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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "There are a lot of things in both DS3 and AP that a lot of people liked," Those people don't know games then. *shrug* And,s top blaming publishers for Obsidian's failures. Obsidian is responsible for Obsidian for the bad and the good.
  2. "I couldn't agree more. 'Pillars of Eternity' is our chance to show the RPG gaming industry they are headed the wrong way, or at least that more games addressed to mature audiences are released. There should be more titles like Baldur's Gate I&II, Fallout I&II, Planescape: Torment and I really hope 'Pillars of Eternity' imminent huge success is going to send a loud message to producers." Except POE won't be as like those games as you hope. I mean you have Sawyer mocking old skool gamers for a reason. It'll have similarities but it will not be those games. If that's what you want you will be dissapointed. POE will have more in common with modern RPGs whether you like it or nott han old skool games. "If it sells 100k copies then it will be a major success." Your definition of 'major' success is weird. Just because it might (who knows what the actual costs will be like) make some money back at 100k copies sold won't make it a 'major' success. On top of that, if 100k sales is the goal that is an insult to Obsidian which is a major game developer with 100+ employees that has had multiple games sold into multiple millions. As far as I'm concerned, if PE doesn't reach 1mil sales that's a fail. This is a company with a large pedegree for 2+ decades (going on 10 years as itself) that has ties with multiple other companies like BIO, MS, and Betehsda. Heck, their highest selling game has outsold BIO's highest selling. To me, if you (or Obsidian) are happy with 100k sales that is an attitude of failure and is an insult to Obsidian as a company.
  3. James is true MVP though he won't win it because theyw ere never gonna allow him to win 3 in a row. His 'concession speech' is a joke. And, how is Howard not best defensive player or on either all NBA team? Yeah, he's been injured for a little while but he's clearly the best defensive player. James should have won this award the last 2 seasons but undersatndable he won't get it this time. I think the Toronto coach should get Coach of the Year. Pop is a great coach but he also has some fantastic players. Raps not so much.
  4. "You've raised some good points but I think you are misunderstanding and misrepresenting what feminism means. I am feminist and all it means is that you believe that women have equal rights to men and I am opposed to cases where those rights aren't equal. Some of the examples you gave have more to do with the objectification of women or sexual inappropriate comments Feminism doesn't mean you hate men or think men are rapists. If that has been your experience you weren't dealing with feminists but people who clearly were discriminating against men." Maybe when feminism first started, it had such lofty goals like actual equality. That has changed over the eyars. It's why there is so many different types of feminism. There's the type you described, there is the type that sees sexism everywhere, and then there's the type that acts like I described. That said, I detest the whole idea including the name 'feminism'. Why? The very name suggests that in order for one to desire equality they need to be 'feminine' which is a joke. I believe in equality but I'm not feminin. The very idea of feminism is rooted in sexism and suggests to be masculine is to want to keep the ancient order of 'unbalance between the genders' which simply isn't the case. Equality has NOTHING to do with feminism. In fact, those who want equality should be fighting feminism since it is an insult to equality. Afterall, ask yourself this.. if a man hits a man and that man hits back people find that perfectly fine... but if a woman hits a man and that hits back people rage against the man and accuses him of deviant behaviour and anti woman. How is that sexist? Being sexist would mean NOT hitting the woman back after she hits you like you would a man because it is considered morally wrong for a man to hit a woman no matter what. Why is that? Even now, for even feminists, think women are weak willed creatures who have no power and need to be treated and protected liek children. That is a diservice to women to lump them in with little kiddies. 'Think of the women and children." is a very backward sexist saying but all of us are guilty of thinking it.
  5. "which you had no control over -" Actually, you do. (outisde of the unlucky '1' roll"). Through choice of race, class, equipment, and spells. Not to mention the multitude of spells and equipment that made you immune to special attacks.
