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Everything posted by Volourn
I'm going to point out what should be obvious here. I'm not being harsh on this guy because I hate cops or parents or I don't understand the difficult job parents have. I'm harsh on this guy because I respect cops and I respect parents and this piece of crap gives a bad name to all the good cops and good parents out there and they deserve better.
http://news.mydaily.com/2010/09/29/friday-...1_lnk3%7C174084 Parents are awesome. They are better human beings than non parents. Let's not forget the stories of aprents who rape their children, murder their children, and otherwise destroy their child's love. But, yeah, people are so much better human beings once they become parents. Give me a break. Thankfully, most parents I know don't think such a twisted way. It's a cop out plain and simple not to mention a defense mechanism tod eflect any and all criticism of one's poor aprenting skills. "He didn't even rough him up." Sure he did. I doubt that he put the handcuffs on nicely. So.. according to you he'd only go toof ar if he murder the kid? That's sickening. " If he has no history of abuse on his record, then I just don't see how he deserves to have his career taken away over this." Yes, he does. He's a child abuser and child abusers are not fit to be cops. Period. He's a scumbag cop, he's a scumbag parent, and he's a scumbag human being. And, good aprents know this. The boys' parents certainly don't approve of his actions. Im wonder how you'd feel if the boy's father is a cop and he had handcuffed the girl and abused her in the same manner the girl's father did. I know Di would disapprove of such actions ebcause boys arwe evil sex perverts while girls are sweet and innocent little angels who only have sex when victimized.
"They did say that you are still a parent (very true) and that parents never seize to worry." Then why did they cry about what i posted? I never said parents stop being parents or they never worry about their adult chikldren? Don't be silly. Believe me. I know that. But, it is not the same as actual parenting a minor child that is depending on you. Heck, parenting a teen isn't even the same as parenting a baby. It's still stressful and it comes with its own set of problems (largely due to the fact it's the rbelling stages and aprents loathe that ebcause many aprents think children are their property and not human beings) but it's nothing comapred to watching a baby where you pretty much ahve to keep an eye on them 24/7. "Or one for time spent parenting vs. people who have never parented a minute of their lives. And no, watching your younger sibling for an hour doesnt count, at all, in any capacity." A father committing child abuse againats another parent's child doesn't count as parenting either. Only fair right? Does watching children over night count? Does an unclue tkaing care of said child when the parent is working count? LMAO But, hey, the druggie who is high on the time ignoring their child who happens to have a child knows moe about parenting than a an adult watching a child in a mature way simply because they have a bilogical child? Ridiculous.
"LOL, how can you even make that claim if you haven't been a parent to a grown adult? Maybe your parents just didn't do a well enough job at parenting YOU as a grown adult, but my father's father is always there for advice, and help. Like when he lost his job, or when my sister became ill. My dad wouldn't have coped with those things half as well without his father to lean on." "I better call my mom and let her know she can stop worrying, I've reached the age cut off." None of this equal to being a parent or taking care of an underage child that depends solely on you. How can you guys even equate a parent 'worrying' about their 30 year son or daughter to a parent actually parenting a 10 year old child. It's nowhre near the same scenario. A reasonably normal 30 year old should not be dependent solely on their parent in the same way a 10 year old child. Sorry. ON TOPIC: The guy in the story is a piece of crap cop, piece of crap parent, and piece of crap human. Any good parent could see him for what he is - a scumbag of the highest order.
"Calax, your last few posts have basically been you lecturing me on how to be a parent. What gives? " You idea of being a parent is abd. You feel it's okay to abuse someone else's child and consider that to be 'good' parent. Someone being a parent doesn't impress me since it doesn't take a genius to be one. That's why the concept of good and bad parents exist and this piece of crap cop is a bad parent who likes to commit child abuse. "Are you really comparing baby sitting to parenting?" Taking care of a child that is soley dependent on you. Yup, sure is. Parenting a grown adult as youn suggest is not hard. You may still worry about them but you really aren't parenting them anymore. They no longer depend on you outside of moral support 9which the cop doesn't know hot to give as he's a horrible parent anyways and a child abuser). I would take someone babsyitting a kid and doing it well as a better parent than a father who sexual abuses his duaghter any day of the week. Or one who abuses other parents' children. Most aprents know full well what this cop did was evil, sick, twisted, and an example of horrible aprenting. He's a chil abuser. No wonder his daughter rebeled against him. What a scumbag he is. P.S. You can be a parent to an adult but if you did your job when they were chidlren, youa re no longer parenting them and definitely shouldn't be taking care of them as they should be taking care of themselves and maybe even their own children.
