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Everything posted by Volourn
"Eh, depends on the movies, on the original trilogy, story and characterization was awesome, on the new trilogy, it's all about the graphics ejaculating into your eyballs." Eh. Both trilogies are about equal. the original is overrated and the prequels are underrated. Except Jar Jar. there is simply no defending jAR jAR. Disgusting.
Popularity does not equal good. or I must I link all the NWN review that gave it 90%+? Or all the AP reviews that gave it horrible marks? Don't play the populairty contest. You will lose. And, don't be so butthurt over the fact people like a game you don't. TW was popular enough to get a sequel. 'Nough said. "Because Two worlds retail was a pile of bugs and garbage." No.
"I must have missed something here." Butthurt detected.
"that's exactly what I'm hoping for: that Bio will be reduced to a small studio with 30 employees at most and will have to slow down and put out a game once every two years." BIO EDM will never have just 30 employees. They had more than 30 employees when they made BG for pete sake. BIO with either continue chugging or long or they will crash and burn. If BIO ended up with 30 employees they wouldn't be the BIo as we know it. And, they wouldn't be making popular games. You simply can't make main stream highly markletable popualr games nowadays with just 30 employees. the market won't allow barring complete and utter luck.
"It's been pretty obvious that SW:TOR is going to flop for a while now - it may have had potential to do well (note I say do well, not be good) early on, but what they've revealed looks like a gimmicky mess. " Pretty obvious to who? The same brainiacs who felt that the DA marketing campaign sucked and that game was gonna flop? the same peeps who believe that ME series was just a KOTOR wannabe and it ended up being more successful than KOTOR ever was despite not being a well known brand? L0LZ Internet geekz monkies make me laugh at their arrogance.
"I once played the Two Worlds demo and it completely sucked. Don't know why people are getting their hopes up for the sequel." TW is one fo the best Action RPGs ever. "Butthurt detected." Really gonna use a Codex meme here? L0LZ
When the truth hurts flame on, right? Don't shoot the messenger.
"You have to remember that some of the worst games ever made were SW games yet they still sold well." And, some SW games can crash andn burns. Being a SW games - much like being D&D - doesn't guarantee success either. Plenty of SW games ahve been blimps on the radar.
"DLCs have always been about using simple tricks ("bonus" character, bonuses are good!) to maximise revenue, no going round it. Even free DLCs are simply part of the scheme to get you on the wagon. " Special editions and preorders have been used like that for years. It's nothing new. DLC is just the natural progression of it in this digital age. Ultimiately, it's up tot he consumer what they want. 8shrug* As for it being greed, big deal, no more greedier than customers who are the most evil, selfish, sickest, arrogant, scumbag group in the entire history of the world. I'm just thankful that in the end customers have very little power even though they think otherwise. "Especially since the hardcore RPG crowd that had a substantial part in DA's sales is neither blind nor retarded and knows exactly what it wants to play." Define 'significant'. And, yes, the so called 'hardcore RPG crowd' are blind *and* retarted. They're also unnimportant in the grand scheme of things. "Considering EA's track record if they screw this and TOR up, they're as good as dead." The chances of BIO EDM (the real BIO) going anywhere anytime soon is very minimal. Yoru wishful thinking means nothing. Plus, I remember the doom and gloom pre DA and we know that turned out. LMAO
".. So are you saying that any single player game that has a focus on story and characters..that involves combat.. is a copycat of every other game that does that? Doesn't that basically make every game with a halfway decent story and some interesting characters a copycat of every other game ever written?" You make it sound like I'm saying 'more of the same' is bad. It isn't. I take quality over originality any day. Does it make every game that has those features the exact samer? No. But, theyd efinitely are more ambitious than a game that tries to different things, and tries to push gaming in a different direction. With NWN, you can literally play just like you can pnp DnD - none of the other BIO games allow you to do that. That's why it's more ambitious than the other ones including and espicially BG2.
SP game with a focus on story, characters, and combat. Combat style itself is irrelevant.
"So you're saying that a half baked game with a DIY kit to finish it up is more ambitious" Not the terms I'd use, but yup definitely more ambitious than BG2. " than a full fledged, " K. "largest ever" No, it isn't. Why are you lying? ", well written" Sure. " and interesting RPG?" Sure. But, being wellw ritten or interesting does not mean you are being ambitious. BG2 is nothing but a large expansion (sequel) to another game. That's not ambitious. That is literally the dfintion of 'more of the same'. Nothingw rong with that, but don't make stuff up. NWN, by defintion, is more ambitious than BG2 because it tackles soemthinhg BIO had never done before and they were pushing something their audience at the time didin't even want. Heck, that includes me, because before NWN, I never cared about playing games on line period, and I whined like any good BIO basher. BIO tooka risk with NWN and it paid off despite the naysayers. That's ambition. Games like JE, KOTOR, DA, ME, and BG2 are nothing more than BG1 copy cats. And, DA is just a mix wannabe copy cat of Bg and NWN but it utterly failed trying to copy NWN. R00fles!
