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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Play NWN. The OC is fine. Not spectacular but it gets the job done. HOTU is a gem of an expansion. And, there are plenty of user mods that are beyond awesome. JE is better than the majority of BIO or Obsidian games. Surely better than its lesser cousins the KOTOR series which are vastly overrated. BG2 is the best game overall for legendary adventure. PST has a great story but is overrated overall. FO1&2 are fantastic though FO1 is really short. FO:NV is pretty damn good. GB games are a mixed bag. Some are good some not so much. Same with the M&M, W, and U series.
  2. "As a European, I find interesting the notion interesting that people in Europe care any more about art films than in the US. The general audience in Europe is just as dumb as the general US audience - there is no "foreign film scene", there is the niche audience that watches art films which is the same everywhere." Exacty. Espicially since even blockbuster 'popcorn' flicks that 'bomb' in NA still seem to do well in Europe.
  3. Good job Crosby, Kunitz, and Price. These players were all trashed at one point during or before these Olumpics so they showed the scumbags. Biggest issue with Kanada winning is now I have to hear from the Kanadian Idiots how hockey is 'our sport'. How other countries suck, we're the best, and the arrogance and over stated self worth garbage.Blah blah blah. Was hoping the King would steal this one but oh well.
  4. Nope, he's boring. He passes the ball and allows others to do all the work. And, if you think him being a cripple now is 'fun to watch', that's hilarious. P.S. If young guards want to win championships, they'd be best serve not to watch that loser play.
  5. "There's Steve Nash." Nice troll, but he sucks today and he has always been overrated.
  6. I want a champion who doesn't fall on their face. To try and fail is to FAIL. Failure should NOT be rewarded except for little kiddies. Olympic competitors should NOT treated with little kiddie gloves. if you fall you should lose. PERIOD. By your idea, in hockey, skates should get points for shooting at the net and goalies should getc redit for half saves if the puck goes off their glove. LMAO
  7. IMO, 'Harder' or not, if you screw up you screw up. PERIOD. failures should not eb rewarded the gold which is SUPPOSED to be for the so called 'best in the world'. A skater who falls on their face should not eb crowned 'best' as that is a spit in the face of the athletes who did NOT fail.
  8. L0L Now we know the real reason why you are so butthurt over the loss.
  9. It's really telling that when Durant and OKC gets the better of James and MIA, this board is full of the basketball fans trashing James and proclaiming Durant the 'new king' and how crappy James is and how he doesn't deserve another MVP and how OKC and IND are better. Yet, when James returns the favor and completely embarrasses Durant it's only crickets heard. Embarassed that your Chosen One was embarrassed so horridly? On top of that, OKC gets so frustrated that they try to murder James because they can't compete. DISGUSTING. KING JAMES > ALL
  10. Or what? What are you gonna do? Nothing. Big talk little action. The King does it again. So underappreciated and so underrated. Doesn't get any credit for the Swedes' success. DISGUSTING.
  11. The Kanadian team has won 4 straight Olympic gold medals. No way can this be considered an upset, surprise, or choking.
  12. "I have never once replayed any crpg, not even my beloved BG 2 + expansion. I click through every conversation branch, lawnmower every map and scour the strategy guide to ensure I see it all in one play through." You don't like role-playing, I see.
  13. Nah. they lost to the better team. That's not choking. That's a fact of life.
  14. "Is it just me or has professional athletes in Olympic sports (hockey) kind of taken some of the joy out of it? During the USA/Russia game everyone wanted to hearken back to the 1980 Miracle on Ice game. But it really doesn't fly because neither team were amateurs and 16 of the players on the ice here in the NHL. Same thing with USA Canada, wouldn't that be a little more exciting if these guys didn't all know each other and we had never seen them play each other before? " Olympics should be about the world's best athletes competing for supremacy. If they happen to be 'professionals' so be it. I don't want to watch loser no names and their crappy brand of 'hockey'.
  15. And, the King does it again! Kanada nearly gets thrown in the trash, and Russia actually does! And, the Russian coach proves how much of a giant idiotic dirtbag moran he is.
  16. Yet.. it has gay bars. L0L
  17. . "And yet you and people like Volo still can't find it in yourself to do one thing that most people would do willingly...support your country in an international sports event..sorry to sound harsh but I think its a shocking attitude to have and I encourage you to look at yourself introspectively and change your view :)" It's a sporting event. Geez. It'sm not like if we lose our country is destroyed. Ahh.. who I am kidding. If Kanada doesn't win hockey gold, our country would estroy itself with xcuses, and poor sportsmanship. LMAO I am loyal to Kanada. Great country. Doesn't mean I have to blindly follow the lemmings.
  18. Don't hate Kanada. Love it. I hate the types like you who believe the country and its people are perfect little snow angels. Get your hdead unfrozen and see Kanada at is. A country with its share of good and bad people.
  19. ."..tell me where ye've been outside o' Canada ta flap yer gob 'bout this, dwarf...cuz I's been all o'er the world, when I's in the military, an' we Canadians be beloved worldwide cuz we ain't arrogant pieces o' crap, like some other countries...beloved...worldwide...some o' the crap that leaves yer gob should be shoved back in 'er... :getlost:" The rest of the world is stupid and falls for our bull**** lies. L0L Kanadians not arrogant, full of themselves, and are all nice? HAHAHA! Not the Kanadians I know. And, that includes the ones posting on Obsidian. Nice Kanadians is a myth.
  20. I too wouldn't shed a tear if Kanada loses. I'd prefer Sweden, Russia, and the US to win in that order. Kanadians are the mosta rrogant pieces of crap you'll ever meet. I should know I meet a lot of them. Espicially about hockey. Any time they can be taken down a peg or two is sweet justice. P.S. It's pretty sad I'd prefer Russia to win even though Putin is a piece of epic crap.
  21. "The distinction is whether or not we identify with whether or not we consider trolling one of the reasons we also go online. I'd also need to see the definition of what it means to be "trolling" on the internet." Exactly. I come on the net to discuss topics I like video games, sports, etc. I've been called accused of being a ';trol' simply I often have so called 'unpopular' opinions. Heck, stating I like a BIO game on this board I'm accused of 'trolling'. Saying I feel KOTOR is overrated on the BIO boards makes me a troll apparently. It doesn't make sense. The article is ridiculous and comes to a conclusion based on what they already believe and not fact.
  22. 2nd best in the world. That is definition of great.
  23. Actually, he did do great. he got 2nd. That makes him 2nd best in the entire world. How is that a **** up? LMAO And, I don't give a crap about skating or their silly medals.
  24. "That statement has absolutely no bearing on the reality of just how good Steve Nash was. " Good not great. And, Don Cherry is a hateful bigot. Just sayin'.
  25. If the new Wonder Woman in the MOS sequel is a hit with viewers, they'll likely do a movie with her. That's a big if though.
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