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Everything posted by Nartwak

  1. The game is obviously unplayable. The sky is falling!! Try restarting the program. That's worked for me.
  2. 0.1598 0.1376
  3. When they're not "simulanteous". Or when "you" base your "opinions" on things "which" are demonstably false. As for "showing" how they're false, what am "I" going to point out that hasn't been "written" by a halfdozen other "posters"? Ha ha ha ha ha! Those threads are all less than twenty pages long, contain off-topic comments, repeated posts from particular malcontents and complaints which contradict other complaints. In any event, it wouldn't matter if you literally had billions of people agreeing with you in perfect tandem, popularity doesn't validate arguments. Am I going to have to explain what the word combative means to you? Congratulations, you've gotten me confused with someone else.
  4. Sorry, I'm much too snobbish to take suggestions from people who can't conjugate their/there/they're.
  5. Pft, should've moved it to the trash meta.
  6. They're assinine because they're demonstably false and hyperbolic. Wow. Billions and billions of phantom posters on another forum? Were you trying to go somewhere other than Fallacy Town with that? Cause, as it is, a poor appeal to popularity doesn't bolster you. I don't know, maybe your writ of opinions which you titled "50 Reasons NWN2 is worse than NWN1"? I'm glad to see we've progressed to the defensively obtuse portion of this game.
  7. Your complaints are whines because they are either subjective, assinine, or both (and in most cases issued with a childish petulance); meanwhile you're a troll because you address this topic with misplaced authorative attacks and a combative attitude.
  8. How about instead you exercise something approaching jurisprudence, Darque, and close a troll thread?
  9. Well, postage stamp countries with less populace than some cities and with long-standing histories of racial, religious, and cultural homogeny may tend to be more cooperative within themselves.
  10. 60% of the time it works every time.
  11. As drawing a turkey is difficult for them, many children are encouraged instead when making pictures around Thanksgiving to draw an outline around their hands to mimic the overall shape of the bird and then to fill in the details from there.
  12. Happy birthday to everyone! Especially Surreptishus and Nartwak.
  13. I'm eating a bowl of ice cream. A Trio of Rich Chocolate Rum-Laced Spumoni & Nutty Pistacio Ice Cream
  14. I think in most regards it's reasonable. To do otherwise abrogates the philosophy of rights you're wanting to uphold. Why should they have moral consideration for what you allege are your rights? Yours are just as phantasmal. Perhaps. If we're being realistic we're talking about people who were convicted of crimes, not necessarily people who have committed them.
  15. I believe the cops were called because it's not permitted to be in the campus library without proper student identification.
  16. No, wanting to tear someone's testicles off is not a reasonable course of action. I would say the right not to be physically mutilated is probably inalienable.
  17. Roll a six sided die to decide. 1-6 will represent Dead Rising.
  18. Try this.
  19. Littering is a crime Barlast. No prizes are awarded.
  20. The Moon will be the new Australia.
  21. Roving bands of officers, tasering people... a land where no library is safe!
  22. The dude was hopped up on diazepam. I haven't heard reading with that level of boredom since I was a child in school.
  23. Alignments
  24. I didn't know Deadly_Nightshade was Belladonna.
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