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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Volourn


    "Why spend time and resources trying to actually solve the problem when you can just bomb ****?" "As long as it takes." You know, peaceful negotiations works wonders but only if both sides are willing to do it and do it seriously. This, btw, is why Europe and the US mostly get along despite having major differences of opinions. Both sides want peace. Both sides want things done without violence. However, the NK powers to be don't want to negotiate. They don't want peace unless it is under their terms and their terms are simple - they get everythingb including enslaving SK civilians the same way they control the NK civilians. Stuff like this will continue to happen, and any deal negoatiated with NK will just be conviently ignored by the Nk leaders just has they have for the past 50+ years.
  2. Yes, that would be sweet.
  3. I really like the holier than thou, arrogant, selfish, and evil attitude that many customers have when complaining about stuff. Why can't people voice complaints in a civil manner without having to bash other human beings? I doubt Sir Jaks' job is as complex as a game developers, and if it is, I doubt he is perfect at it. There is a good and bad way of voicing one's opinion. You shoudl treat these boards like you would Obsidian's offices. If you spoke in RL like you posted, you would be thrown out on your butt so fast it would be embarrasing.
  4. "Morrigan is just awful" No. " and Wynne should be in your party anyway" Why the word 'should'?
  5. ":: shrugs :: It's a console game, that's how they roll." : shrug: It's a PC game, that's how they roll.
  6. "Impending is just something that don't go well on games since we know we are going to win and apparently so does everybody else." Except you can lose. More than a few people whined about not being able to 'win' at the end. Sure, it's ahrd to lose but it's possible unlike other games. "ME2's plot is that horrible Reaver at the end" No, no it isn't. It's a 'twist'; but it certainly isn't the plot.
  7. Cameos? Big deal. Many games have 'cameos' - even the precious FO did. Fan service? hello? Isn't that the point of producing a product that relies on fans? Every game company does fan service. Weak plot? I don't think ME2 had a weak plot (neither did ME1) but ME2 didn't rely on the plot per se since the characters 8were* the plot. It should be noted many successful movies and tv shows and books did well where this was the case. In fact, the best stories are ones told where the chaarcters are the plot. Afterall,l let's take Boo's favorite game BG2. What is that game's plot if not focused on characters (ie. the PC and Irenicus). It be nothing without them.
  8. LOL That be funny. But, I doubt Bethesda would hire BIO. Plus, i doubt BIO cares about the FO franchise, anyways. Unlike Obsidian, they don't need it to sell games.
  9. "but generally i think he talks more **** about bioware than he actually feels, if I remember right he kinda liked dragon age origins, or at least his first review was fairly positive." That, to me, is even worse. No way no how does anyone read Boo's posts and think,"man, this guy likes BIO and is just criticizing them because ehe wants them better." He is basically a Codexian - bashing for the sake of bashing. That's cool too 9and I have fun doing just that there); but let's be honest about it. " for me KOTOR, ME and DA are the same game in 3 different flavors. I can't approve of that. " That's silly talk. You might as well throw BG2 into that as well since any similarities those games share started with the BG series. And, what's wrong with that/ BIO sticks with making games they know their audience wants to play. That's smart business. "really like bioware but even I'm inclined to bash what we've seen so far. generic space marine in washed out grey building = completely uninspired first footage of a new game." there's really nothing to bash about this new vid/game. there's also nothing to praise about it. It's a meaningless teaser whose only goal is to hype an upcoming game announcement up. In that regards, irtworked wonders.
  10. "Why do you care enough to respond?" I'm a caring kind of guy. "Or do you just enjoy turning threads into ****-slinging contests?" Nope. Just wodnerin' why someone would waste so much time on something (in this case, BIO) when they feel they suck. Itt's 'ol fahsion trolling to post 'x sucks' repeatedly in threads dedicated to something you loathe.. hence why I avoid AP forums now or threads dedciated to it but at least I have AP a chance. Boo has no inetrest in doing this for BIO so waste of tiem and me wondering why he cares so much. "BioWare isn't as progressive in that regard as Obsidian." BIo has been doing gay characters for a long while now. *shrug*
  11. Why do you care, Boo? According to you BIO sucks anyways so does it matter what kind of games they make since they'd suck anyways? L0LZ
  12. D3 being on console isn't too surprising since D1 was already on console. The new BIO game is likely an offshoot. *shrug* Otherwise, it's way too smiliar to ME imo.
  13. Might be an ME spinoff since BIO wants to do more ME games but only wants to do have Shepard for a trilogy before dumping him/her in the trash.
  14. Volourn


