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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. On top of that, it's hard tot ake the argument that PST wasn't 'original' because of existing lore when Fo;NV is based on lore made over multiple games over the past 15 years. Get over it. That said, the ani romance thing is silly since romance should be seen as just another way to add to the story and characters as well motivations for plot movement as well as oodles of C&C. Plus, not all romances have to be cheesy or lovey dovey. There's so many creative ways to use it just like anything else. How about have the PC meet an NPC early on, have a relationship, and have the 'big bad' (or side big bad) murder them and use that as motivation for the chaarcter. 8SHRUG* Why do both sides of thata rgument lack imagination? *sigh*
  2. NO. Underrated. People clima it's worse than DA1 and it isn't. And, peopel pretend that BG or KOTOR is betetr which is just laughable. LAUGHABLE. DA2 > KOTOR + BG1 combined. No contest. LONG LIVE DA2! DEATH TO KOTOR!
  3. No, 'half the lore'w asn't already made. The story was original 9well as original as an amnesiac story can be). MCA > U
  4. Outside of my spelling mistakes, I was very clear in that post.
  5. "Perceptive! Volourn is a very dedicated defender of certain companies and decisions by those companies that many of the rest of us...find questionable, at best." Name these companies I'm a 'dedicated' defender of? You do realize it's Obsidian I'm defending here right not any other company? This is the same company named Obsidian, btw, who I make fun of when it coems to games like AP, DS3, or SOZ right? Your logic doesn't make sense at all.
  6. I know enought o know that nature is too [powerful to allow such a pathetic weak arrogant species like humans destory nature. There's no shame in admitting that nature is more powerful than mere humans since humans are a part of nature and we only do things nature allows us to do. We are nature's creation yet we haev the gall to think we cna destory it? Give me a friggin' break.
  7. "Just a thing concerning KotORII and "finished" projects (I don't intend to turn the topic into a "finished or not finished" poll, but I'm just pointing something): if a project (video game) is really and totally finished, doesn't it require any patch, any update, any additionnal content (DLC or expansion)? (even if the DLC/expansion subject is arguable for the question "finished or not?")" So, BG1 wasn't finished. I bet every developer whoe ever made would love to continue working or reworking their games if asked and don't think they're a 'finished' or ''perfect product'. I mean dave Gaider even made a mod for BG:TOB. I guess thatw asn't finished either, right? L0L
  8. "There is more than one definition of 'finished', basically. You're using a forgiving one in which the absolute bare bones exist. I'm using a demanding one in which the game that is released at least comes close to the game they hoped to release. " You know very little of game development. Heck, read the interview. Going by yorud efintion, PST isn't finished either since it's not he envisioned the end product would be and he'd even make changes to it now nearly 15 years later. You are being shallow because you are mistaking personal opinion for actuality. KOTOR2 is a finished project. This is absolute fact.
  9. "Our planet has 100 million years left before it becomes uninhabitable for all but the most basic species." I like how you know that for fact. Youa ctually beleive that you know exactly how the planet - soemthing that is much older than you, will out live you and all your decisision - and what state it will be 100million years from now with certainty. Give me a break. You cna't even be 100% sure where you will be tomorrow or what shape you'll be in yet you claim to know the Earth's status 100million years from now. Even the ebst scientist in the world can't make that kind of guarantee. The arrogance of humans. Laughable. And, sad.
  10. No, it isn't. It ended. Was it a satisfactory ending? That's up to the indivudal. But, it most 100% definitely ended.
  11. "I've gotta say, I always felt romance options were cheesy in games. That's not to say they couldn't be done well, I just haven't seen it ever. I'd prefer this game to avoid cheesyness, as much as I love cheese." Yeah, because an ugly all pwoerful immortal amnescia that has the power to destroy existence and mystically attracts all sorts of wackos to him isn't cheesy. Come on. Fantasy is absed on cheesiness.
  12. "It was a project, I'll give it that. Not sure I would attach 'finished' to it unless you're using 'finished' as a synonym for 'released.'" It had a beginning, middle, and end. It was finished. DEAL WITH IT.
  13. All games have cut content. KOTOR1 had an entire planet cut as well amongst other stuff. It's irrelevant. Whether one likes it or not, KTOOR2 was a finished project at release.
