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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I remember wondering if the motherboard (on its side) would be strong enough to support the 2080ti. It was so heavy vs. the 980ti. I'm waiting for when gpu's weigh 20 pounds and we'll need four straps coming off of it that'll attach to loop rings inside of our cases to hold it in place.
  2. This isn't a video about cats, but rather a documentary about the three main stages of aging.
  3. So, so, me. The section re: wearing masks ... also, so me.
  4. My mother had a large percolator (60's? 70's?), with the clear lid handle so you could see the coffee jumping up and down into it. As a kid I thought it was magic. Then eventually in the 80's she went to a Krups auto coffee maker and I never saw that thing again.
  5. ^ Rain may not generally be very adventurous/story-making, but it's a lot more fun to listen to. Sifting through movies on Netflix (usually I do series) ... there sure are a lot of low grade movies on there with famous to semi-famous people in them. I've been making my way through several. An alien-invasion type sci-fi film with Lee Pace called "Revolt" wasn't all that bad considering. I need more supernatural horror films tho. So few decent ones.
  6. Bought a small, cheap "laptop" table as a desk extender. I was using a clamp-to-desk board but it was a little too small and kept slipping so I'd have to readjust the clamps all the time. Table is much better. Hacksawed the metal tubes so min. height could be a little shorter and didn't use the included cheap wheels (sits on carpet in my case). Stable enough for a heavy KB, food plates, drinks, etc. Not something to support a lot of weight but it does the job of portable desk-top just fine. Even has a long slot to rest your tablet/phones in. And - mail order wise, imo Choi's kimchi is the best one. One of the few snacks/sides I can eat tons of without guilt so I get it often. I woke up this morning and shoveled some into my face first thing, in fact. Mmm. Can you imagine life without tastebuds? I sure can't.
  7. Started a game of Medieval Dynasty. Couldn't figure out how to craft the starter stone axe. Finally looked it up and realized the controller doesn't seem to access the crafting menu properly. Works fine for almost everything else but ... oh well, KB/mouse is near at hand and I can just use it when I must. Then I realized that this is one of those survival games where your hunger meter drops super-rapidly and you need to eat like 10 steaks to get it up again. Who the heck eats 10 steaks per meal, honestly. Are these "steaks" the size of quarters? Maybe some skills eventually helps it out some but nope, not dealing with that type of survival. Anyway, game settings allow you to turn on/off most "survival" aspects but you can only do it at the beginning of a new game. So I started over and turned off hunger/thirst and inventory weight limit. I am not spending 20 minutes carrying 10 logs back and forth to a storage bin constantly just to build a pre-fab small hut. Maybe I'll try it with all that back on later, but for now... Anyway! Outside of that - I'm liking the game so far. Good for exploration and management etc. Tried poking a boar (I may not need to eat but I could sell the meat!) and it trampled me. Good times.
  8. Netflix - Spycraft, 8 episode series. I liked it. Can pay full attention or use it as background while cooking or something else. Presented with uncomplicated methods and examples aren't dwelt on in great length. Goes into the far past methods and current concerns. Nothing masterful but a decent documentary series.
  9. Netflix - The Dig. Interesting topic, sedately paced (zzzz) movie. But I'll watch Ralph Fiennes in almost anything so...still, it was more attention-keeping to search/read up on the whole, factual story then it was to watch the movie itself.
  10. I bought some Carr "whole wheat crackers". I expected crackers. What I got was a thick round sweet tasting cookie. Sweeter than graham crackers. I learned about "meat glue" recently and how in the US they even put it in a lot of "bread-y" products and apparently there is something called "crab spaghetti" where they mix crab with tons of meat glue to form strands and ... ...in another 100 years food will all be labeled as "food product" because there will be no actual real food. Edit: unless you grow it yourself.
  11. Rain and more rain = ants in my computer room. Darnit. It's very rare they come in here. After my initial cleanup I'll be spending the whole day crushing the odd stray ant here and there with my finger. Sigh. On another note, Amazon Fresh is working fine in my area again - no mobile needed, no waiting list, often same-day/4 hours after you order it delivery. Awesome. Thus I discovered pre-packaged broccoli-slaw. That's the stalks of broccoli (left over from when companies sell you bags of just the crowns, I'd guess) turned into spaghetti like strands. I don't care about making cole-slaw out of them - but stir fry those up with my usual other stuff and texture/taste wise it's almost like I am eating ... chow mien. Only it's not bread-carbs. I'll be getting a couple bags of those every week now. My new favorite thing!
  12. ^ The 2nd one was slightly better than the original/first movie, but that's not saying a whole lot perhaps.
  13. Yeah...I mean it's not like I was expecting Oscar-worthy films, and they did have some amusing moments here and there. But even for what they are, they were not even all that much "fun." Watchable, but ... Also - I watched that Godzilla vs. Kong trailer. I have a feeling we saw all the main action sequences that will occur in that trailer and the rest of the movie will be made up of long reaction shots of various star cameos. Remember when trailers made you want to see the movie, vs. feel like you already saw the movie? That said, I'm sure those scenes will be be giant-monster movie mayhem fun.
