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Everything posted by Nartwak

  1. Ha ha Calax! I've deleted dozens as well!
  2. Uh... hello there. To PM someone directly click on the icon underneath their post. Or you can click on the link "My Controls" in the upper right hand corner of the screen and then click on the link "Compose New Message" in the uppper left hand corner of that new page. Personally, I'd recommend the first method.
  3. Khelgar is Neutral Good.
  4. Here as well.
  5. I too had Neeshka lift the powder from the Dryad.
  6. That's not Zelda, Trent.
  7. That's fine, it's been a while since I've seen it myself. Yes I think that could be argued. I would accept many arguments for such a scenario.
  8. What do you care, roshan? Don't you buy mostly pirated games?
  9. I don't think Spider-Man killed that thug Surreptishus. Probable Spoilers
  10. Not Fanboys -roshan Fanboys -People who disagree with roshan
  11. The peasants of Nartopistan have the sugar and the uranium. Who wants to make the happy trading?
  12. Not anymore!
  13. But don't you see Alan, using facts and statistics and the scientific method won't get anyone anywhere. This is a job for baseless speculations, hyperbole and assumptions! It's not like spoiled, petulant children immediately and voicefully lash out when small details fail to meet their irrational and arbitrary standards. These are real, serious, problems! Obsidian failed to take into account peoples with learning disabilities. So has Soulthief starting whining about the fonts used yet? It's the only thing I haven't seen him bitch about yet. Wait, maybe it's Riftworm that's the one who bitches endlessless over assinine crap. I'm starting to get the two confused.
  14. Nartwak


    I'm not sure I'm following you yet, but I think Deadly_Nightshade has your answer. Just enter the BBCode in your signature area. Since you have text in your signature already, I'll assume you know where that is.
  15. Nartwak


    Up what?
  16. The view from inside Neeshka's head.
  17. Right now I'm fuming at some administrative choices. I won't say what they were but I'll say the appropriate response was; "No, because no one cares about your stupid ****ing avatar and they're quite big enough already so shut your stupid ****ing whore mouth."
  18. You... you have a Mr. Fusion?
  19. I know when I've been playing PlaneScape: Torment I've found myself thinking: "I wish this was a fancy chatroom!" Yes, that would be exactly what I'm looking for.
  20. I've kept that item in my game as well. I suspect I kept the symbol because I wasn't holding it in my character's inventory when I resolved the quest. Were you?
  21. I'm thigh deep in NWN2. My Lawful Good Monk has totally alienated , but so far has more or less befriended everyone else.
  22. Yeah, don't be that guy.
  23. I think this is a very nice game. I'm having a blast! Thankfully it's running quite well on my system too.
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