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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Jr High in Kanada? That must have been a 4 decades ago. There was no jr high when I went to school.
  2. Don't forget she is standing by the Rock who is a 6'5" iron packed wreslter.. almost anyone is gonna look small compared to him. Still, she is on the skinny side but *shrug*. It is Wonder Woman not Wonder Bread Woman.
  3. Jagr is one of my favorite players but the truth is the truth. That said, I have to laugh at the stupidity of the Rangers. I was all pro Vigneault but tonight he got what he deserved. HAHAHA!!!
  4. How quickly the forget hiow much they were slobbering over players. Weren't you the ones knight Kolvachuk as the best player ever a few seasons ago when he dragged your team's sorry behind to the Finals? R00fles! When was the last time Jagr actually scored a playoff goal? HAHAHA!
  5. And, they still lost. L0L
  6. Nobody said otherwise.
  7. "Not naming it Baldur's Gate III would be a mistake from a business perspective." I can't help but laugh when people post such nonsense. It is illogical, dumb, ignorant, and not created in reality. History has proven that the above statement is pure false.
  8. How are the trolls unique? They look like a typical monster humanoid. And, I definitely don't get a 'troll' vibe from them. heh.
  9. "What I don't get is how would anyone make a BG3? You can't meaningfully continue the story" Yes, you can. To say otherwise is to flat out lie.
  10. I like the first forest areas. When I think of cities, I don't of green infested puke. (no offense). The ruins concepts look nice. I'm sorry, but those monsters - while looking fearsome - don't honour the name troll - be it the monster or internet versions. I find their trolldom lacking.
  11. Except a BG3 made by these guys will likely be crap. Why the hell would I want to support that?
  12. If you can't tell the difference between the two there is something illogical and ignorant about your thought process.
  13. So you hate PST and FO and BG2? Because to like them is to agree with me. R00fles!
  14. BGEE edition is ****. Anyone who supports it is evil. Event aking out silly things like 'morals'; the whole EE editions are garabge. They have nothing worthwhile to add to the series. As for it being 'brillant' that beamdog is making money - all 2$ of it - not so brilliant. As get rich schemes goes it is rather a poor one and reeks of laziness.
  15. "NWN2 uses the electron engine not the aurora engine." L0L
  16. Hunger Games 2- Continues the excellence. It's a nearly 2 and a half hour movie yet I wanted it to continue. That's a great sign. The 'ending' was lame though. Not quite as unexpectedly good as HG1 though. Lawrence is perfect in the role. 8.5/10
  17. No. The engine was awesome.Then again, I bet most people here would label you ridiculous and stupid for calling the NWN story line 'great' so l0l. For me, thes tory line was solid fantasy adventure stuff.
  18. NWN's engine is awesome. This is undisputable. There's nothing 'streamlined' but NWN. It has more depth than any BIS/OBS (non NWN2 which just piggybacked NWN1), Bethesda or 99.9999% of RPGs ever created. FACT. P.S. Youa re not forced to look/loot any random container. Any good magic items are found in obvious places. Fed ex? That's every game ever. Every quest ever is fed ex.
  19. Kaep didn't take them to the SB. The rest of the team did. He was carried. I would have loved to see him playing on KC. No way do they have only one loss with Krappy. Kraphead is - at best - middle of the pack. One of the most overrated QBs ever and one of the dumbest decisions ever by a coaching staff. Yet, people are still trying not to give Smith credit as Reid is getting all the credit for their success despite the fact that Reid was fired from PHI and theya r ebetter off w/o him. He may not have flashy numbers but Smith is the #1 reason for the turnaround. Stability is so underrated. It is hilarious to me that SF stuck by Smith while he was learning the NFL QB craft and when he finally figures it out (Smith had a phenomenal QB rating last season prior to his injury) that's when they throw him in the trash. So stupid. 4 losses already. L0LZ
  21. L0L SF L0L
  22. "Yes, the counter design and the combat mechanics" L0L But, no.
  23. Dragon's Dogma is overrated. It was fun at first but got so boring I simply stopped putting it into my xbox to continue. DA2 is overrated. We'll see if this is better. If is just a bunch of empty spaces where you can ride your horse: YAWN. DA2's combat was hella fun with only two weaknesess. they fix those it'll be beyond awesome.
  24. Crappy depth. Crappy D. Crappy G. Crappy coach. Crappy GM. Crappy Owner. Crappy City. Crappy fans. Crappy. Crappy. Crappy. Not the 80s no more. Time to bury them and be done with it.
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