  14. Erased is based on a manga (like many animes are) which began in 2012, so I think it pre-dates Life is Strange. I've had both the anime and the live-action series in my Netflix watchlist for ages. Just one of the many shows I haven't gotten around to watching. Tried Cobra Kai. The first episode was amusing with all the film references/comedy. The next two were much less amusing and I'm already bored of the macho posturing (even humorous) and rehashed highschool bully stuff. I do like the blonde lead tho - I don't remember his name - but it's weird because Ralph M. is sort of terrible. I mean he was never a great actor but it worked playing an awkward kid in those movies. In this series he's ... I dunno, I'm finding him almost unwatchable. It really was Mr. Miyagi that made the original film (the sequels were ok but not great) so watchable, imo.
  15. Calico - some low cost indie sim/rpg with simple graphics. (Eventually) ride a giant cat! *buy-click* Medieval Dynasty - wander/explore, build up a village (that'll do work/gather stuff for you? eventually you're the boss? dunno?), hunt, collect stuff, do quests for villagers, build stuff, survive hunger/weather/thirst. Maybe if you think of something like Banished only in 3D/survival-sim format? It's been in early access for a few months and they recently added horses (if you can get enough gold to get one...). Controller friendly so no thumb-destroying mouse needed. Seems ok at the start.
  16. Based on the sounds and initial laughter and old man's anticipatory grin I'd guess they make the cat curious/go into hunt mode making scratchy or other noises. It's like if you wiggle your toes under a blanket while in bed and a cat stalks/hunts/attacks them. The cat hitting the actual face I'm not sure about, unless it has something to do with reflections on the eyeglasses or the grin (teeth baring), or its just the area the cat knew it could reach from a floor jump. Anyway - cats go into hunt-mode because of sound and movement. The more you "play" with them like that the more likely they are to react to stuff like that even if you aren't doing it intentionally. Edit: I had a cat once who I'd pat my shoulder and he'd jump from floor to the shoulder/back. After a while he'd do it without me signalling and thus I'd just be bent over a table or something and suddenly have a cat flying onto my back causing me to shriek in surprise, especially if I had no clothes on/claws. EditEdit: he liked piggyback airplane rides
  17. ^ I decided I'd wait for all the patches before trying to do much quest-wise in this game. I mean if I'd liked it enough to obsess/play/finish it in the first couple weeks, that would've been fine and all, but since I didn't even get close to that, I may as well wait now. So maybe I'll try picking it up again in ... summer? Maybe by then at least any possible quest bugs will be fixed.
  18. Well, I watched it via Prime, but I think it was more of a movie-movie, so... After debating for a while I tossed my hands and paid the $20 rental fee to see the end of the world movie Greenland. There's no aliens - it's another extinction-level asteroid/comet etc. type scenario. Anyway, it wasn't bad for the genre. Money shots (on home TV at least) were ok looking but not numerous, drama-peril was fairly typical for type but done well enough. One of the things I liked about it was it was all from the main family perspective. That is, it was closer to a not-omniscient viewpoint, versus going back and forth between a military HQ and multiple other leads for exposition like many disaster films. So any information you get is only as the family was getting it (TV/radio announcements, ppl they ran into), which felt more in the moment. Also, avoids having to tech-babble-splain "reasons". Some people might prefer more exposition re: very ending, felt kind of abrupt/thin. And it didn't have Morgan Freeman. $20 is bit on the high side, but when it's the usual $5-6 worth a shot if you like such films.
  19. Dear Diary of Materialistic Whim: these Koss KSC75 over-ear small headphones that I bought are the bomb. No more earplug effect like with earbuds, or ear pressure like 'normal' headphones, which I hate. Good sound for the size, for mobile and PC/gaming. And not expensive. Imma gonna buy 3 more pairs (I'd guess they're not years and years durable) and a wire length extension for PC use. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006B486K Side note: With hubby home 24/7 now, I use headphones a lot more overall, since he seems to be in constant never ending phone meetings...even w/closed doors it'd be a bit rude to blast sound in the house during the day like I used to, ha.
  20. It's just an 8 second funny dialogue bit from Nipton, not worth anything/not creative. Which is why I didn't understand the sudden crazy spike. Today I woke up, ate, and now I'm going to, uh ... probably spend too much money again I'll get back to y'all on that.
  21. Opened my email today and was flooded with comment notifications re: one of my 9+ year old FO:NV videos, making me go wtf? Its view count (relatively speaking) exploded apparently. Was scratching my head as to the reason for it - I guess this could be why? Silly YouTube recommendation algorithms. I heard it was a separate DLC-like format, which I assume means I can't take the main game NPC's in with me? Pity. Does look interesting tho, and well made. And yes I double-posted again.
  22. Re: the patch (which I haven't installed/played yet): some PC users are reporting a lot less crowd density even with it set to highest. Anyone else notice the same? I wonder if that was supposed to be only for console versions but got put into the PC patch by mistake. Or if it's another sign of how even the PC version will have its graphics generally "downgraded" for performance reasons vs. just adding more low-low graphic setting options.
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