  6. "Why was I sent to kill zombies when the damn far worse illithids have moved in? Why were they placed in such a way that not only was I given false expectations about what to expect in the dungeon (I expected just undead, no prior evidence to suggest there would be anything else) but as soon as I open the door they see me and combat is on cause they are staring at the door?" So you don't like surprises? Adventuring should be all about surprises. Should every area have a npc at the start tell you exactly what you'll face. For example, maybe the illithids there are there for the same reason you are or maybe they used their umber hulks slaves to dig through stone and ended up in the crypt. Maybe they heard some sort of magic item was hidden in the crypt. Maybe the illithids (since theya re geniuses) figured out foolhardy advenures would plunder/play hero in the crypt and went there to ambush them. There are many ways that a surprise encounter with illithids can be used to great effect and not all of them involve neccessary combat since mind flayers are actually smart and can communicate. Maybe the magic item they seek is protected by the crypt's creators and only humans (possibly the PC) can reach it so the mind flayer's use mind control to force their new slave to get it for them but the magic item which the mind flayers weren't 100% sure about breaks their hold on the PC. Plus, while flayers are tough opponents they are not unbeatable (depending on hwat game system obviously) but in D&D they don't have lots of hp or unhittable ac so theya re killable. Also, mind protection spells aren't exactly high level. Plus, if there are zombies in a crypt something - maybe an UNDEAD MAGE - created them since zombies don't usually randomly come into existence. Maybe a zombie lord, skeleton mage, Cryptkeeper (can't remember the actual name but undead priest tied to crypts usually), or even a lich. Maybe even a human necromancer. Or maybe... an undead mind flayer. Yeah, they exist. Use your imagination. Adventure is about discovery, surprise, and answered the often unwated question: what kind of trouble can an adventuring party get into around the next corner? P.S. By that definition, Im no grognard as I'm fine playing and enjoying new games but also appreciate lots of stuff the old games did well. Mr. Sawyer is wrong as that is not a bad thing and such an insult is silly and misses the point.
  7. "No offense, but the devs will do whatever they think is best for the game. I trust them." No offense, but these are the same devs that made DS3 and AP. trust in them is not advised. On the other hand, these are the same devs that made MOTB and Fo;NV, so I can trust them.. However, I made a $250 bet with my own money that PE will be a great game. I hope I bet the right way....
  8. "So this is really the problem as you see it Volo? Men are stereotyped in games and there are games that are designed only for women and this is sexist?" No, the problem is the constant whining about how evil men are and how men are just rapists who only exist to rape, control, and destroy women. And, don't for a second, try to pretend that isn't what a sizeable amount of people - men and women - who claim to be 'feminist' think. I have no issue with games 'designed for women' or games 'designed for men'. Heck, or movies. I'm not one of those crybaby males who whine about being 'dragged' to the latest romantic comedy either. As for games, instead of worrying about what games are designed for which gender, how about developers jjust devlop games they think are good and potential customers can decide whether or not to buy it. Another fact: Both men and women (not counting gays obviously for obvious reasons) are attracted to the opposite sex. That doesn't make them perverts. As men go gag over pretty women, women will gaga over 'pretty boys'. I don't cry about sexism every time I hear/read some woman talking about some guy's sexy ass so women (and their white knights whoa re often 10x worse) whining about guys talking about women's boobs are pathetic whiny little babies/ Get over yourself. My main point is that stereotypes exist for both genders. NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.
  9. There are games targeted to and are popular with women but if you point them out you are sexist. Of course, men are stereotyped all the time. Big deal. Plus, men are not the only perverts. Women are just as perverted if not more so. Just check in with all the Beiber/boy band fangirls. R00fles!
  10. "Yes, we take harmless concepts like sexism in media too seriously." L0L SEXISM L0L
  11. "I like Yvonne Strahovski as much as any red blooded male with vaguely functioning eyes, but the cat suit and especially the ludicrous posing was just plain embarrassing." Nope. Not embarrassing at all. Sexy women are never embarassing. Sorry.
  12. Best way tos top that is not have the shopkeepers buy any of that 'soiled and damaged' goblin armour and deem them worthless.
