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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Nothing. It's awesome. Screw the haterz. 'LUCY" looks pretty good too.
  2. "If there was ever a team that gets more snubs or disrespect when considering how good they truly are, it's the Spurs." Sure you did. I know I surely respect the Spurs for what they've accomplished and no one snubs them. If anything, MIA is the one constantly snubbed, slighted, and disrespected. I mean, IND was the 'favorite' to beat them before the season started, Durrrrrrrrlosssssssss is somehow MVP and somehow 'better' than Lebron all of assudden. People go on about how OKC has won without the true OKC MVP but let's not forget Lebronnnnnnnn has led his Heat mates to a 11-1 record in the last 13 games without Wade. LMAO
  3. Nobody is claiming that the Spurs suck or they can't win the championship. Are you sniffing glue?
  4. "Neither the Heat or Pacers are playing good ball right now. " Heat has won3 in a row. "Why shouldn't San Antonio be the favorites?" They aren't the best team in the NBA. I bet youw ere claiming IND or OKC were the 'best' teams too when theyw ere hot. Hot streaks in the RS mean nothing come playoff time. "Best franchise for the past 15-16 years now." Irrelevant. What matters is NOW. "They have several championships, they play team-oriented system basketball." Big deal. MIA has 2 championshsips in the past two years and a 3rd Finals appearance. They also play team oriented basketball and have the most unselfish superstar ever. "No team can out execute the Spurs with their motion and HORNS based offense." OKC, HOU, MIA, and others disagree. "Remember, they were one rebound away from winning the championship last year." Good for them. A loss is a loss. People get too easily suckered in. People flip flop over the 'best team' based on who is winning instead of looking at the best picture. Just lookat this very limited thread and see how many 'best' teams there's been this season. Even a team like POR was considered 'best' team at one point.It's all smoke screens. The best team is the best is the best team until proven otherwise. And, that is MIA the back to back champion until proven otherwise. This doesn't mean a SA, HOU, OKC, IND, POR, or whatever can't win the championship but being favorites? LMAO
  5. "Also, Live and let live and whatnot; dagnabit femanizi game journos. " It's all about power and control. the vast majority of people don't believe in freedom. Republican. Democrat. Liberal. Conservative. Old woman. Young woman. old man. Young man. North Amerikan. South Amerikan. Asia. Europe. It doesn't matter. People don't really believes others should be free. Period.
  6. They peaked with their absolute worst game? HAHAHAH!
  7. "the game ends with you telekinetically shooting markers into a moon's eyes to kill it. It's pretty dumb. It's as if Alien 3, much maligned as it is, had featured Ripley getting superpowers and ended with her flying around like superman before going Carrie on a queen. But it's still better than Mass Effect 3's ending." You think that's a better ending? LMAO
  8. "I'll say San Antonio is the favorite right now." Nah. You are just too easily impressed by win streaks. It's irrelevant. It means nothing come playoffs time. bets coach? best offense?> Most experience? Deep? Well rested? menaingless. I'll just tackle the 'most experienced' nonsense. You can't get more experienced than the team whose been tot he fianls the last 3 seasons. Best offence? L0L That's OKC or HOU. Best coach? HAHA! Did you not watch the finals? Deep? OKC and IND are deeper. heck, so is MIA. Well rested comapred to others? nah. They play the same ammount of games as every other team. It is irrelevant come play off time. If so, than Wade shoudl easily be at his peak come playoff time since he is EXTREMELY well rested. All that, and I still not saying SA can't win the championship. They can and certainly are one of the best teams in the league. the favorites, though? Na.
  9. L0L Indiana L0L And, this is the favorite to win the NBA championship? They'll be lucky to get out of the 2nd round vis s TOR or CHI. HAHAHA!
  10. "Movies from that era in general tell stories much better than movies from today do, as they're more about the characters than what we commonly find today." Nah. Like any era, majority of the movies back then sucked. It's silly to name movies considered amongst the 'best ever' and try to pretend all movies were as good as it. It does a disservice to the great movies.
  11. Does. not. compute.
  12. "- Tolkienesque, D&D-fantasy is the Fantasy that we wish to be - The Witcher is the Fantasy of what we truly are" This doesn't even make sense. D&D style fantasy isn't light fluff. Anyone who thinks so is blind. IN BG1, you hunt down a child killing crazy dwarf. In BG2, there is a human skinner who makes leather armour out of human skin and you can choose to where with it. Not to mention that slavery is rampantin the FR. Same with racism and the like. But, yeah, that is the 'Happy Happy World' 'we wish we could be'. There is nothing original or deep or different about The Wicther. It's about a pale white dude who hunts monsters for money - like every other adventurer ever. HAHAHA!
  13. "But, like, with vanilla Lockpicking checks, you should be able to retry those as many times as you have lockpicks for, because there's no chance a chest is going to get pissed off at you for not picking it correctly, or whatever." Mr. Mimic disagrees.
  14. "Hopefully evil Hollywood will leave Teddy Ruxpin alone." Actually, they remade it. It's simply called "Ted" now. :D
  15. Except, night/day cycles add lots to games. Lots. And, if you hate RPGs so much don't play them. It's why I don't play Pokemon. I hate it so why would I play it? LMAO
  16. "They are both difficult and unique, and demand a ton of extra content by the devs. You have no idea what you're talking about." No. If theya re so difficult and unique why do hundreds if not thousands of games have multiple endings? Do you even know what the word unique means?
  17. ." If there are day-night cycles in the game, it should run at a 1:1 ratio with real time" That's dumb. Plain and simple. "whereas I generally opt to remove said element altogether, while recognising that the former approach may well end up superior in the end." So, you are lazy. Just like me. How do you like that? You have something in common with me. HAHAHA! \Day/night cycles are awesome. Plain and simple. They are TRUE rpg staples.
  18. "In BG2, Carsomyr and Purifier were underpowered" No. P.S. Twitcher 3 is gonna suck like the first two. When the best thing about a franchise is b00bie cvards... it fails at everything but being a wannabe porn and porn can be found anywhere so *shrug*.
  19. was my reaction when I read the "40 endings" line. IMPORTANT NEWSFLASH: Not everyone is Numbers U and thinks like him. I know, horrible creatures, you avoid them whenever you can.
  20. "Where's BIS in that? There is no BIS." BIS published BG.... so, yeah, technically, there is a BIS. <>
  21. New TMNT certainly cna't be any worse than the original. Plus, they have a much hotter O'Neal this time.
  22. "Interesting read—a well-articulated piece in the bigger debate of whether games are art and their dependence of the (technological) circumstances surrounding their creation. Unfortunately, its basis seems to be that the author just couldn't get into BG2EE, which is, in my mind, a very weak starting proposition. Doesn't really say anything of substance about BG2EE, per se." Horrible read. You did good nearly blinding me from reading such nonsense. "It makes perfect sense, the original bg-bg2 were a coding disaster that miraculously worked. They've had to go back and rewrite major sections of the code, which due to poor documentation and mind-boggling hardcoding breaks things elsewhere." L0L Horrible lies to make these losers feel good about themselves. 'Miraclously worked' HAHAHAHAHAS!
  23. "Not every project needs to do 10x its initial goal." It's competition. People want their favorites to 'win'.
  24. Well, Indiana will win the RS East. We'll see if they can live up toe xpectations in the playoffs since it seems everyone thinks they're better than MIA. L0L As for SA, good on them, but RS success is menaingless. No championship means they failed. I'll talk about them when they actually beat OKC in playoffs.
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