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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Just depends on how many others like Cyberpunk and Control there might be in the next year (or two, if I don't get any 30xx) - and I mean without having ray-tracing enabled - and ofc whether I have any actual interest in such games. The typical measuring stick. 1440 would be a lot easier to deal with - I just can't go back.
  2. How come I have not had any of these great oopsies? I want hilarity too ... I suppose it might help if I actually drove more (not to mention played more). I'm still a prefer traveling on-foot type.
  3. Much as I miss having a cat, I think at this point it's pretty doubtful I'd get another one until/if we aren't living in this tiny box house - at least with how we've divided up the room usage. Our previous house was larger and better suited to pet separation issues: I'm somewhat allergic to cats, with mild nose and welts/hives from prolonged contact. It's not super severe but that means closed bedroom doors, changing/washing clothes mega-frequently and other things like that - I'm not young and energetic anymore. ...although, soon as we had/have a bigger house,I might suddenly go back to adopting every stray cat I come across, playing games on the couch with my hair all up-floofy while constantly sneezing and welts all over my face.... never can tell what I'm going to do.
  4. As a "layperson" I have three criteria: I can play games the way I want/mixture of settings I want, the hardware doesn't have a big risk of catching on fire, and it won't increase electric bill by $200 just to have it idle. GPU stuff is changing so fast/seems so up in the air it makes the whole "wait or buy" syndrome far worse than usual, especially re: 4k/60 gaming and especially with the cost of gpu's these days. I mean, maybe only a year between 4xxx and 5xxx? I know, that's just far flung guesswork now, but ... maybe I'll just quit gaming for a few years.
  5. I can't imagine 40xx being released before mid-late 2022. Dec.2021 seems like it'd more something the ... 3090ti? A new 3580MegaNukeTI? https://www.tweaktown.com/news/76967/nvidias-next-gen-ad102-gpu-rtx-4090-twice-as-fast-the-3090/index.html
  6. I meant to post this earlier but forgot: What ray tracing lighting/shadows can do in this game when it works (and it did look like that in my game, essentially): And yet, sometimes ... I dunno, I don't think it's supposed to look like this ... I don't think it worked well when it was daylight outside maybe? Did that happen to anyone else, if you were using RT? It's no biggie, just funny/curious.
  7. Edit: Nostalgia aside, this is a great, mellow, more recent song of theirs, as well.
  8. Dear Regina: Please throw away my number and STFU. I know it's silly and petty of me, but it's driving me crazy.
  9. The internet is great because you can always find some picture somewhere to express how you're feeling any given day. That is basically me for several days. ...btw, the 55" TV is already feeling too small - if I want to sit farther away/not at the desk, I mean. What I need is a ceiling rail track mounting system so I can move the TV closer/farther by pulling on it or a handle, like a curtain.
  10. I wouldn't call it cheating, no. To me cheating is intentionally using a known bug/glitch to dupe stuff or be able to steal/kill/whatever without any intended consequences, for example, or using 3rd party hex edits/trainers/mods to force abilities, items, skills, circumvent time-grinds, and all of that. Now, personally, I don't mind the latter in a single-player game - especially as I get older sometimes I'll use those to save time, because I'm pretty lazy these days and don't feel like spending 30 hours killing the same enemy 5000x, or because I'm more interested in seeing/exploring a world vs. game progression goals and "beating the game", or something along those lines. Or I've finished a game and am just goofing off at that point. Anyway, changing difficulty isn't cheating and as others said, it becomes more a matter of ... how do YOU feel about it. I might do something like ... lower it to get through it, save the game, then reload and try again a few times on the original difficulty the next day. If I don't manage it after a few tries I'll shrug and continue on with the save I made after the "easier" fight. I might get more emotional satisfaction from beating it on my originally chosen difficulty but I don't waste a lot of time if it becomes too hard (or the game is cheesing things too much etc) in one fight. I typically have other game things that I want to waste spend time vs. "beating something" so for me, after a jolly good try or three, I don't regret stuff like that. Edit: I should say there have been some games (usually RTS) where I can get very stubborn and keep trying to figure out how to win a map scenario for a long time where it sorta becomes a thing, but more action-oriented "boss battle" type games ... for me, nah, not so much.