"A toolset is something new in the world of computer games? " New? No. But a hell of a lot more ambitious than BG2 was. It was also new that BIO went further than anyone ever did when it came to making modding tools that basically anyone could use. The fact they had a game that full fledge OC 9whetehr you like it or not is irrelevant), online, SP campaign, and a toolset. And, NWN was different than any otyhr BIO game and even DA floppedm in terms of how crappy it's toolset is mod coummity is. Sorry, but anyone who claims that BG2 was in any way more ambitious or brought something more 'new' than NWN is delusional. Plain, and simple. Argue that BG2 was better than NWN as you might have a case (I personally prefer BG2 over the OC myself) but BG2 as being more ambitious? Hell to the no.
OMG! That's hialrious! Now someone is whining about how EA is too hands off, and they *wanr* A to swoop in and micromanage things. LMAO
"Which applies to every other Bioware game, ever. " Nah. That wouldm be NWN. BG2 wasn't ambitious. It was a sequel that was 'more of the same'. With NWN pushed ahead with something that was different, and actually tried something new.
"Don't mock him! It must be difficult seeing the correct post through the tears of his fanboi crying." Funny enough, I don't care about KOTOR OL and don't plan to buy it.
"But RPGers/CRPGers as is biowares main audience may be quite disappointed with that type of game. " But.. but.. i thoguht BIO doesn't cater to RPGers anymore? Right? So.. how are they BIO's 'main audience' again? You can't have it both ways. Besides, KOTOR OL is likely more focused on drawinjg in SW fans thatw ere dissapointed in the last SW MMO than BIO fans. Heck, it's not even being made by then 'real' BIO. *shrug*
"there were a lot of mention on the disparity between PC and Consolle version for the combat part." Yeah, PC biased people who probably never even bothered with the console version to bgin with. I tried both, and whiole the PC does some things better, overall, I prefer the console version. "but who am I to discuss the design of their game?" Eh. That's what the internet is for. Just take our convo as an exmaple. It be pretty boring and short if we agreed with each other all the time. Differing opinions is a good thing unless you are a dictator. "it's difficult to understand why they have changed the combat system so much if not taking consolle in consideration (imho, off course)." No doubt nor do I neccessarily agree with the changes they are making. I'd argue that changesthey are making are so unneccessary, but BIO isn't making DA2 for Volourn but for a bunch of people.
"We'll see when it is released. I am sure Volourn will blow a wad over it no matter what, but I'm hoping normal people will see it for what it is, even if made by Bioware." Stop being a stupid troll you pathetic little boy. The fact you felt the need to personally attack me when I hadn't post in this thread shows how much of a troll you are. Why would I care about KOTOR MMO. LMAO Espicially cosnideirng that both KOTORs are overrated. As for the tool, he's a coward. He should have the guts to admit who he is and live by his words instead of hiding on the internet. That's pathetic. As for the claims, it really doesn't matter if they're true, not true, half true, half false; it's irrelevant because none of us know for sure and this fellow is not a trustworthy source. He was probably some dingaling minor dink who got passed on a promotion or his ideas were rejected. In essence, a big fat loser. R00fles!
"If the system was indeed perfect as you say" Who is this 'you' you are speaking of as it surely isn't me since I said no such thing. Don't put words into my post. "And if Bioware feel indeed the need to change the combat system to come "in the way of the audience" (Laidlaw's words in a famous interview) it seems to me that those change were needed to adjust the game to the consolle (even the first DA2's preview in Game Informer imply such things talking about focus group feedback's and such). " DA got high ratings on console including combat. The fact they made chanegs for DA2 means very little since they changed ME2 rom ME1 despite ME being successful. BIO probably changes thinsg up so they can hear less whining about 'making the same game repeatedly' (heh like that will happen) and instyead get told they're 'dumbing things down. Then again, BG1 was probably BIO's most dumbed down game other than KOTOR which is dumbed down personified. "focus group feedback's and such" Focus groups are funny. They're no more reliable to be trustworthy than internet geeks like us. It's funny how people are saying how horrible DA is now considering the success it had including the mega praise it got everywhere including here with only the Codex bashing it but that's par for the course. Including the combat. And, of course, BIO is gonna say the combat is improved. That's how they pimp it. They alreayd got our $ for DA1 now they need our $ for DA2 so no way are they gonna say yeah DAQ1 is betetr than DA2. No way no how. They're gonna tell you that DA2 does everything better than DA1 because that's how they will push it. Afterall, if BIO says DA is better than DA2 why would anyone wnat to buy DA2 when they can just playu DA1? Does not compute.
"But on the consolle combat was not received well at all." Kiddin' right? Defend 'not recieved well at all'? The game got extreme high reviews and high ratings for basically every aspect of the game combat included no more the system. Or did you mean the PC fanboys bashed the console version simply out of 'principle'? L0LZ
"If your trying to reduce budget, you don't add an expensive and entirely superfluous feature liked Voiced PC." You calling this feature 'superfluous' means you obviously don't know what the word means. The fact that voiced PC is a heavily pimped feature in games and that plenty of customers love having it, it is far from 'superfluous'. L0LZ The fact you dislike voiced PC personally doesn't make it superfluous. The arrogance of some people who feels games should be made for them and only them. I guarantee you that if BIo made DA only to your (or my) specifications, it would bomb.
"You could argue that no longer pausing while accessing the inventory in BG2 was a "dumbing down" of combat" Actually, that would be 'smartening up' the combat.
"Except that's how I played Jade Empire, Friend Volo. " Dogs eating homework happens too. Just sayin'.