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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Saw some YT video that reminded me I saw this movie in the theater back when - had a teenage bf who loved such movies. Anyway, I remember thinking it was entertaining even then, and nostalgia has me wanting me to say it was one of those "most 80's 80's" type of movies. So much cheese and Bruce Lee homages. The slow mo arm waving - one of those Bruce Lee homages - at around 3:25 is gold (warning, end fight spoiler, if anyone cares). Sho Nuff! Also, that song was awesome.
  2. I have now modded 7 Days where max chr. level is 5 (normally 300) but I get a lot of skill points each level. This is an experiment in game stage workings. I still don't really understand game stage, except that days survived + character level + many deaths vs. no deaths somehow dictates when and how often/many the harder crazy zombies start spawning all the time. I found a readable "skill book" that gave me more damage ... against humans. There are no humans in the game. I know there are going to be bandits later but what is the point of putting that in the game now? Maybe if you want to PvP (most people don't/it's not highly supported). Whatever. They updated to version 19.4 but I didn't feel like updating for tiny changes/fixes. I'll just wait for A20 instead and continue farting around with 19.3.
  3. I was all about Data, just like I was all about Spock. Not that I didn't love Q and Picard too. Almost everyone else just sort of faded into the background. Beverly had one or three good episodes, one really horrible episode and otherwise was just there. One of the better Troi episodes (imo) was Face of the Enemy. I think the actress was more effective/better ability showcased during such moments vs. the bland and neutral therapy/empathy role she was usually scripted into. Plus how interesting can you make a variation of "What are you sensing?" "I'm not sure." all the time? It was almost her version of "Hailing frequencies open".
  4. Won't be long before I'll figure why bother buying on original release - wait 2-3 years and you'll get the new and improved, extra features, no bugs, remaster version. Y'all developers/publishers aren't tricking me into double-buying again! Nope, nosiree, neveragainever! What? No that isn't a bridge in my pocket.
  5. ...I've had some "Chinese jalapeno chicken" that definitely had too much "pepper." I'm very tolerant of jalapeno's and some hot sauces but even I was picking half of these out so my insides wouldn't be burning holes re: the amount ingested. Black pepper ... generally on a steak or something tho you can crust the whole thing with black pepper or whatever and it's fine. Red pepper "flakes", jalapeno's are usually what I use - I like them best w/stir frying and soy sauce based sauces, mostly. Habanero's and the like can just stay out of my kitchen outside of a dash of some sauce maybe. All this talk of pepper - I now want some "street tacos."
  6. I'm so sick of the unyielding metal finger splints, where you can't feel anything, it's like wearing metal gloves... so I tried wrapping the velcro strips around my knuckles instead. Seems to work to keep the joints from auto-curling/sticking into bent "trigger" position, no popsicle stick required. Good enough for day use anyway, just wear metal splints at night. I might even be able to use a game controller (clumsily). Not that I should... Apparently "trigger thumb/finger" tends to be more common with diabetic people, RA, and older women. And pc users/some jobs, I'm sure. Sigh. *grumpy deformed claw, cat*
  7. 4:3 is because of IMAX. If an IMAX release is planned they shoot for that, where the screen ratio is almost square (eg, tall) and thus closest to 4:3. Then for the regular release they have to edit/crop it for the not-tall/square typical theater ratio. Thus you are getting the director's original scene framing in those cases, which they may actually prefer. Maybe. It's what I've heard anyway. ...edit: I haven't seen the movie, either the original or this Snyder cut thing (or the wonder woman movie, or....batman vs. superman was the only one I saw I think). I'm mildly curious so perhaps one day but 4 hrs is a bit beyond my TV patience recently.
  8. Was rewatching season 1 of HBO's Rome. Still holds up - although the scenes of the scheming of the women characters isn't all that repeat watchable imo. I think it's time for another series about Rome or something. Not "HBO's Rome, rebooted" - just another good fictional production of that period. Especially if they had better/more battle sequences. But I'm biased because I tend to like those historical figures/conflicts in fictionalized form. And battles.
  9. ...note: you can have too much salt, fat, sugar, pepper, etc, but imo, there is no such thing as too much garlic.
  10. Signs of passing winter: aka where's my housemaid. Could use a personal home decorator too. Also ... why I like dark rooms. Darnit, can't unsee, now I have to clean my KB.
  11. No clue. I think I left Defender as something that can update itself, it's one of the few Win10 services I don't mind having run - I only disabled o/s (all those "packages") and all drivers (I hate Windows updating any hardware drivers, I'll do such manually thanks). That said, I can't even remember the last time I got some Windows "notification" for anything. Hubby does all the firewall stuff (physical hardware firewall, all his work and remote desktoping needs more than avg. precautions) and I'm just an extension of his network so in some terms I don't really think about such. I don't have Windows Firewall or any other software firewall enabled tho, never have on any Windows. I did a ton of Win10 tweaking initially, including some powershell command stuff, to the extent I had to write down everything I did so if I ever have to reformat/reinstall I can hopefully do it all again, because by then (well, already, now, actually) I won't remember jack.
