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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. *digs out her old 920 HD Pro webcam a while back* --spends a while finding/using updated software, then wondering why windows won't detect it (privacy settings, pffft), working fine now --spends a while trying to figure out why OBS sees that the webcam exists (it's in OBS dropdown list), but doesn't actually detect/show the cam video image. Privacy settings seems to be allowed but I don't have a way to tell Windows to specifically allow OBS access. ...and there I am stuck. ...re: downloading - I figured all the servers would be hit pretty hard w/ppl trying to install the game. No I haven't bought it yet. I'll try to figure out this stupid OBS/webcam thing first.
  2. I don't think anyone wants to see a frumpy old lady in a cat nightshirt missing shots and crashing into things while running around like a chicken in a game. PS Maybe Cyberpunk needs its own thread now?
  3. I think one of the Obs forumites needs to stream this game. If I still had my set up, set up, I might've done it for a few hours. I'm boring tho. Btw, I'm assuming I can't really post it here, but Cohh in the chr. creation menu re: bodily parts? Utterly hilarious.
  4. From what I've seen at least some of the bugs are consistent/persistent - same ones in footage from many players - which means it hopefully shouldn't be too hard to isolate and fix them fairly quickly, even if it's not quite on Day1 for all of them.
  5. Oh, well, I guess some streamers can play/broadcast it early. Maybe that's why re: restrictions. Cohh's streaming it on Twitch. Guess I'll watch some.
  6. Don't get me wrong, either ... there's still a part of me that wants it as one of those performance-gauging type of titles (Keanu doesn't hurt either). It's largely why I bought Control, too.
  7. Once a week, maybe twice was about as often as I tended to cook. Something like a big roast or 'ghetti that would last a few days etc. The past several years tho we've been largely convenience/fend for yourself, until recently. As a couple, our tastes are fairly different, too. You could get a gas camping stove and occasionally grill up some stuff in a pan? Altho I suppose cleanup would be annoying. I'm sure I'd just grab stuff from shops/eateries, myself.
  8. What I'd like to know is why they would not allow reviewers to show their own footage until today, but it's still before most can play the game. If you're going to put a restriction like that, why not have it go all the way to release time, not just day? Otherwise what's the point of the restriction? I own almost zero games with city/urban environments as the main focus - apparently I like trees, grass, and open skies, so if that makes me hard to please, I guess so.
  9. Well, between those two videos, my own video hunts, and gamespots review ... I don't think I should get this game at full price (right now). Maybe if it was $40. Unless I'm just morbidly curious about all these bugs and rig performance, and screenshots, ofc. I've certainly bought games for less reasons, occasionally. I think my main issues (personal ones) is still that I'm not into urban/city environments, whether real life or fantastical. Everyone keeps saying how awesome the game looks, but outside of all the reflection/lighting and some face/chr and animation tech, the environment (graphically, some textures, art-style) is kind of blah, for me. It's not all that. Edit: not liking environment would make it hard for me to feel immersed, if that makes sense. The desert stuff I like better but I gather most of the game is in the city. Anyway...seems like a modest-sale or wait a few months, title.
  10. How often do you guys actually cook? I mean meals, not making a quick sandwich or toast. I feel like I do nothing but cook these days, trying to keep up with always having these low-no carb vegie/meat mixes stacked up in the fridge and it all disappears super fast. It's driving me crazy, I dislike spending so many hours cooking and more cooking. I was never the type. I've been rebelling. Frozen veggie lasagna and frozen meatballs. Lots of kim chi and a little brown rice. Small snack here and there. What more do I need. Nothing!
  11. According to the internet, if you're not picky, it could be cheaper for me to fly to Sweden and back, to check out YOUR rig to see if I'd like it vs. buying one myself. Not that I'm adverse to spending money overall, I just have to feel confident I'll get enough use from something. And not be attached to Facebook. Pfft.
  12. That's why I just bought a second dedicated games drive! ... 2TB might be enough for a couple more years. Maybe. Some movies/shows too. At least I've seen such on streaming sites. I'd highly doubt they did the timing "similar to a doc's test" thing on purpose. Sometimes such things are just a coincidence and when discovered, you either "fix" it a bit or you stick an even bigger warning on the box. Would definitely be frustrating to be a gamer with such possible effects on you, tho. Only thing I occasionally get is huge belly flip flops when you look down/around from heights and they want you to platform jump everywhere. The "realism" of 3D space. Although, it didn't happen in older 3d games nor in all modern games. Not sure why, exactly, it triggers occasionally but mostly not.
  13. Maybe two. My dad could also be pretty a-retentive about certain things, which would get me in trouble semi-frequently - although I don't think he quite went to that extent.
  14. Considering how many of the cheaper alternatives have largely died out, it makes me wonder re: long term aspect of VR, which doesn't make me keen on spending $1k+ for it. Ah well. I'll guess I'll wait another year or two and see where it goes.