  13. "And, for future reference, if someone's clearly misunderstood your point, and is arguing against what they think it is, and you know this... waiting until the 7th-or-so response to say "lolz! You're not even arguing against my point!" doesn't make them look any crazier than it makes you look. Because, who the hell does that? "I could've corrected you 7 posts ago... BUT I DIDN'T, LOLZ!" I'm not your babysitter or your instructor. "Just to add fuel to the fire on dwarven women = beards debate. The Discworld series features a dwarven race which is almost completely uniform i.e. "All dwarfs have beards and wear upto twelve layers of clothing. Gender is more or less optional." (From 'GUARDS, GUARDS!') They only use 'he' even when the dwarf in question is clearly female. However as the series progresses and the dwarf race is enmeshed in cultural changes brought on by the printing press and so forth they start to have vocally female dwarfs who shave and wear revealing clothes and makeup. Even their newly elected, so-called 'king' (from 'The Fifth Elephant')." Sounds cool.
  14. "ell, not sure I'd agree with that unless you want to also argue that, say, the Wizardry series aren't RPG's either given the influence that series had on Japanese RPGs as an example." That doesn't even make sense. Wizardry and Japanese RPGs are different. Yeah, the 'influencs' are what? Level ups and abilities? Wizardry is a traditional western RPG ala M&M, Ultima, or any DnD game. They are different style of RPG that FF and other JRPGs. Afterall, unlike JRPG, Wizardry isn't focused ion the story.
  15. How do they 'know' he did it? Did the killers tell the authorities he hired them? If that's the 'evidence', wow, tlak abiout grasping at straws. Taking the words of murderers is dumb. That said, if he did do it, what a scumbag.
  16. "JRPG's are RPG as we knew them 20 years ago." No. Not really. They have never been RPGs. At least not the standard western type. They've always been the tradtional japanese type. Nothing wrong with that. You make it sound like JRPG were the actual standard or expected style of RPG. Know your history before spouting non facts.
  17. Where did I say hat female dwarves HAVE to be pretty? Why make stuff up? LMAO You guys are kewl. Bottom line is women with beards aren't sexy. Period.
  18. I agree. Why so butthurt because people like playing games differently than you, Kain Parker so much so you feel the need to bash them?
  19. "I've mentioned this before but I find these monosyllabic responses from Volo unhelpful to the principle of debate. Lately he has been a bit more detailed but most of the time he doesn't care to explain his view and I can understand this annoying people" Why are you ignorant? Read the posts I reply to when I post 'no' and your answers will be found.
  20. 'Fraction of a day' is menaingless. 1 second is a fraction. 23 hours and 59 minutes and 59 seconds is also a 'fraction of a day'.
  21. But, which fantasy worlds do this? DND/FR doesn't. It actually has multiple calendars. I have played the M&M series recently, and they don't. I've even been retrying some of those SW's games and it has their own calendar as well. I don't think it's some sort of epidemic of fictional fantasy worlds just literally copying real world calendar and simpyl switching names for ****s and giggles. The changes they make usually make sense in terms of the world lore.
  22. "Thus, Dwarves might find bearded women attractive." Dwarves don't play these games so their opinions don't matter since they aren't a part of the potential customer base. L0L "That's kind of the whole point. If you make lizard people, they probably aren't attractive. Should we give them smooth skin that's peach-colored, instead of scales, so that they'll be attractive? Nope." EPIC FAIL with your straw man. Comparing LIZARD PEOPLE with dwarves is silly since dwarves are humanoids with plenty similarities to humans - espicially since dwarves and humans can breed in more than a few fantasy worlds (including DnD lore). So, nice try. but, trying tio make LIZARD PEOPLE = DWARVES is silly talk. Also, again, I don't care if DWARVES (who aren't really) find dwarven females with beards 'sexy' because dwarves don't exist. My entire original point is that in DnD, dwarven females tend not to have beards. This is fact. In most other fantasy dealing with 'Tolkienized' dwarves, dwarven females really aren't shown a lot if at all really so this misnomer that all or the majority of dwarven females have beards just like their male counterparts is not based on anything in the literature. Nor, is it 'old skool' thinking as I am current playing the 'old skool' NON DND M&M7, and nope no dwarven females with beards. Go figure.
  23. Are you talking the actual inn or the entire outside map?Because, inside the actual inn, it should not take an entire 2 minutes (or even 1). Now, outside? I can believe it takes a minute+ (though i doubt it takes so long that it should be so bothersome with the exaggerations). As it should.
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