"Uh, wot? I find it concerning that you are waking up a bunch of times every night to take care of a couple kids if you are not a parent." I find it concerting that you have never heard of the concepts of babysitting, aunts, uncles, etc. What world do you live in where parenting is done in vaccum? L0LZ
"Look, it isn't an insult to say you guys really don't know what you are talking about when it comes to parenting. It is a statement of fact" Yes, yes it is.. It is an insult and it has absolutely no basis in fact. I guess someone who isn't a poloitician, athlete, actor, game developer, etc., etc. shouldn't be able tom have an opinion or know facts about those. Everybody here has a parent. Mostly everyone here probably has taken care of someone's child showing that an actual parents trusts their judgment (I've watched over family and friends and even strangers' children. Plenty of aprents inclouding the parents of the boy duisagree with what the cop did. Your comment that 'non aprents just don't udnerstand reeks of self defensiveness and ignorance. " have to agree with you on this - it not really fair to call him a bad parent " I disagree. He's a piece of crap parent, he's a piece of crap cop, and he's a piece of crap human being. This boy is not some evil deviant who took advantage of the duaghter and raped her. They were two willing participants. Did they show some poor judgement? Maybe, but the cop was much much worse and is an evil sucmbag who probably has abused his power way more times than this. He's also a CHILD ABUSER. You cna't get much lower than this. He wans't defending his daughter. He was doing this for own selfish reasons. That alone makes him a poor parent. Parenting should NOT be about how the parent feels; it should be about the child. "Being a parent is the toughest thing I have ever gone through, and I still have a lifetime of being a parent ahead of me. Last night I was up every 45 minutes taking care of one of my children. A few nights ago I rushed my 3-year old to the emergency room with a temperature of 103.5. Then I went to work the next day. " You think parents are the only people who do this? L0LZ "she goes against those, then there will be consequences in my household." Except this wasn't about him disciplining his daughter. this was about him attacking, harrassing, and abusing SOMEONE ELSE'S CHILD. Can't you seen how wrong that is? It's not his child not his responsibility or right to discipline him. Cop is a piece of crap evil scumbag who deserves to be spit upon.
"What has disappointed me are the personal insults being issued because Hurlshot and I and one or two others simply do not share your viewpoints about this particular situation. While railing about the bullying and verbal abuse levied at the boy by the parent/cop, some posters are doing exactly the same thing to those in this thread who hold an opinion they disagree with. " It's childish, but you and Hurlshot started it by insulting all of us whoa rgued against you guys because we don't have kids.m Thankfully, I know my share of aprents who would NOT side with this piece of crap cop because he's a horrible excuse for a cop, human, and parent. btw, I have no issue with GOOD cops. This guy is a BAD ccop. I have no issue with a GOOD parent. This guys is a BAD parent. This cop is a criminal piece of crap who needs to lose his badge before he absuses more innocent people. And, yes, this kid is innocent. And, this adult abused him and should be charged with child abuse. He physically attacked him, and since he's a minor that's considered child abuse. Period. Thankfully, most parents see this guy as the scumbag he is. btw, The parents of the boya re parents and they agree that this guy is scum. Throw him in the trash with the rest of the child abusers.
Why should I answer your question when you don't answer anyone else's including my question.? Pathetic.
"meaning you'll be watching 60% of the time and playing perhaps 40% of the time" Why lie? 90% of time in ME2 I was playing, and 10% (or less) I was 'watching'.
