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Everything posted by hamskii

  1. Yeah, I have. If those people think the character is too shallow, then I won't disagree, but I will disagree that the character "shoves it in your face" or anything like that. It comes up in a very organic way - you can ask about their name, they mention their old name proved to be unsuitable, and you can ask them about that. I also have to disagree with the assertion that just because a transgender character exists in the game's universe, that transphobia also need exist in the game's universe. Being trans doesn't necessarily have to be a part of a character's internal conflict; it's also fine to have a character for whom that has all happened in their past and they are now comfortable with themselves. Right, I'm sure you, the maker of this video, and everyone in this thread who replied to it were always just concerned about a fairer representation of trans people in the game! Why could I not see that?! Killing the character immediately after they realise that they're trans, is that to highlight that trans people are far more likely to be murdered in real life, or that the trans panic defense has only been outlawed in one U.S. state (see also: Firedorn)?!
  2. If anyone's interested, here's her (gorgeously written, imo) ending slides: The variation in response for this is interesting. I find it particularly interesting that some people didn't find it a difficult choice at all, and out of those people most made the choice to kill Harmke. Personally, I didn't do it, because I don't believe in the death penalty in real life, so why should I believe in it in a video game? Especially when it wasn't about serving justice or preventing future crimes, but satisfying bloodlust. It did give me pause though.
  3. ok Because the other thing the mod does is remove a snipe at GamerGate by Minsc. Gosh, these anti-SJW's (for that is what they are - people who have defined themselves entirely by their opposition to "political correctness", a.k.a. trying to be nice to people) are so easily offended. Not transphobic, got it. Good to see that the moderation team is on the ball, btw.
  4. GamerGate a boogieman? They've already released a mod that removes all mention of them being transgender, describing it as a "correction". Totally not a transphobic movement, though. And totally against politically-motivated censorship of video games, of course. Man, this whole thread is a cesspool. This debacle makes me ashamed to be associated with video games.
  5. It's not looking good for a tabletop implementation. What are some ways that a tabletop adaptation could preserve the spirit in which the game's systems were designed, without becoming too complex to actually play without the aid of a spreadsheet?
  6. I'm not particularly experienced with tabletop gaming, but this is something I'm very interested in and will be keeping a close eye on. It might be an idea to include a blank character sheet, or a spreadsheet version with derived stats included. But yeah, this looks very interesting and I'll definitely be rolling up a character when I find the time. For document preparation, formatting, and typesetting, can I suggest LaTeX? There's a slight learning curve (although it's probably nothing too insurmountable for anyone who's enough of a nerd to write their own homebrew RPG rules ), but the results are truly beautiful.
  7. In real life, the reason that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, and 360 degrees in a circle are because those numbers all have a large number of integer factors. In the days before we had calculators, this made them much easier to work with than base 10. In Eora, the day length is 27 hours. 27 has factors 1, 3, 9, and 27, whereas 24 has factors 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24. It would make much more sense for any mathematically-inclined culture to simply define minutes, hours, days etc. to be derived from the second (so a minute is derived as 60 seconds, and a second is not defined as 1/60th of a minute), and redefine the second to be a little longer in such a way that its derived quantities are numbers with a lot of factors. My suspicion is that the number "27" was chosen for the number of hours in a day so that the setting would not seem like it had lazily been copied from real life - but sometimes, things are the way they are in real life for a good reason. It's unlikely to change at this point, however, so what are some ways in which it could be justified in-universe?
  8. Last time I had Edér in my party I had just completed Mowrghek Îen. I dismissed him from my party, went and cleared Lle a Rhemen, returned to Caed Nua to sell my stuff before progressing to Elmshore, and there was Edér, on the minimap. "Cool", I thought, "a new stronghold event where Edér gets drunk and finds himself naked in the middle of Caed Nua". To check that this wasn't a bug, I recruited him into my party and, much less amusingly, found that he had been stripped of all his equipment—his legendary Saint's War armour, the Flames of Fair Rhîan, Dragon's Maw Shield, Gaun's Share, Iron Circle, Boots of the Long March, Tax Collector's Mantle, Sabra Marie—all of it. I went into Brighthollow to check out whether he's hanging out in there, and he was in his normal spot on the upper floor of Brighthollow, almost naked but for Sabra Marie (so I have some hope that the game still remembers his gear in some way), but there was also another duplicate of him, totally naked, on the ground floor (note: not the ground floor Brighthollow map, but in the inaccessible part of the ground floor as viewed from the first floor map). Recruiting him from here made the version of him standing in his normal spot disappear, but not the weird buggy version. He still had no equipment on him. I have observed no other duplicates of him on other maps, and when I try to recruit him from somewhere outside Caed Nua (like the inn at Dyrford), he still has no equipment. I've gotta say, I've experienced a good number of bugs since 3.00 and WM II, but this is probably the worst. When I try attacking the impostor with Edér recruited into my party, he turns hostile as I slowly punch him to death, he does not regenerate his endurance, his health is the same as his endurance (like an NPC), but when I finally kill him I fail Fragments of a Scattered Faith. The "real" version of Edér stays alive and can still be recruited. Savegame output_log.txt
  9. Really? The hand-drawn visuals of PoE are absolutely gorgeous. The biggest problem with them is the level of effort required to create new maps, and how that makes modding more or less impossible. For me, a new PoE game would ideally have the modding capability of something like the Aurora engine. I mean, imagine if a PoE game got the same attention from the modding community as FNV.
