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Everything posted by RevBlue

  1. If you can't decide, rotate the companions and even sidekicks. Everyone can add something interesting eventually. And you can choose the recommended companions when checking the quests in the journal. I usually like to stick with a set or main party, but i'll probably do just that and rotate at least 1 spot. If only we had a 6 member party
  2. so far after that fight and the one in the training arena against the skeletons(in the dig site as well) other fights were much more manageable. Now the real difficulty is who to include in the party?!
  3. But then you skip out on story and Aloth. Anyway, glad to say i finally managed to beat that fight. Onwards!
  4. Its nice to know this is just a particularly difficult area and I'm not losing my touch ) I'm probably not gonna hire custom NPCs from the tavern, i just prefer to use "real" NPCs. Thanks for all the help guys.
  5. So you see every other post how people complain the game is way too easy even on POTD level scaled up only etc... I recently restarted my game on Hard level scaled up, after quitting my POTD game when the game originally released. Both because i was waiting for multitude of bug fixes and frankly, i was finding it to be too difficult. Now I'm only at the beginning, just reached the engwithian digsight at the start, but already facing problems in a simple fight that is the panthers and the young drake you find in the center of the arena. My PC is a wizard (single class no subclass), i have eder as tank with sword and board, and Xoti using her crossbow and buffing/debuffing from the back. In that particular fight, i try to create a choke point with Eder and let my 2 others cast, but i can't put out enough dmg, and Eder gets overwhelmed pretty easily. Is the game just that harder at the beginning due to lower levels? Or am i missing something? This isn't my first CRPG, im a Baldur's Gate veteran , IceWind Dale, POE1, etc.... Also while we're at it, some pointers on my party would be appriciated, im thinking: Me(Wizard) - I like to use a lot of CC with him Eder (Tank) Pallegina as Herald (Summoner Tank) Xoti as Priest for buffing/debuffing/healing Serafen? I liked his character. Last time took him as a witch, but now thinking just barbarian with dual pistols. Aloth - Not sure whats better. Wizard or dual with fighter for melee mage? Thanks for any and all advice!
  6. So I'm wondering if i missed something big when picking a beguiler subclass for my cipher(Hierophant build) Regarding this: Soul Whip provides less bonus damage and reduced Focus against targets that are not vulnerable to Sneak Attack What qualifies vulnerable to Sneak Attack? Only when im hidden? And in open combat it doesn't apply meaning I'm getting the disadvantage throughout the fight?
  7. I actually use this multiclass to max CC and ability use. I use the wizard's spells, mostly starting with chill fog/slicken for 1st level or starting with whispers of treason , then i have miasma of dull mindedness or bewildering spectacle on 2nd level. 3rd level i just recently got to, and i took Arduous Delay of Motion and Arcane Dampener. When i spent my wizard spells, i got into cipher CC and some dmg spells. ie soul shock, more whispers of treason, eyestrike and most recently mental binding. I think it works pretty well. Unless im missing something completely here?
  8. I play a Wizard/Cipher. I think the cipher abilities working on Focus complements the wizard well, in that if you use out your spell slots for the fight, you can still get Cipher spells via focus and keep on casing.
  9. It makes no sense to replace party members on the fly. What if you're in some dank cave somewhere miles below the earth? No reasonable way to suddenly replace party members. Same for fast travel, im glad its not in this game. Not sure how to say it, but it ...grounds it more into the experience?...
  10. Thanks! found it and got out. Whoo, stressful area
  11. Yes i did rest, so the cage is gone.... Is there any negative impact by going through (literally) the pirates? am i missing out on quests or something that i would have gotten by going there another way? I might just have to reload an older save before i got down there at this point,....
  12. Hope this is in the right place, the point of this is not for spoilers or any plot point. But beware if you haven't been down to the old city yet from the Gullet. So.... I went down in the cage, i finished the first map, then went south west, finished that map(dont remember its name). At that point, i can either go north to Old City, or south through the pirate cove, but I'm trying to get out of there now altogether. From the pirate cove, seems i can't get out without a fight, and in the old city map up north, i haven't explored it all yet but i can't seem to find an exit? I'm not able to handle the mobs down there yet.... So, without any spoilers, where is the exit?