    "Smid: 6'3 225 Avery: 5'10 195 ittybitty avery would have gotten the crap kicked out of him if he had dropped the gloves when he was challenged, but I guess winning with a cheap shot is just as good " 1. You think it's classsy for a much bigger guy to figfht someone smaller than him? I sure don't. I'm gonan go start a fight with the next dwarf (real dwarf not D&D dwarf) I see to prove how tough and classy i am. 2. That was no cheap shot unless you redefine cheap shot. Smid was looking right at Avery when Avery punched him. 3. Avery has fought guys just as big a Smid and held his own.Avery, to clue you in, is one of the most successful fighters in the NHL. 4. OPilers lost 8-2 to the loser Rangers. They should be nmore worried about imrpoving their hockey play instead of gooning it up like Smid and co tried to do.. then whine like crybabies when they were outgooned and punked. Oh, btw, Oilers lost 8-2. Oilers = perhaps the most worthless and classless organization in the NHL this side of Toronto, Dallas, and San Jose. R00fles!
  15. Volourn


    I do. Not do the Oilers suck (lol, losing to middle of the road Rangers, lol) they're also a bunch of crybabies. Waa.. Avery punched a guy who tried to start a fight with him after a clean fight. And, no, it wasn't a real sucker punch. Want to see a real sucker punch? Go watch Ulf Samuelsson against Tie Domi from 10-15 years ago. NOW, that's a real sucker puncher. The Oiler player had challenged Avery to a fight and never took his eyes off him when Avery threw the punch at him. *shrug* GO AVERY GO! P.S. Then again, I'm a firm believer that punches shouldn't be thrown at all in a professioanl sport that isn't boxing or some sort of other fighting oriented sport. It should be banned outright as it adds nothing of substance to the game as fighting NEVER decides championships.
  16. Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil: TV series. Funny, and entertaining but definitely only for those who have a twisted JUVENILE sense of humour. The Defenders: Quickly becoming my favorite lawyers based show with only The Practice beating it.
  17. K. NWN FO FO2 BG BG2 FF6 FF8 EA NHL series MVP 2005 MM Ultima (various ones) JE DA ME1 ME2 ARC MOTB
  18. "Saddam Hussein was also an aggressor that invaded a country in 1991." He was invading coutnries before that. His war with Iran was absolutely devasting to Iraq. There's a reason why Iraq was attacked and countries like Iran and even NK haven't been despite them being harassed about their 'evil' ways....
  19. I like when he was positiive about an Obisidian game he is awesome but the moment he goes negative Obsidians want to kill him. L0LZ
  20. "I claim that's not true. But I am measuring an Iraq BEFORE the 1991 war, BEFORE a decade of the harshest economic sanctions ever. When do you want to compare "after the war" against? Saddam in 2002, after 12 years of sanctioning terror? Saddam in 1992, in the middle of war? The closest we have to a Saddam-led Iraq in a normal state is before 1991, which is when we can compare it to "after the war". " You DO realzie that Saddam was the ruler after the First gulf War. iraq's troubkles were directly the result of Saddam's rulership and HIS decisions. Iraq, along with Isreal, were considered the 'prime' countries in the ME to take the next step into modernization. However, Hussein screwed that up. Iraq's downfall is 100% Saddam's fault so how can anyone claim that Iraq was better off with Saddam in charge. Have you not forgotten the Iraq-Iran war which lastest for YEARS and cost MANY Iraqi lives and is what they ultimiately to Iraq's ruination because it resulted in Saddam thinking it was a good idea to invade Kuwait. Sorry dude, but Iraq was worse off with Saddam in power. His history of dictatorship is evidence enough of how horrible he did with that country. He was pretty successful as a dictator. He was absolute failure as a leader. HE *ruined* the country. Period.
  21. "Character design in FF8 was as cliche as any other FF. FF9 and FF10 are more unique." No. "Do you put an effort to appear as a retard or does it come naturally?" Please tell us how unique and special TOEE artwork and graphics are again. Thanks.
  22. "7 and 8 definitely feel a bit like retreads/recreations of 6" O RLY? 8 is nothing like 5 or 7 in terms of grahpcs, artwork, and the like. FF8 iis the awesomness of art design.
  23. "1. Disciples II 2. Shadow of the Colossus 3. Planescape Torment 4. Final Fantasy X 5. Myth 2 (modest but convincing) 6. Witcher 7. Temple of Elemental Evil (completely generic, but pleasing on the eyes) 8. Gothic 2 (in its own rough way)" HAHAHA L0LZ This list is your best examples? And, it gets worst with #7. HAHAHAHAHA!
  24. "Except that its Frazetta who defined much of fantasy in general. Most of the artist who came afterwards strived to copy his ideas. So much for your knowledge of fantasy illustrators. " I don't give a crap about fantasy illustrators. I commented on the pics themselevs. the who is irrelevant to me. That is reserved for super art geeks.
  25. Except thata rt is generic. It's typical fantasy. It's good but nothing special.
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