  10. You can't start White March until you've done the start of Act 2, so this doesn't make sense to me. I only did the first bit of Act II - I did everything you could do in Copperlane and First Fires, without visiting areas that weren't on the crit path (so no Searing Falls, Stormwall Gorge etc.). I still have the vast majority of Act II to go. The main problem with my playthrough as I see it is that I have no idea where Crägholdt Bluffs, Mowrghek Îen, and (to a lesser extent) Longwatch Falls fit into it.
  11. Yeah, crit path stuff is for characters at about level 7-8, whereas Longwatch Falls and Crägholdt Bluffs are for characters who are level 11+.
  12. Wait, so companions actually interact with each other in WM Part II? There is regular banter with the new companions, yeah. It does not trigger all too often, but I got Devil talk to Eder, Durance and Pallegina at least once. Maneha was so far pretty silent, but she talked to Pallegina once too. Disappointing that Maneha doesn't have much dialogue, given that she's specifically new for WM Part II. I'm playing through Part I with her at the moment (she spawns in Stalwart after the ogre attack), and so far she hasn't had any dialogue at all.
  13. Wait, so companions actually interact with each other in WM Part II?
  14. I'm currently doing a fresh playthrough for WM Part II, but I'm a bit stuck on which companions to bring along. The first time round I brought the poster lineup along (i.e. Sagani, Edér, Hiravias, Zahua, and Devil of Caroc), and was reasonably satisfied with the amount of dialogue each character got. This time round, I'm playing Part I a little earlier, before recruiting Pallegina, Hiravias, or Grieving Mother, so I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on which of the first five characters I should drop to make room for Zahua and Devil of Caroc, based on the amount of dialogue (or lack thereof) companions get in the expansion. For example, is it worth bringing Aloth, Durance, and Kana along, since I haven't played through the expansion with them before, or do they not get much dialogue anyway? I'm also curious as to which companions I should bring along for Part II, again based on the amount of dialogue they get. I saw a screenshot where Edér interacts with Durance in WM Part II, and so I'm thinking maybe there are combinations of characters that get more dialogue than others. I'm kind of expecting to bring Zahua as a given. In particular, I'm wondering about Grieving Mother, since she only really gets much dialogue in Twin Elms in the base game.
  15. I feel weird going into WM part II straight after part I, since there's supposed to be some time elapsed between them. My current plan is Act I Endless Paths 1-3 White March Part I Endless Paths 4-6 Act II Endless Paths 7-9 White March Part II Endless Paths 9-12 Act III Endless Paths 12-15 Act IV
  16. Weird, in my 350+ hours of playtime, I've never seen a prisoner attempt to escape. Maybe focus on building the security of your stronghold?
  17. lol, a 5 minute fix! I doubt things are ever that simple;) Have some respect for the trouble the programmers must go through;) Ha, I'd assumed that it was just an oversight, that someone had forgotten to add Spell Masteries when updating the ability progression tables. I didn't think it might be a database bug!
  18. Strange. In the 3.00 beta, I leveled myself to 14 using console commands and recruited them at level 14. They had all skills, abilities, talents, etc. already assigned but had not been assigned any Spell Masteries, and had the little plus icon on their portraits to level up. The Spell Masteries had to be assigned manually via the level up menu.
  19. Has there been any word on this? Hopefully Obsidian won't be deterred by the lukewarm reception for Lords of the Eastern Reach - there is much more demand for a PnP adaptation imo.
  20. There are a couple of minor bugs with the "follow selected" camera, activated by pressing the period [ . ] button with one or more party members selected. While the camera is in "follow selected" mode, opening up the area map with [ M ] and clicking on a part of it does not move the camera, as it should. The workaround is to close the area map, nudge the edge of the screen with the cursor, and then re-open the area map. Clicking on the area map then works as intended. Additionally, while adventuring with the "follow selected" camera activated, the map becomes fully revealed. NPC's do not become visible until you get near them, but the fog of war effect is removed. I have noticed this in both the most recent patch and the 3.00 beta, but have not found a reliable way to trigger it. Exiting and re-entering the map restores it to its unrevealed state.
  21. As it says in the title. Just a small oversight when adding the new Spell Mastery for 3.00, probably a five minute fix.
  22. I quickly went in-game grabbed the first few companions; Aloth was at level 14 but needed to go into the level up interface for me to assign an extra level 1, 2, and 3 spell for some reason, but Edér and Durance worked fine.
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