I bet you are one of those freaks who get more upset over animals getting killed than humans. L0LZ
"D&D 2nd edition rules certainly were not the most complex ruleset out there but it's way ahead of Dragon Age 2 rules." No. ESPICIALLY the dumbed down IE version of AD&D 2ND Edition. P.S. Minsc is one of the most overrated characters to be ever be found in game. Disgusting!
Horrible idea.
"1. Walk into room. 2. Enemies spawn all around you. 3. Die 4. Reload, position correctly for coming fight, win. 5. Repeat in next room." Describes every RPG ever created unless one finds said RPG easy. *shruG*
"you how strong anti-British tendencies have run in the US>" No. "Politically I can't think of a country that the US has a closer relationship with. Canada doesn't count." Sure, it does.
Doctors are wrong a lot when it comes to predicting how long someone has to live. Stories about people who were predicted to die within months who lived for years afterwards are rather common. *shrug* It's juste ducated guesses. there is no hardcore science that can tell even the smartest of doctors exactly how long someone will live. L0L
" can one simply throw away +10% of the game content? " Romances are probably under 1% of the game content.
Is deesslock your boyfriend? You guys seriously offended by me mocking him? Why defend him so powerfully? He's just a reviewer. Nobody special.
"Might be my scientific background driving me to be anal here, so bear with me. I'm fine with plot devices trumping science, but they need to be well executed - that is, at least consistent with established canon and the observed in-universe tech. This is a perfect example of the opposite, however. In the collector cruiser, you enter the ship through a hole in the outer hull. If there's indeed a breathable atmosphere within, there's no need for the masks equipped by the crew - if the environment is a partial vacuum, you still need to do something about ebullism (bubbles in the blood); if it's an unbreathable but pressurized atmosphere, how come nobody has trouble breathing aboard the collector base? The trap scenario also suggests that the scene was conceived to convey the idea that the collector vessel was little more than a dead, floating piece of scrap. This is supported by the fact that the collector vessel is stated to have suffered main power failure, with kinetic barriers offline. In the intro cutscene, when the Normandy is torn apart, the good old forcefield sci-fi cliche is used for atmosphere containment, so no kinetic barrier = no atmosphere. And the naked EVA antics in the upper layers of a brown dwarf (and near the accretion disk around a black hole!) are even worse. Brown dwarves radiate more heat than they receive from the star they orbit (temp ~1000 K and upwards) and also emit hefty amounts of ionizing radiation. Personal barriers or ship-mounted shields won't help as you need magnetic fields to deflect that (or a lead shirt). Interestingly, they also equip gasmasks for that scene. If there was an atmosphere, such a thing wouldn't be necessary. I'm not really concentrated on finding faults with the game, it's just that this is a glaring hole brought about exclusively by the removal of ME1-style wardrobes and their substitution with nothing. I guess different people have different thresholds for their suspension of disbelief, but I feel this was a pretty silly mistake to make, and one that could have been solved pretty easily. But then... they failed to solve it through DLC. D: " *shrug*
Read my post. read it again. Then one more time just to make sure. then come back, and maybe we'll chat. Until then, your lack of reading skill makes me .
"desslock is articulate and intelligent." No, no he isn't. "to call desslock a moron would be inaccurate and unfair" To call Desslock a moron would be accurate and fair. Hes a tool, a retart, a moran, and he's a symbol of what is wrong with 'professional' and 'unprofessioanl' reviewers. A liar, scumbag, and a fool. I mean the guy likes ES games. He ain't that smart. he also side with Interplay over BIO over NWN.. and, was proven wrong as per usual. HAHHAHAHAHAS!
What influenced it? Probably all the people - including me - who whined about how crappy the ME1 inventory was. "They are however capitalising on the shortcomings of that decision to sell cheap micro DLC." Nope. DA has an old fashion style invfentory yet it is selling weapons, and other items as DLC or part of DLCs and pre orders. DLC is the new thing. They're gonan release DLC no matter the inventory system their games use.
ME2 is fine without an inventory. i'd prefer one but they didn't cut it nor did they bring an inventory abck through DLC. It still doens't have an inventory so your theory they used DLC to bring inventory back is bogus. It's a simple design decision. You dislike it. Big deal. There was no evil scheme here. Also, ME2 did have an inventory system. It just wasn't your typical one. You don't like it. Too bad.
Desslock is a moron reviewer who think he knows what he does not know and arrogantly believes he's right. According to him NWN wasn't gonna be released at all, and it was BIO's deth kell. LMFAO What a moran.