  13. I may be opening a pandora's box here, but i wanted to get some tips and ideas on my party build, and see if I'm doing anything wrong. I'm not a min/maxer, and a lot of times i feel like i'm missing crucial system behavior. First my character: Wizard (no subclass) / Cipher (beguiler) Took no wiz subclass because the penalties seem to out way the bonuses by way too much. I use a lot of CC spells, some dmg. Cipher - took beguiler for the buff in the deception abilities for a lot of CC. But I may have misunderstood the whole sneak attack thing? What does sneak attack vulnerable means? Only when I'm hidden? then in full combat its useless? Eder - full fighter. Tank, sword and shield Aloth - Battlemage. Thought it might be fun to play a melee wizard that buffs himself. Using him with dual wielding. Any tips for his build as well i'd appreciate Xoti - full priest Serafen - Barbarian/Cipher (Witch) using dual wielding firearms(currently his starting pistol and blunderbuss) Now im interested in Pallegina as well to take as Paladin/Chanter when i get the change, but i can't think of who i would replace her with...difficult choice....
  14. So I'm only about a 2-3 of hours into the game(the ruins you first get sent to from Maje) and so far i'm already noticing signs that it looks like maybe the difficulty isn't enough for me? I'm playing on Veteran, because i was worried POTD would be too difficult, i like a challenge but i don't want to redo every fight 5 times. On Tyranny i played hard mode and about half way through the game every fight became a breeze, which was a bit of a bummer even though the game itself was still amazing and combat was fun. Now i heard POTD is unbalanced currently, but is it like a weird balancing issue where its even easier than Veteran? Would level scaling be the way to go? How does that affect the difficulty exactly?
  15. Description: Seems that if a crew member or Eder die/KO'd in the first intro fight on the Defiant, they will not spawn on the beach right at the beginning. This caused me to basically reply the beginning several times. As they may die easily in that first fight Steps to Reproduce the Issue: As above, simply let the crew/eder die in the fight on the ship, then get passed it to the beach Important Files: Already deleted the gamesaves that had these, sorry. DxDiag.txt
  16. the entire world works on the assumption they are some omni-present force that has been around since the creation of the world. To find out they are essentially soul golems(may not be the best analogy as they have thier own will, but how do we know its not pre-programming, as such?) made by people's designs matters a lot i think
  17. pretty sure its a bug. i only encountered one that was on the south-west side of the map. Really makes no sense to have 2 identical characters if you think about it
  18. But you already know what his plans are. He is holding all the souls back to feed into Woedika so she gets stronger than all the other gods so she can rule. In addition to people blaming the Legacy on animancy and thus hoping to ban it, because they are afraid of it
  19. You say you like the old IE games such as BG, IWD and the like, but then you say you DON'T like slow paced games with pausable battles.....but those ARE the old IE games such as BG, IWD and the like..... 0.o To the point. I think its a very fun game that you can sink at least 60 hours into. It has its many flaws but its not broken or bad by any stretch
  20. seriously he respawned? lol! I'm assuming you recruited him from his normal place before that yeah?
  21. Looks like a lot of people were expecting this to be superior BG2 and are unfairly comparing it. Its not fair to do that to a new IP, with a "new" system and a new world. Even with all the legacy built into it. If anything you should compare it to BG1, and that will be a much more fair comparison. I just really hope the devs will listen to a lot of the constructive criticism about the game(without blindly following it of course) and then I believe POE2 can be as good as BG2
  22. @Luckmann, not to offend or be a jerk or something, but I think this is the first time I ever saw you say anything positive about the game. lol Positivity looks good on ya man
  23. So I just finished the game for the first time (yay! ) And I got all the companions' endings, which I though was a mix of bitter-sweet, especially what happens to Sagani and Pallegina. Anyway on Aloth's epilogue, they mention the fact that he was a leaden key spy at first, as if it was a known fact. Now in my playthrough, I didn't get the conversation where he admits to being one. I guess I switched him out shortly after finishing his quest in the sanitarium, thinking his story was done. Also since my PC was a mage and I just found Hiravias so I wanted him. The only reason I knew about it was because I accidentally saw this convo in someone's stream, thinking I was safe because I already finished his story. Anyway I think there should be a flag indicating whether this convo has taken place as to not ruin future playthroughs with the character. That or only show epilogues for characters in your current acvite party
  24. Wait, so are you people saying the end vision in the story, where Theos is in the hall with all the other people, is them creating Woedica? Is it explained or implicated anywhere? Becuase I was confused about what it meant. Also how do you know the Engwitheans used their own souls to create the gods? Its stated they created them but its only spoken of with metaphors and such....
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