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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. " but the OC was really sucky! " No. it was slightly above average... just like NWN2 OC. *shrug*
  2. NWN > NWN2 No contest. The OCs, on the other hand,a re absically equal with their own share of great and bad stuff.
  3. "I haven't heard encouraging things about combat and I want to see that is solid" O RLY? repeatedly, previews have stated that it basically plays just like DA1. If you liked DA1 combat - which you calim you do - how is that not encouraging? L0L "But in this case you are forced to preorder if you want all the NPC's, right? " Youa ren't forced to do anything. EA isn't gonna come by your house and kick your butt if you don't preorder. . You said it yourself. It's a WANT not a NEED. You do know the difference between the two, right? p.s. People whine about DA2's graphics being so much worse than DA1's but with every new screenshot/video, it looks better and better. *shrug*
  4. Each PC cna hire e a henchman. Also, you gonna play both characters on two different computyers. Isn't that gonna make things annoying? Heh. NWN uses the new age point buy method so no real min max of stats is possible.
  5. Someone else buying or not buying a agme doesn't effect me. I gain or lose nothing from it. You can't see the bashing? Did you read the last 22 pages of this thread? Everytime something new comes out the same people come in to proclaim how it's further proof that DA2 will be the biggets piece of crap ever.. yet, we all know they'll be there buying the game the moment it comes out. The illogicalness of such actions weirds me out. Just ask the Codex. The Codex loathes BIO and Bethesda yet those two conmpanies always get the most threads dedciated to them, and Codexers still buy/play/steal their games. Sometimes even playing them multiple times!
  6. "I meant people paying $5000 a month for a game. Obviously they're addicts being exploited by EA." Jay Leno is an addict that car companies take advantage of as he spends millions on cars he never even uses. You shouldn't throw the word addict around without actual evidence. What happens if the people spending $5K cana fford it and it is a small amount of their money? People have the right to spend their money on what they want without being trashed for it becasuse someone dissaproves. tsk, tsk.
  7. Best type of epic on the net.
  8. "Weird view that, your opinion is irrelevant because you bought the game ? Hm. Hard to evaluate the game otherwise, no ? Then again, if you're classing nitpicky comments as whining, heh, well." 1. BIO and EA don't care about our opinions. They care about our monies. The only thing that matters is if they can hoodwink you out of your $. 2. My point is it is hard to take bashing seriously pre releasew hen we all know full well that the mahjority of people bashing DA2 and is proclaiming it is gonna suck big time are gonna buy the game anyways. It would be like me loudly proclaiming I hate the Cleveland Cavaliers for their poor tretament of Lebron then I go out and buy their jersey. It does NOT make sense. If people hate BIO, 'know' that DA2 will suck, and have gone on for months about it yet go out and buy the game anyways, they obviously have a few screws loose and therefore their opinions are suspect at best. For me, this means I would be in the same boat if I went out and bought Skyrim b/c I believe it will suck. Then again, if you read that thread, you would notice I don't post in it as Skyrim is a wste of my time. And, that's all I'm saying about it as I was just making a point. "So, what you're saying is that I should drop my pre-order. Then I can complain. Or will I end up in a catch-22 situation where if I don't buy the game, I'm obviously not the target audience, so it doesn't matter what I say anyway. Fun how that works. " No. What I am saying is if yiou think the game is gonna suck, don't buy it, don't play, don't worry about it. Concentrate on games you think you'll enjoy and stop wasting your time on sucha agabrage game or like you said on a game that 'you aren't the target audience'.
  9. Volourn


  10. Sorry, but giantic breasts (as opposed to big ones) are disgusting. But... whya re we talking about this?m L0L This is Codexian dialogue. Heh. Anyways, people whining about DA2 will buy DA2 so their opinions in the end are irrelervant since they'll be adding to the BIO monies anyways.
  11. She looks late teen. *shrug* And, the boobs quite frnakly are no more noticeable then the way the boobs (ie. posters) tend to act in threads like these. L0L
  12. *shrug*
  13. "Matt Hasselback is the Volourn of the NFL. " You are the very defintion of a troll scumbag. Anyways, glad the Hawks won as I find NO, their players, and their supports to be arrogant punks. Dissapointed that Vick lost, and that Rogers win. I do laugh how someone one playoff win into his careedr and people are claiming it proves he's at Favre's levl. L0L Too bad Manning lost but not surprising since he's playing on a team that's worse than Seattle. Only saving grave for them is the QB and kicker. The Baltimore victory is not shocking at all.
  14. "Her misfortune is that she lives in a country where, if you disagree with someone, you can go down to your local supermarket, buy an automatic, kill them and be seen as a hero.'" This is dumb. You make it sound that this a common occurance that occurs every day. That's silly talk. There's a reason why stuff like this is shocking. It's because it's rare. The % of people who would buy a gun and go kill someone simply because they disagree with someone is miniscule. Hell, if I killed someone simply b/c I had a disagreemnt, I'd probabkly b avergainhg about 10 murders per day. L0L Yet, i have never killed anyone. The same is true for pretty much everyone else.
  15. Geralt is NOT cool in any way whatsoever.
  16. The Drizzt copycats on the other hand... not so cool...
  17. "Sadly, the bad bits of old-skool D&D (2E)." Fighters could duel weild in 2E.
  18. Except 99% of the people who bash BIO/DA2 in this thread actually love BIO/DA/DA2 and will end up buying/enjoying the game no matter what they post. *shrug*
  19. "But Wizards shouldn't have armor in the first place" Why? "so in one fell swoop I have: 1) rewarded microsoft for making a faulty console by purchasing a second one 2) bought something from walmart 3) rewarded EA by succumbing to their ridiculous pre-order mandate for DA 2." *shrug* 1. Isn't your 360 under warantee? heck, when my 360 did a red ring of death last year I got a new one and I didn't even have to show them a 'proof of purchase'. 2. Nothing wrong Walmart. And, no, i don't shiop there foten since I'd have to go to other side of city to get there. 3. Nothing wrong with EA's 'pre order mandate'.
  20. Doubtful. INDY is the defintion of one man team. Two if you count their kicker. L0L
  21. "Black Isle for instance. or Squaresoft, Enix, Atlus. or, I don't know, Microprose, Sir-Tech?" L0LZ
  22. " it wouldn't work because Bio doesn't know how to do tactical combat. they have trouble designing encounters as it is, making them turn-based would destroyl it completely. " Wrong. And, as the other V suggests, comapred to wholm? Very few if any other developer even comes close to BIO in these terms. certainly not Obsidian ior Betehsda or the guys who made the turd known as The Twitcher. Even the Fallouts, which I love, have limited tatical combat options comapred top more than a few BIO games. *shruG*
  23. "too slow for the modern gamer. also, the party's too small. while I think mixing strategy with role-playing is a great idea, giving orders to 4 characters and then waiting for a whole regiment of orcs to make their turn isn't very exciting. " The fact that the possibility players may not like it does not mean it could not work. Besides, this is a BIO game we speak of. No doubt in my mind that if BIO makes a turn based game it would still sell a lot.
  24. "full turn-based wouldn't work in a game like this. " Why not? With all the different combat options, turn based combat would work perfectly in a game like htis.
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