  14. Lety's rate BIO gaems sicne people are rating themw rongly. NWN - best overall game ever BG2 - top epic game DA/DA2/ME/ME2/JE - very good games that are underrated ME3 - okay game that not as good as its predcessors BG1 - really fun atb reklerase but does not hold up over time... this game would be trashed if it was released in 2012 and not b/c of 'dated graphics' KOTOR1 - extremely overrated. Average game, and basically a wannabe rip off of NWN OC
  15. "But I appreciate you're admitting to being purely selfish. I hope you also know that people like you are what's wrong with this planet. It truly is sad that most people can't seem to look beyond their own lives and try to work towards something much grander instead. We take so much and it's only fair to give back a little. It really takes very little effort or sacrifice to be a bit more caring for the environment, and even that seems too much to ask for some. If you don't agree that humanity (and by extension all life) is precious, then please be consequential and die already. But not getting children is a start at least, so thanks for that. " L0LZ You completely missed the point but I do forgive you for wishing me to die. That's evil. P.S. Stop crying about the environment. the environment will live on. The arrogance of humans to think they can do anything to really hurt this planet long term. It's ridiclous that sucha short live species thinks it has the power to do that to something that has been here for pretty much forever. L0LZ
  16. "y post had plenty of empathy towards the deaths caused - I said as much and was absolutely sincere." Nah. It wasn't sincere. You don't go on some sort of rant/diatribe and then takc oh,"I'm sorry' and actually think people will take what you say sincerely? You don't mean. Youa re just using the disaster to fruther your extremist agenda. This makes you no bettert han those who use disaster to claim that it's 'God's way to punish a certain group'. Tsk, tsk.
  17. KOTOR2 was finished. Don't spread myths.
  18. "It takes storms like this to make us realize how irrelevant mankind is before the power and majesty of nature. " Irrelevant? This storm will pass, humans will still be here, and things will rebuilt. The storm will soon be forgotten but the human spirit will remain strong. DEATH TO EVIL STORMS!
  19. or the fact that out of the 100+ BIo employees the vast majority of them are employees and therefore do as they are told whether they like it or not. Plus, there's the fact, that KOTOR2 (and KOTOR1) are NOT better than DA2. Not even close. The fact that neither of those opverrated games has Varric in it is enoguht o make them loservilles.
  20. "There's many reasons for my concern, but I'll admit that my main motivation is very selfish: the current state of the planet makes me feel guilty for putting offspring on it. Firstly because every life extra is a life this planet cannot support (at least if living by western standards); and secondly because this overpopulation (and its effects on our climate) really is reducing the quality of life. I just don't want my kid to ask me in twenty years from now why I put him on a doomed world if I knew it was doomed." My reasons for niot caring are also selfish. I won't have children so I don't care what happens to the planet or anyone else after I did. Why should I? Several centuries from now 9and maybe sooner heh), nobody will give a crap about my fertizilzer self so why should I gave a crap about those uncaring punks? Turnabout is fair play even after I die. "There's no evidence whatsoever that "Martians" ever existed." I wa sbeing tongue in cheek. of coruse, there is no such thing as martians.
  21. Funny thing is I don'ty usually pick mages as my character. But, I dunno. I want my magic to be magic. I want the fantasy to be fantastical. This idea that magic cna't heal just seems counter productive what magic is supposed to symbolize. If your goal is to limit insta healing - there are ways to do it in logical ways. Don't have unlimited healing potions or two dozen differnt healing spealls, and stuff like. One way to do it is use that necromantic part of healing spells to deal with it. If a caster wants to heal himself he needs to use another living creature to do it. If he wants to heal another creature he needs to usehis own health to fuel it. If you use a mana system make the heal spell relatively costly. if you use a DnD style system make it so you can only memorize a limited number of healing spells. So many ways to creatively do what Obsidian says they want to do without taking magic out of magic. Resting should NEVER be the better way to heal someone when comapring it to magic. Just bogggles the mind.
  22. "Whether it'll be capable of sustaining what we call life (and I don't mean just human life) is another question ...." if the planet is supposed to have life it will create lfie just like all the other creatures - including humans - are created. The planet didn't collapse when dinos went bye bye. It managed to live on without them. It'll move on from us. Let's justa dmit it only selfishness makes us worry about it but there is too much pretnd cocnern for the planet. the planet fine. I'm not worried about how the planet is for humans several centuries from now - I'll be dead and beyond caring.
  23. Nah. The benefits aren't anything special since either way - the game will likely be balanced (or at the elast the goal will be that). Lack of healing doesn't making the 'gameplay' any better. UIn fact, the best games with the best gameplay have healing magic even if said healing sin't technically magical (aka FO). "For one thing, given possible splitt stamina/hp system it's possible resting will always fully restore the former and not the later, and secondly losing hp might, just like in dnd, not really represent physical damage to your body. " Well.. there's gonna be a way to restore health - be it spells, potions, artifacts, healing skill, or resting. No way do they make a game where there is no way to heal yourself. Talk about trying to balance the game. L0L
  24. And, mars still exists even though the Martians don't exist. Don't weep for Planet Earth. She'll be here after everyone posting in this thread is fertilizing her.
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