  15. Ansel: See that brighter spot upper left cliff side? That's where my character/party is standing. I can move "camera" anywhere in the whole world (or under it) if I want, while paused. It's not attached to chr. location. I've left my party paused for hours while flying the camera around. And without moving said camera back, I can still focus-zoom almost all the way back up there. That lighthouse in the background? That's where my party is. But thanks to Ansel I can know what the NPC's in the house way below are up to when I'm not in there. These are important knowledge tidbits! "Photo modes" in other games? ... pffffffffffft, total weaksauce. Also, just because I like it: (click for bigger) Edit: ... still not at the end of this page...
  16. All this talk re: Cyberpunk has me sort of itching to try it right now. If only because it ought to look really good on the 55" TV even if it's only 40-50fps! But it's not out for over a day and a half, yet and I have no need to pre-purchase/pre-load it. I wonder if I'll still feel this way on the day. Side note: while testing a controller I loaded Outer Worlds onto the 27" 1440 monitor (too lazy to make tv "main monitor" for a test like that). Loaded up a save and ... it was sooooo small! Guess I haven't played a game on the monitor in a long time. It used to be normal. Now it's like I was looking through the wrong end of a telescope. Pretty soon even 55" won't feel big and immersive enough. I feel like I'm perhaps traveling down a dark path of ocular destruction.....
  17. @Azdeus That's a nice lightning streak. We get those here so rarely and the couple times I've seen them I wasn't able to really capture anything. Re: Santa - I just didn't believe in any of that stuff for long, it wasn't logical/sensible. I was a very early/avid reader so maybe that was part of it (separation of fantasy vs. reality). In fact in my small circle, most of the kids I knew were protecting their parents by not telling them they already realized Santa wasn't real. But yeah...if kids want to believe for a while, why not.
  18. I'm not sure what you mean. He didn't read anything but YongYea did mention the DRM. I already can't recall if it was in that performance section or elsewhere in the video tho. As to DRM and performance ... eh, I haven't spent time playing games with then without so I can't really judge. The games I have with the hated "D" all run fine for me, generally speaking. But I could see it holding some fps back or having more varied dips, especially if CPU-bottlenecked, like some articles have mentioned. Probably depends on the game and of course the dev's implementation of it. I think if it is implemented well Denuvo doesn't have a huge impact, but the problem is that it often isn't. Maybe. I'm no techie.
  19. Hopefully the "true" day1 patching will at least fix most of the bugginess being reported. Performance-wise - I think (some) people get a little too hung up on fps and numbers etc. Turn off the monitoring software and just play - if it's at least playable and one is enjoying oneself, who cares if it sometimes dips to 53fps for a few seconds here and there. Also, I think ray tracing is in some/many cases being pushed too hard, too soon, because showcased bling sells. Too soon regarding hardware available I mean. They'll get it figured out eventually.
  20. So if I ever want to move to a place where I could walk under most everyone's outstretched arms, move to where you are. Got it. My mother was on the shorter/average female height as well. She liked that I was shorter than her. Pfft. For a laugh/since I'm bored: I was 12ish here (and what is that outfit, ugh), I have hardly grown at all, my shoes gave me a couple inches and bro is walk-slouching Hubby's a bit shorter being "only" close to 6' 1". I can still walk under his arm tho.
  21. There are no other games but Cyberpunk. You will get Cyberpunk. You will live, eat, drink and dream Cyberpunk. Submit. You will love Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is all. It even has ... photo mode.
  22. It was delivered a bit ago. Finally downloaded the driver to try it out. Seems to work, no muss no fuss. A bit lighter weight than the ps4 one (since no wireless battery in it I'd guess), feels ok in my hands for short periods at least. Dunno how durable it will be, but good enough for using with non-Steam games when I want/need. Thanks!
  23. YongYea says his review copy had a "partial mid-review patch" which was much better than before that, but isn't the full "day1" patch that you'll have on release. With that, he says at 1440 his 3080/8700k still dipped to 50's at times/some areas (with RT off). With RT on, it was sometimes 40's (and he didn't like stability enough to leave RT on). And review copy had DRM attached to it. Performance section starts around 34:30. Overall he liked the game a lot tho. Edit: I'm half tempted to buy it just to see how non-RT version performs on my "old" gpu/rig - but I'm sure I wouldn't play it for more than an hour so not sure I should/will. Ha.
  24. So, if I was interested in at least checking out VR, are there any cheaper options, outside of those ones meant for you to stick your mobile phone in? Because right now it seems like Facebook/Oculus and Steam's are the two that still are made/exist and I don't want Facebook. There were a couple others but most have halted production. Steam's might be all right but I'd rather not spend that much when I'm not sure I'd care about VR past a few weeks.... Would the mobile phone ones give enough of an idea? I'm not sure there's even enough VR content on the phone I'd be interested in. Plus it's largely "dead" tech I think. There's also something called Windows Mixed Reality, which (seems) like it's not a specific headset itself but some kind of tech that...well I don't really understand it. But its title support is smaller.
  25. Hope all goes well with your hospital trip, GD. Azdeus ... *converts meters* ... oh, so around the height of my brother - perfectly normal then. It is funny how some people react to tall people. Similar to "short" reactions in a way I guess. Most males and some of the females in my family/extended are/were either close to six feet or over six. So despite my own smurf height, to me anyone much under six feet looks a little on the "short" side.
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