"Why do you care what they posted though, they're not parents, after all. " You, sir, are evil. I'm still waiting to be informed what the kids were supposed to learn by this? What life elsson did the duaghter or the boy learn? That's the thing. That's why this was an **** move by the crap cop. Nothing of value was done here. this wa snothing but self serving selfishness on his part and had absolutely NOTHING to do with good parenting. Parenting is about teaching and protecting and loving and respecting your children not hurting them, not controlliong them, not reacting selfishly and don't hateful and hurtful things because it makes you feel better. Your only concern as a parent should be to helping your children boosting yourself.
Do you believe agnostics/atheists can be moral?
Volourn replied to Kaftan Barlast's topic in Way Off-Topic
of course they can true morality comes from the individual -
"If I had I'd have seen the component which comes down to the boy having sex with an underage girl." What does that have to do with anything? The boy is udnerage too. he's 15, she's 14. People are going on about he's some sort of sexual predator preying on innocent little virgin girls and she's just some victim of his pervert games. That's pretty sick, twisted, sexist, and evil. "Funny to see parents cheering for this though" I know plenty of parents who would dissaprove of this. In fact, obviously the boys' parents dissaprove of this or they would have made a huige issue of it. "Apparently the kid also has a record for abuse of some sort" Irrelevant heresay that means crap. "apparently the cop already met with the boy earlier and asked him to stop seeing his daughter." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NEWS AT 11!!!! FATHER DISAPROVES OF BOY DAUGHTER IS DATING AND FORBIDS HIM TO SEE HER, BOY AND GIRL DISOBEY! The world is now over. "So yeah, the kid deserved to have some fear put into him." Fear of what exactly? What does the kid learn here? Nothing of value. This was not about teahcing a lesson or being a good aprent. This was a very selfish act by a scumbag cop. This wans't about protetcing the duaghter. This was to feed the piece of crap cop's ego. He's a horrible parent. No wonder his daughter ignores him. He's apparantly a horrible parent who believes bullying and inimitdation are the keys to good parenting. This also makes him a poor cop since it's apparant he only became a cop so he can abuse his powers and he views the uniform as a method to abuse and intimidate others not to serve and protect which is what the uniform should be about. Piece of crap cop. piece of crap parent. Piece of crap human being.
NHL 10 - Won the second of back to back championships in my NHL 10 hockey league NHL 11 - In the process of setting up my league's S14. Sweet game.
I presume the insta spell casting also effects enemeis so it'll be fun to fight opposing insta casting mages. It's too bad that too many things ar ebeing dumbded down. Warriors cna't use bows. That's bullcrap. Plain, and simple.
"One of my sisters says she was 14 when she lost her virginity, I'm sure that kind of thing is a lot more common now than it used to be." Weird. There used to be a time where girls were getting married at that age. "Oh no, the armchair parents don't want me to teach their make-believe children! It is a bit hard to take you guys seriously when you go on like this. Let's review - " I love this view of a certains ect of aprents who dismiss any and all comments by non parents. It's short sighted arrogance and often voiced by horrible parents as a self defense mechanism. 'u just don't udnerstand.... waaaaa!" It's a cop out, and any good parent would know that taking advice from non parents might be a good idea. Also, it should be pointed out that GOOD aprents actually do liosten to non parents and they also lean on them for help. Are you a good or bad parent? If you approve of what theis sucmbag cop did, I'd wager you are a bad parent. He's a piece of crap. Plain, and simple. And, I know plenty of parents - good ones - who'd say the same thing. "Just the fact that the majority of you are ok with 14 and 15 year old's having sex is a huge chasm in our ability to understand each other" FALLACY ALERT. It's not about thinking it's 'okay'. It's about thinking that there is a better way for a parent to handle it then arresting the teens involced and threatening to ruin their lives as some sort of sick pratical joke. This wasn't about trying to teach the kids a lesson. This was about fufilling the scumbag cop's need for revenge, hate, and smallmindedness. ie. An example of horirble parenting. He failed as a cop, but more importantly, he failed as a parent. You probably would have supported him if he shot the kid since he was just 'protecting' his poor innocent pure taken advantage of daughter. That's sick. "But I am somewhat comforted by the fact that if and when you folks do have children and you spend a little time raising them, you will realize just what a complete change in perception it really is. The way you view the entire world will change." But, ti doesn't fundamnetlaly change who you are and your morals don't change. None of my friends who have become parents have magically changed. The only thing that has changed is their children's well being come before their own self interest. In this case, the cop wasn't thinking of his duaghter. He was thinking of himself. Don't you see that that is the actual problem here? His actions here solved NOTHING. All they did was make things worse for everyone. Good goin' exlax.
