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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. It's real simple. It should be personal choice. Period.
  2. I like ARI. I was cheering on them.
  3. L0L Seattle fanboys L0L Unbeatable at home? They couldn't even beat ARI when their QB threw 4 ints. HAHAHHA! Easy road to SB for the Hawks? I don't think so.
  4. It didn't make enough money hence it was not worth it. Tough.
  5. Only pieces of crap do lawsuits like this.
  6. You probably said the same about Peyton Manning. L0L
  7. "Lillard's Offensive Rating is 119. Westbrook's is 101. In other words, Lillards mere presence on the court allows his team to score 119pts per 100 possessions. Westbrook's team scores 101 pts per 100 possessions when he's on the floor. That's a pretty significant margin. " Irrelevant garbage. L0L 'Offensive Rating' L0L
  8. He is not better than Westbrook or D Rose when he was in his prime.
  9. Oh hells to the nos. Professional voice actors or none at all. Obsidian is a professional company and I certainly did not pay $250 to hear Mkreku pretend he is a dwarf or an elf. Nor did anyone pay to listen to me do voice overs.
  10. "the one thing that strikes me as completely odd with this game how they treat men and women completely equaly that just doesn't fit 16th century.." It's not set in the 16th century. It's set in a FICTIONAL world. This myth that low level mages were/are useless in D&D are lies. They are useful even when they run out of spells. Some people just don't understand how DnD works.
  11. Tell me when he does that against the Heat in the Finals then I'll be impressed. Not before.
  12. "I mentioned Peter O'Tool had died to someone, and they promptly said "Oh no. Dr Doolittle and 'enry 'iggins!". I wasn't sure whether to slap my forehead, slap them, or just grit my teeth." Why is it so important for someone to know every 'famous' person to the point that you would physically assault them or find it morally and personally reprehsnible they don't know who the guy is? LMAO L A M E Peter O'Toole was pretty cool actor.
  13. Only KS I pledged for hasn't been released yet. That said, of those released, Shadowrun Returns looks like crap which is a mighty disspaointment and emans no buy from me any time soon. Only when it is less than 10$ would I dare try such suspect nonsense.
  14. Nothing. I gave 250 smakeroos for PI. Why the **** would I donate to Obsidian again until they deliver on their first KS? L0L Unless it literally a sequel to a favorite series of mine or has dwarves then nadda.
  15. That is one of the losses that Romo can be take part of the blame. But, the defense was even more to blame not to mention the coaching.
  16. "Well except Smaug, I absolutely love this arrogant, greedy pompous dragon and I was so happy that they didn't kill him off. His facial expressions, they way he moved and how he played with his prey, best movie dragon so far. :w00t:" I agree with this. 40 minutes on screen in a long (and entertaining) battle with Smaug the Fiercing killing not even one thing. Pathetic. Yet, I bet at start of next film, he'll mass murder half the town. L0L Some of the characters are prtty good. I think Tauriel is a fantastic character and way better than the other two elves. And, Thorin Oakenshield (the dwarf leader) is absolutely brilliant and is one of the few dwarves in these 6 movies that is a real dwarf's dwarf. Gandalf still remains a big time piece of crap loser. I can't believe anyone likes that horrible shallow filled one note pathetic Merlin wannabe mageling.
  17. Disagreed. This was a pretty good movie with the biggest weakness being the overrated Gandalf the Perfect. 8.5/10
  18. Hmm. I thought digital expansion pack and wasteland 2 download was included in the 140 or 250 tiers?
  19. Video looks good. It won't finalize the order even though I did the whole country/province drop down thing. I'll keep trying.
  20. Jupiter Rising looks interesting. Can't see good or bad yet but interesting. Godzilla looks like another stupid Godzilla movie. Such overrated trash though I found the Amerikan Godzilla movie underrated. Nowhere near as bad as people claim. Spiderman 2. Meh.
  21. Really? Youa re that offended by the word 'yahoos'? My apologies. I've been called way worse by you and your buddies. L0L Let's talk about football instead and the overrated Seattle team who have already been crowned champions by obsidian.net,R00fles!
  22. This entire thread is littered with 'OMG! Seattle is so much more awesome than all the other great NFL teams." nonsensical posts. They aren't. They are great and capable of winning it all but they are not unbeatable. No matter how much Hurlshot trolls.
  23. So do all you yahoos still foolishly believe that Seattle is 'unbeatable'? L0LZ
  24. The Knicks aren't exactly a powerhouse this year either so not impressive.
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