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Everything posted by Nartwak

  1. Meta, you're too good. You shame me without even saying a word. I apologise Diamond. To me this is an exciting breakthrough. I really hope the trials go through without a hitch, the ability to seal a wound just by appling a peptide gel will save quite a few lives and improve the quality of surgeries. Not to mention decrease the recuperation time. This would be a real step up from the existing technologies.
  2. Since she can do whatever she wants with her time and since you're paying for the gasoline I'd recommend to your brother-in-law that he needs to see a therapist about his control issues. No, actually that would be counter productive and juvenile. You need to have a talk with him to discover the truth behind his problem with the situation (my kneejerk assumption is that your brother-in-law rues the time she spends on you, or feels you're an undue burden on her) and a talk with your sister to determine if you're being an imposition on her, (personally my sisters would use their husbands to deflect a situation).
  3. Sorry [you poor person who needs to bolster your ego by association with a newssite], I don't read slashdot so I didn't realise this has already borne the full brunt of human discourse. My mistake.
  4. Wooo, drink up! Happy belated birthday.
  5. http://www.newscientisttech.com/article.ns...line-news_rss20
  6. Cheers Deraldin! Have a good birthday. And, since I missed it the first time around, happy birthday to you too Darth Drabek.
  7. I just finished the first episode of 1213, and am now starting the second.
  8. On EBgames.com the image of the box is labeled RP and the item description rates the game T.
  9. The post-fight interview was great. Woman: "How did it feel to be punched in the face?" Lowtax: "Want me to show you?"
  10. Datz a nice villaj ya ab there... it wuud be a shame if eenytin 'appened ter it.
  11. lol lern2read nub Not really. For all we know the Zeeaire fight may be
  12. It only says "the final battle involving Zeeaire". That doesn't imply it's the final battle.
  13. Oh, okay. Yeah, I misunderstood. I don't think it would be wrong to link to the WotC utility page though. The utilities are free to use, and some people might not suspect that they're available.
  14. Uh... do you want a more official site than Wizards of the Coast?
  15. Were you going somewhere with that Lonewolf16?
  16. That's an air tight frame-up. Wouldn't even need a trial.
  17. Cripes, it's The Guildmaster!
  18. Don't forget bastardly.
  19. It isn't.
  20. Oh, I can't stay mad.
  21. It changed my life.
  22. Don't be dumb****s.
  23. Yes, actually, there is.
  24. Ah, that's cool.
  25. Thanks.
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