What insult? Offering to people a product that you, personally, won't want to buy because of your impairment? That's a ridiculous and bombastic assertion. A player doesnt need to perform gross arm movements to play most (if any) of the games. If you can operate a television remote control you can probably operate a Wii remote.
For market saturation, it isn't a cut and dry issue. As you've demonstrated the platforms intrinsically have different markets--console warriors, those too poor or frugal to diversify, et cetera, and then when there is overlap titles tend to compete in quality brackets. Subgenres further divide the markets, people who want to buy a MMORPG to play might want EVE Online and not be interested in World of WarCraft, in turn those interested in World of WarCraft might not be interested in City of Villains. So to say the market will be saturated is myopic.