  11. Also watched The Midnight Sky. It was well acted, visually nice to look at, and ... that's about all I can say about it. I'd agree it's quite dreary, or perhaps too sterile - if you use The Road as an example, that film had more emotional weight/heft to it then this one, with better focus.
  12. Watched three episodes of "Your Honor." That first episode so far is the best one. 2nd and 3rd were slower and pretty predictable in terms of crisis and management. There's nothing all that innovate re: plot and such. Mostly you'll have fun watching Cranston be Cranston, or not. The chr. of Cranston's son may get on some people's nerves re: stupidity and passive deer aspects. Could get better later ofc.
  13. Pretend I'm on Twitch and this is my exaggerated "I really didn't need to see that" reaction the first time I ran across this guy.
  14. Hubby: "Since you can't eat bad carbs anymore, I went to Home Depot and bought these. Merry Xmas!" *drops a bunch of clothes washer sink lint socks on top of my head* Happy Holiday everyone.
  15. https://wccftech.com/asus-geforce-rtx-3080-ti-20-gb-geforce-rtx-3060-12-gb-rog-strix-custom-graphics-cards-leak/ ...Cyberpunk has me wanting one. But so far that's probably the only gaming reason for me to get one. Do people think it'll only be around 2 more years for 40xx etc. lines? Or do you think it'll be extended another year or two this time...
  16. Also...npc civilians get to have the coolest/weirdest stuff, it's not fair. I want it.
  17. This is nice, now I don't have to worry. Hopefully. Although ... has anyone else been getting a little more graphic pop-in since these last two patches? I feel like the graphics became slightly worse (same settings). Maybe it's my imagination but ... I recall how the more they "optimized" FFXV the worse some graphics looked regardless of settings. Sigh. I hope that doesn't happen here, at least by much. *pick,pick,pick*
  18. I rather saw that guys video as more of a self-aware parody and maybe a subtle message to his viewers (hence his honest humor re: the fact that yes he wasn't using his own assets) re: creating games is a lot of hard work/is not as easy or simple as ppl seem to think it is. But mostly, I just found his humor style funny. I mean, I laugh at some of the actual glitch videos, because glitches can be funny from any game. (ahh, memories of some FFXV glitches...) It's more the "boycott 4ever/I hope the devs crash and burn/I hate this game so no one should like this game" type of stuff that I don't like. As always, just me tho!
  19. Hubby: "How do you spell 'errand', like you have to go do something? Searching isn't helping..." ...I mention this only because, afterwards, I tried typing "airund" and "airrund" into search, which I bet is similar to what hubby probably tried before calling to me. Try it, even Google won't think "did you mean errand?" Which is interesting/kind of surprising, actually. Google-fail! haha. Dictionaries/search only help if your phonetic spelling is kind of close to what you're looking for.
  20. I just CTD/flatlined after loading a save, going to the apt, then clicked on apt door to leave and flatlined. First time I've had any CTD. Oh well. After watching some recent videos I'm tempted to start pouring all points into Tech so I can shoot through walls and floors. That looks like OP'd fun with guns. Also, not having watched news or trailers for this game for months/years, I had no idea about a certain something re: a chr and now I'm kinda gamey- ticked off. Oh well, x2.
  21. If I felt like/needed to make extra cash, I'd rather make it doing something like this instacart than standing behind a register at Wal-Mart. When I was a teen/YA I used to wish for jobs like that, that didn't require driving an actual company truck (I'm too small) or giant manly arm muscles. ...although if a grocery customer wanted someone to pick up eight super-max packages of bottled water and carry it up their long hilly dirt pathway to the front door, I would have to still decline.
  22. Guys, help me, I loaded up Cyberpunk for the first time since the last patch, and something is horribly wrong! ....actually, I watched/lol'd at this video (the creator's narration was hilarious imo), then download his "game." You can actually play it, kind of. I mean, it's a total joke, right, yet it's still crazy what people can do in so short a time these days.
  23. I didn't know I needed or wanted another Beatles documentary until I found Peter Jackson's sneak peek at some of the "unseen" footage he has access to for his upcoming film.
  24. Warning, bad language (and more bad language)! That said ... omg. Dunno if this short series will be good or not, but this trailer is gold.
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