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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Finnish crime/detective series: Bordertown, via Netflix. I initially thought it would be in the crime-a-season format but what it actually does is spend two or three episodes per crime (10-11 eps. per season). I rather like that format. Not too short, not too drawn out for each one. Not a flashy series, which I like. Main character is kind of eccentric but I'm not sure in what way. Not socially attentive/personable, socially awkward, "lost in his own head-space" most of the time, but not purposefully mean/arrogant ala Dr. House or modern Sherlock. Has that typical grey/dreariness and deliberate pacing to everything but the lead actor is very interesting, imo, main reason to watch. His daughter, wife, and their family dynamic are ok too, although I could use a little less of the human-drama bits (just me, I prefer the crime/mystery solving) but so far I'm liking it a fair bit. Finished first season, there's currently 3 seasons on Netflix.
  2. Everyone knows this noise: ...but did you know they purr, too?
  3. At my age I likely don't have a few decades. Which is probably one reason why I feel more resigned than angry about such, anymore. It just feels less and less important, permanence of stuff I mean. I used to rage about stuff like this tho.
  4. I knew there was a reason I only bought a handful of games on the PS4. At this point I'm so used to idea that nothing access-wise is even close to permanent (at least not without a lot of hoop-jumping or multiple purchasing) it just kind of makes me sigh a little. It still sucks tho. I know it's not quite the same, but I still haven't replaced the majority of the VHS movie/TV collection I had, because the format keeps changing and I stopped wanting to rebuy fave media since ... they created streaming TV. I feel like the streaming gaming stuff (or temp-play services like GamePass I think?) are trying to create a similar merket situation if that makes sense . Dunno if it'll long term succeed but I already see kids yapping about why pay $60 for every game to "own/perm access" when they can just use GamePass to play something, so yeah.
  5. It's Spring, the giant jumping spiders are out in force again, ridding the yard of all the boring usual house spiders. I love how aware they are that I'm there, holding a phone 2" from their face and they only move their head a little to stare you down, while still eating, being all like "yeah, so, you want a piece of me? I'm busy at the moment, come back later."
  6. A slow, meditative joke video about a joke game. That said, around 5:00 when he upped the weather and wind for the "true professional player" I sorta lost it. ...there's a 2022 version now, complete with ... multiplayer!
  7. I would like to be playing something, but nothing interests me. I goofed off a little more with both DK1 and DK2, just some levels I made for dungeon building and avatar-whacking. Thought about redoing a few of the fave levels from Deeper Dungeons (the ones with the zillions of tunnelers at the beginning where you have to wall off fast or die) but .... eh. Actually, I pulled out my DK-Gold Prima guide and read through it - that one was especially entertaining, the writer/s were amusing and it was so full of details. Sure, 'net guides are easier, but I miss those Prima guides, in a way. Edit: from the start of that guide: (and they kept this kind of tone most of the time)
  8. I bought hundreds of pieces of eating plasticware and stopped washing any dishes - because doing such daily was causing too much joint wear and tear and pain. And a week later, the 'trigger' aspect to my right thumb, at least, seems to be slowly improving instead of worsening. Dunno if it'll ever feel as flexible/not stiff, but it's nice to hope I won't be Velcro-Hand forever. I guess washing dishes is now evil. Well, it always was, but now even more so. Btw, velcro wrapped around most of your fingers is murder on bed blankets and robes. Just saying.
  9. I have always liked Ryan Reynolds, even in otherwise "bad"/unremarkable films like Blade 3 and Green Lantern. His overall acting feels (to me) rather generic yet his on-screen presence is often very funny or charismatic in a cheeky way. Which is why those ads he does on his YT channel are so great. I vaguely recall that hitman bodyguard movie, they were an amusing pair.
  10. yeah my hospital sent me a similar notice re: johnson and johnson vaccine and how it means their vaccine supply is "smaller" now. I have no idea if this affects my appointment in a couple weeks, guess I'll have to check. I'm tempted to cancel the appointment and just try again later.
  11. That Army of Dead trailer: "Hiroyuki Sanada!" "Gambler! Good song!" ...*eh, not as brain-dead as usual (?) zombies...well, at least it's not superheroes." ..."...zombie tiger. That's crossing the line." - HAHAHAHA. Well, it's on Netflix, so I'll at least try to watch it, probably.
  12. Tried to watch a 10ep serial killer crime drama called Reckoning on Netflix. It's more human character drama than crime, in a way. Acting was generally good all around but ... the show is so depressing and dreary. Color wise (most of the time), character wise, atmosphere. Can't say I *like*, let alone want to root for anyone - cops, children, wives/mothers, the criminal. After three episodes I was starting to feel a little depressed so I turned it off.
  13. Yesterday I did nothing. Today I did nothing. Tomorrow I'll .... probably do nothing. Also, I need this t-shirt:
  14. Yeah, I used gatehouses to prevent low-level housing market ladies from grabbing food from the palace areas and so many housing areas were all fish or maybe fish and wheat only. Or something. You can do that if you have enough palaces/etc. IIRC. My fave war level was the one with the elephants.
  15. Peace or War path? The peace one is actually a bit harder because of higher prosperity type ratings. I haven't played the whole campaign in ages but I do have the 'HD' version of it installed. Ah, gatehouses. I loved doing that. The market ladies and cart pushers always made me giggle. I remember in later Impressions games they had these little road-block squares you could place, but for some reason I didn't like them as much as having gatehouses everywhere. I can't recall why. lol. edit: maybe it was because it only stopped market ladies, not building workers and I liked controlling all workers? Maybe? Maybe not? Never mind me.
