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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. V "Since we were talking aboot Canadians elsewhere" L0L Bathroom stalls here have their share of nasty lanyuague including gay bashing, racism, and insulkting others. Just like everywhere else. You, of course, show the bathroom stall in some church.
  2. NHL 2014, DA2, and NWN2:SOZ.
  3. "I dislike Obsidian games" Who you talkin' about? Certainly not me since some of Obsidian's games are amongst my favorites. Oh my bad, unless you rate Obsidian games 10/10 across the board you must be a hater. LMAO
  4. You obviously didn't understand what I wrote. (
  5. Eh. The second one is just as laughable. The grimdark just oozes off the screen in such an over top way that it just ebcaomes laughable as the cheesy Malak way. Not that malak is great b/c he isn't. Your example is poor. And, Kreia is also a bad example. L0L FORCE IS EVIL SO I MUST COMMIT SUICIDE BUT TOO COWARDLY TO DO IT MYSELF SO I SET UP A RETARTED PLOT SO MY FORMER STUDENT CAN DO IT FOR ME L0L FORCE IS EVIL. Now, Ravel. That's a villainess. Now, Irenicus. That's a villain.
  6. Twitcher fans. L0L Just as bad as the BIO romance freaks yet try to pretend their b00bies are more sophisticated. Too bad too sicne Twitcher b00bies is the best part of that franchise while BIO games have much more interesting things going on than simple b00bies. Varric > ALL OF TWITCHER SERIES - B00BIES Official proven fact.
  7. Cabera is the MVP. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know true baseball. L0L WAR L0L
  8. "Not as much 3D engine stuff generally means less bugs. Not always, but still." You obviously don't have much experience playing old pre 3D engine stuff games if you actually believe that nonsense.
  9. No. Don't but it, don\t play it, just ignore it, and move on from it.
  10. Isla was H0T in Gatsby. Her and Mulligan were a great combo.
  11. "You must be from Toronto." L0L But, no. "I've met few people, let alone other canadians who are louder or more obnoxious than you" Considering you never met me you can't judge me on how loud or obnoxious I truly am. "Edit: louder in an internet sense, as you tend totake everything everyone says ever completely literally. " Internet isn't real life. If you actually think you know me because we spam the internet on shared sites you are on crack. You know me as much as I know Obama. ie. Not at all. In fact, you know me less than I know him since I actually know his real life details. LMAO
  12. "'Would you consider yourself a typical Canadian?" No, most Kanadians are louder, ruder, and more obnoxious than me. I tend to leave others alone and don't like to be bothered or bother others. But, all Kanadians do is bash others (and, yeah lol, I'm aware of the irony since that is what I'm doing now ). It's my Kanadian coming out, I guess.
  13. No, it doesn't. It\s my hair style despite my lack of hair. L0L She's an attractive gal but that hair is not good.
  14. I was looking forward to SP but it just looks dumb and unfun. Sadly, this will be the 2nd straight game of Obsidian\s I will likely skip completely. *continues to wait for PE*
  15. I need proof that they can do a successful KS project. I'll wait until I see what they deliver with PE. So far, I\'ve spent $250 and have received nothing. Why would I spend more money on them until I see what happens with PE?
  16. "Canadian." The fact you think Kanadians are actually polite shows you haven\t met many. They are pieces of **** ****heads who love to verbally attack, physically attack, and insult anyone and everyone else. Trust me, I know this as FACT. The Kanadian international rep is based on lies, misinformation, false rumours, myths, and stereotypes that don't fit the reality.
  17. It\s the hair. It doesn't look good on her.
  18. "But what if Rings only gave small bonuses and/or had "Ring Set"-functions (3 of the same Rings gives a bigger bonus when worn together)?" This is one of the reasons why I prefer the traditional 2 and not have 10. Magical rings need/should be special but having the ability to wear ten means you have to nerf them and make them virtually meaningless not to mention how much cimmon they ned to be if everyone can wear 10.
  19. "Bruce, people are regularly shocked because it upsets the narrative that the violence is about some regional issue or other." Eh. Many muslims are Amerikan so it shouldn't be surprising that a small percentage would support extremist pieces of crap. I really wish the 'good\ muslims would stop excusing the evil of the 'bad' muslims by going 'what they did was wrong but'... nonsense. There is no but. It is indefensible. Period. ie. In Iraq, AQ, and other terroroists and so called \freedom fighters' have killed more Iraqis than Amerikans have. This is likely true most everywhere that AQ 'fights the good fight'. As for this particular situation, disgusting.
  20. "But I think it's in both the developer's and gamer's interest to talk about things without a boycott" It\s not boycotting to not buy something you do not like. Am I 'boycotting' if I choose not to buy Barbie because I have no interest in dolls? No.
  21. "Frank Gibeau talking about Dead Space 3 (and why Dead Space 4 is most probably, well, dead) and reported in every game site. Obviously each studio and each title has its own budget and we can't get data on that, but EA's MO seems to be 1) whatever the starting point, double the budget vs the original 2) triple the sales targets 3) close studio when the sales targets are not met. Rinse and repeat." You just defeated your own point. Your point is that EA expects games to make 5mil sales no matter and shown DS as truth yet then claim DA2 and ME3 didn't make 5mil sales.. Then, why is EA making DA3 and a new ME game if they consider them failures? How can you pretend you make sense when your own logic doesn't follow its own inner logic? L0L
  22. "I must say Alan, I am puzzled by your eagerness to 'correct' people who are trying desperately hard to give BioWare a get out of jail free card. I hate to be captain obvious here, but those blaming EA are the naive remnants (of your formerly rabidly loyal fanbase) that would have bought DA:I on the slender hope that maybe - just maybe - it was all evil EA that led to the (at best) mediocre schlock that was DA2 and ME3, and that good old 'real' BioWare was fighting a silent rearguard action in the defence of the genre/quality/IP integrity. Extinguishing those notions closes an awful lot of doors..." BIO doesn't exist as a company. It is a division of EA. EA owns it 100%. Everything BIO has done since EA bought them was done because EA told them to do it. EA *is* BIO. This is a fact.
  23. BIO is not an independent company. It is enslaved to EA. EA is BIO. It's not complex no matter what babble you spew. EA owns BIO the same way I own my computer. They do what they want with it. Period. As for ME3 vs DA2, DA2 is the better game. ME3 is the only game outside of SS, MDK2, and S:RPG that I haven't finished.
  24. "Movies can be art, that does not by default make all films works of art. Games can be art, that does not by default make all games works of art. If you're going to stoop to the level of saying Uwe Boll is a misunderstood artiste, then Michael Bay is the Picasso of our times." Art does not neccessarily mean good, awesome, or terrific. Art is art. A 6 year old's ugly stick figure drawing is as much art as a Picasso even though Picasso's is obviously superior. Period.
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