"They are just regular joes." regular joes get punished, lose tehri jobs, and go to prison when they break the law and/or abuse powers invested in them by the law. he's a cop. his job is to hphold the law not break the law. If hew feels his job interveres in his ability to be a parent (it shouldn't since plenty of cops handle being parents and the duties of the job just fine) then he should quit the force and find a job more suitable for him. He is a piece of crap and belongs in jail with the rest of the corrupted police and let the good police officers continue to do a great job that scumbags like him do everything in their power tod estroy the reputation of the police.
"I'm going to chalk Volourn disagreeing with me as a positive, which means it's me, Di, and Volourn versus everyone else." Always causing trouble like the troll you are, I see. You shouldn't be speaking for me on this issue. I said my piece about this scumbag cop who is just really a scumbag criminal in a cop's uniform.
Cop should be fired, charged for various crimes he commited (starting with extreme abuse of power), thrown in prison, and and make it very clear that his actions were 100% wrong. While the boy and girlm are pretty young to be having sex, they really did nothing all that immoral and did not deserve to be treated like trash since the true trash is this piece of crap should be ex cop. 'Nough said. "Seriously, sex with a girl that young is a very big deal. It could potentially damage her health and ruin not only her life, but her family's life as well. The boy? Bah, he'd just change girlfriends, get a few high fives from his friends, and go on as if nothing had ever happened. I guess one has to actually be the parent of a young teenaged girl to understand the potential ramifications of a sexual liason at that age. It's not the first time cops have used their position to scare youngsters straight. " Wow. I hate to say it but that sounds like sexism. The boy is 15. You don't think sex cna't potentially be huge for him. YUou also make it sound like all boys are evil sexual predators while girls are sexual victims who have no control or say. That's a a damaging train of thought for both genders as you make girls sound weak and pathetic. Don't forget a boy can be effected in multiple ways withs ex since while preganncy may not effect them physically it does have effect them for the rest of their lvie not to mention sexual disease. This cop is a scumbag. And, anyone who supports him should be ashamed of supportm such an evil piece of crap. Plain, and simple.
Thieves are scumbags and pirates are thieves. I agree with the above. Disagrreing with a product or service's price does not give you the right to steal it. If it was, I'd be grabbing all the corvettes I could.
C&VG: Sega rules out Alpha Protocol sequel
Volourn replied to funcroc's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
Thanks. That's all that one can ask. -
C&VG: Sega rules out Alpha Protocol sequel
Volourn replied to funcroc's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
"The entire marketing campaign was CHOICE, CHOICE, CHOICE." O RLY? That must explain the emphasis on it being like ME2 then, or all the combat mechanics everything. While 'choices' (another aspect of AP that they failed to deliver on to a high degree, btw) were part of the marketing campaign it's highly immoral to claim that was the ENTIRE marketing campaign. LMAO -
C&VG: Sega rules out Alpha Protocol sequel
Volourn replied to funcroc's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
"I'm sorry that the real-world RPG was too realistic for you. Really." Excepty AP wasn't realistic espicially in the combat aspect. But, that wasn't what was wrong with it anyways. *shrug* Games aren't meant to be realistic. -
APB shutdown: This what happens when you make an MMO
Volourn replied to Kaftan Barlast's topic in Computer and Console
The other MMO's like Eve online are making money, but only about enough to cover their costs.`` This is hilarious! -
APB shutdown: This what happens when you make an MMO
Volourn replied to Kaftan Barlast's topic in Computer and Console
No. Plenty of MMOs are successful. You do NOT need WOW numbers to be successful. You say MMOs shoulds top being made because oen failed? But should games stop being made because a game (AP0 failed? No, of course not, don't be silly.