  16. Tried DK2 pet dungeons again. Exited game/restarted after finishing each one, saved progress each time. Then I got to the 4th one again. Possessed a creature to group minions to get points (to finish the PD faster). Game froze. Wouldn't let me use my mouse on 2nd monitor/anywhere so I was spamming KB key combos for long minutes trying to close game window w/out a hard reboot. Come to think of it, the first time I did it, game did that "party like it's 1999" disco thing w/everyone dancing - and they wouldn't stop for ages, after minutes I could pick creatures up and drop them and they'd still be dancing on landing. Had to slap them all to get them to stop. Maybe that specific PD is just bugged in gog version, I've heard the campaign has a few buggy levels too. Copied over a couple of my self-made/altered PD's from other PC to Win10 PC. Playing those instead. So far they seem stable. Mine are more fun anyway - vamps can walk in water, creatures can train to lvl 8 (instead of just 4) and treasury tiles can hold a lot more gold per tile. Can't stand needing 10 treasure rooms...
  17. @Bartimaeus That sucks. Here's hoping she beats the odds. Hugs. @BruceVCLooks lovely/peaceful. I still miss my redwoods. Haven't been in a while, maybe this summer.
  18. Rented Monster Hunter movie for six bucks. I probably would've gotten more price satisfaction from a cheapish grocery deli sandwich. That said, you know what you're getting, really, with this kind of movie (well, if you know who the star/director are anyway) ... and the very start and the last 1/3 was silly fun, I wanted more of that. The section with only Mila and Jaa and desert, while not bad, simply went on too long. Plus it felt like it didn't know what it wanted to be - horror/almost alien, or "monster", or fantasy, or superhero, or ... I'd say it's a $3 rental, not a $6 one.
  19. Didn't find any 4k game etc. but I did find one of LG's videos. It looks pretty good on my 1440 IPS monitor, right, nice and clean. Then I shove it over to the OLED TV and it's just "whoah." It is now what I'm going to use as a 15 minute pixel mover wallpaper after a longer gaming session. I need more stuff like this (whether CGI or 'live'), especially rain, because I like rain. Most similar uploads on YouTube are about color vs. blacks and/or has a lack of clarity (way too compressed for 55"). or is "rain on bedroom window" or "rain falling off a roof" where rain is barely visible (because rain is really really hard to capture on video without 'tricks').
  20. Played the early levels of Dungeon Keeper 1, goofing off. Still runs ok but does seem a bit "laggy" at times like something's off. Decided to try DK2 (gog version again) - also the first time I tried on Win10. Loaded up fine. Started blowing through the Pet Dungeons to unlock them all. Got to the 4th one, finished, pressed space to exit map/start the next one - game CTD'd. Fine. Loaded up the game again. Didn't save progress, nor did it save my graphic/resolution setting (went back to defaults). Could do it again but now I'm wondering if it'll reset progress every time you relaunch. Pffft. Guess I'll test it by only doing first Pet D, exiting, seeing if it saves it. I may just stick to playing DK's on my old Win7 rig. Double pffft.
  21. This basically describes every James Bond movie (that I've seen anyway). I'm not sure I've ever seen all of the Wild Bunch. I may have tried when I was younger but I don't recall. The Searchers was ok, probably one of the few Wayne movies I tried that I actually finished. But I have this tendency to dislike rescue-children plots. I didn't like that remake very much. I do/can understand why Wayne was considered such an icon - those movies just aren't for me tho. I'm kinda weird because there are some movies that feel like Westerns to me even tho they aren't. Like the more recent Coster/Hallerson's The Highwaymen (period based on true crime). Don't ask me why, I don't know and I'm sure it's not logical. Maybe it's just the character attitudes.
  22. Using velcro to wrap my knuckles works pretty well. I need more 4k game graphic environment porn showcases. edit: wish Ghost of Tsushima was on PC
  23. I should probably clarify that when I say Western I don't mean John Wayne or anything too similar to his style of movies, which for me were utter bores. In terms of older stuff Treasure of the Sierra Madre and High Noon would be examples. After that it was mostly from the 60's/70's and 80's/90's. Western Adventure and Western Action might be better categories. Clint Eastwood, obviously, Silverado, Lonesome Dove mini-series (although that feels a bit dated now, outside of Jones and Duvall's excellent performances), Open Range more recently. I liked Dances with Wolves a lot when I saw it in theater but for me it doesn't hold up for many rewatches. I loved the black and white Lone Ranger series in reruns when I was a kid, silly as it was on hindsight. Star Wars was often called a western in space, and imo it's rather true. Star Trek (original series at least), same. Firefly obviously takes a lot of Western cues. There's a frontier flavor, certain themes, sometimes the white hat and the black hat, justice/revenge, that I guess I typically find entertaining or compelling.
  24. Between covid delays etc. and my continual dislike for most current film/tv popular trends (in general, not just generic superhero, haha) I've just been rewatching past films or tv instead. It's interesting to note which ones hold up for me over time, whether it's been just a few years or a few+ decades. Apparently for me, westerns or at least stuff that has a kind of western "flavor" hold up very well. Maybe it's the themes that tend to be in such that I like. Not sure. Also, Kevin Costner has a very limited acting range, imo, but he does western-flavored characters so well. He's the lead or co-lead in so many of the more "modern" westerns that I've enjoyed. I'd include his father-Kent role in there, too.
  25. Idle wondering: at this point, I wonder what percentage of total purchasable games on Steam are in the "early access" category.
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