  12. I just turned UAC slider all the way down and haven't had any issues since. But I probably don't do anything that triggers anything, since I know that technically doesn't turn UAC completely completely off. I also haven't updated Win10 in a year or more, turning them completely off in Group Policy. Only time I update an o/s istuff s when a game I want to play refuses to run if I don't, since I hardly ever install new software that might complain. Burying user control options under layers and layers or registry tweaks is definitely an irritation tho.
  13. Minari? Looks like one of those critically lauded, well-acted but slow paced human dramas. One which I'm actually interested in, but not $20 Amazon rental level interested in. Otherwise, yeah, old school. Some old classic you think others haven't seen or something.
  14. Phone cameras: there's that certain distance and lighting where they do fairly well. And then there is ... ...nope, that doesn't work for me.
  15. Judging by the millions of views, maybe everyone's seen it before, but ... I'm not even playing it but this video had me laughing like a loon in some spots. It's a little long but keeps progressing in absurd insanity/hilarity. Almost makes me want to buy it (vs. waiting a while).
  16. Dolemite Is My Name, Netflix It was nice to see Eddie Murphy in something that I actually found watchable and mostly entertaining/well done. I mean ok, Donkey was sorta amusing, but I haven't liked most of his live-action stuff in forever (it's the films/roles, not his abilities, if you know what I mean). There was that Tower Heist film where I liked his character but that's about it for years.
  17. Hubby finally getting around to watching season 2 of Stranger Things (we saw the first episode or two of it but never the rest of it). I walked by and was all "Paul Reiser was in this? I don't remember that. Oh my god, he got old!" (my memory of him is still stuck in the 80's/90's) Hubby: "If he grew old, so did we." Me: "lalala I can't hear you."
  18. I wish I could dig a (useful vs. decorative) moat. Zombies, sadly, can walk in water and don't have to breathe, thus it won't stop them at all and they will just pummel any structure support blocks underwater. I'm sure everyone was wondering what I do when I'm not building fancy creative pool houses. Well, I build fancy zombie defense highrises. Although the height is mostly to defeat a certain enemy AI that spawns from too much activity (so I can do stuff like burn forges day and night w/out being pestered all the time). The actual magical horde zombie fighting is done on that small side extension (it's my "hallway" - works fine for easyish difficulties). 6x6 is a nice "room" size, not too big, not too small. It was ... a lot of concrete making tho. It has six floors plus basement and roof (8). To have plants grow indoors you have to have at least one tile open to the "sun" all the way down. (p.s. - there is a ladder for access, I don't "fly" up - most of the time, hah). Rebuilding and fortifying the world one hammer blow at a time! (I've re-mastered the personal housing, I think I might start repairing/rebuilding whole pre-fab towns now...)
  19. Getting bored of 7 Days to Die again but there aren't many other games that I want can play with the current condition of my hands/fingers. Controller use is out, right now - r-trigger use is murder and finger splints make it impossible anyway. Basically, mouse-clicking dominant games (much more than WASD and TAB/EsC on kb is too difficult, too) like Diablo-likes are about it. Thus ... staring at the wall again like the boring introvert that I am, wondering what to do now. Can't garden. Can't easily hold/manipulate a heavy camera. Maybe it's finally time to start spending all my cash on digital ebooks. It's been so long since I've kept up with/done any major reading I'd have no idea where to begin re: new authors.
  20. The problem isn't carbs per se ... it's all the "bad carbs" as well as over-indulgence and lack of balancing high carb intake with other things. You can eat a lot of white rice or potatoes as the filler, but balanced with low meat, high vegetable, small/moderate portion size etc. you're going to be fine. If all you're eating is instant ramen, fatty pork, and sweet rice cakes however, well....yeah. An unbalanced diet, where ever the imbalance is, tends to not be good for most people in the long run. Apply that to any cultural diet preferences, really.
  21. Example: it now takes close to 20 minutes to generate an 8100kx8100k map, which is just stupid. The "4kx4k" sized ones take about 4 minutes. They have 3 pre-generated ones (always the same file) for ppl who can't generate maps on their PC's well. >.> For solo play 8x is overkill tho, most people would base and at most explore 2-3 cities, like in the magnified section (each grid of a city is a "block" with several buildings/houses in it). Anyway, biomes are now always same position direction wise, so ... predictable.... ....versus the way they were before, where they mingled and was much more random (and larger/more cities etc) thus more fun to explore. Oh well. I have no idea why they take so long to generate now tho. The below used to just take a few minutes vs. close to 20. Terrain, water, town/POI, physics generation changed a lot I guess. Whatever. Edit: at least you can still d/l and play the old betas, back to A8 or A9 I think, still, if you want.
  22. @keyrock - nice. I miss when 7 Day's random maps were essentially "infinite". Then they became "60kx60k" or 100k or something but you could still hack them to be infinite. Now they're around 8kx8k (this is still really huge, multiple giant cities/biomes, can't fit it all in the map viewer), or if you have a potato PC, there's a 4kx4k option. But the random maps have become more predictable biome wise vs. more random biome placement and merging. Less interesting to attempt to go from edge to edge to edge. Kind of a shame.
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