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Everything posted by Nartwak

  1. Aw, what a cute kitty. It's lucky to be adopted by caring people.
  2. It's true these characters, which may be stylized after early rigid diving suits, do fail to be intimidating when not provoked.
  3. Gee, do you really think that's what they were going for? Huh?
  4. Hey guys, are those German tanks? *explosions*
  5. Who said anything about the interweb.
  6. No, you said give your CC details to the Russian mafia.
  7. **** this! I've been eating peeled baby-cut carrots (carrots sliced by infants) for, like, twenty minutes now. Only just now have I noticed improved eyesight.
  8. Hmm. 1. I can't take anybody with a lisp seriously, at least not in a productive way. "sexhual organsh" 2. Holy God. When I try to run this I'm going to need some of my own special water effects to put out my computer.
  9. Well. My Mason/Engraver dwarf went crazy and crowned his left hand. I have to say though, he's got nice taste.
  10. Yes, I'm sorry CrashGirl, I meant to type: I'm not sure what personal insecurities compels you to think pointing out how childish you feel Transformers are on a forum which has spent most of its life about Star Wars and soon will aspire to be about Dungeons and the Dragons that live in them is a good method of self-communication (or how your expressing this insight in such a way fails to make you feel like you're not a colossal tool), but your comments are asinine and abusively critical.
  11. lol not enuf gigaflops mirite?
  12. I'd like to see an original property.
  13. Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog - Creedence Clearwater Revival
  14. Thanks. :D I was hoping someone would appreciate that. If they cited it as a primary reference I would, were I a professor. Thanks for taking the time to listen to it. I'm a bit surprised so many people had trouble reading the transcript!
  15. Go. Never darken my doorstep again. The audio can be found here.
  16. That's a crux of the speaker's thesis.
  17. I Be An Retarded - They Might Be Giants Edit: The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas - same^
  18. Han Solo doesn't even have a blaster. Greedo's shot ricochets off Solo's belt buckle.
  19. Thats strange Kirilla. Try unsubscribing anyway, and seeing if it works. You should be able to post without any subscriptions.
  20. I was going to PM some people about this subject and gather individual impressions, but I decided I was too lazy for that, my inbox was too small, and that I was nearly interested in the popular opinion of Joe Forumer. So I'm making a thread about it. I ran across a link today what contained a transcribed presentation titled THE GREAT FAILURE OF WIKIPEDIA, it's about what you may expect it to be about. Any thoughts on it? For my part, I agree with the speaker.
  21. Bay's been added to my list of "people to stone".
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