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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. ...and blur. Way too much blur. But yeah, that seems like it should be overkill vs. a must have amount. Weird design choice. Oddly it makes me think of when I first played DK and kept making my workshop bigger and bigger until it practically took up the whole map, because that voice kept saying it was too small and I didn't understand.
  2. I would also like to know why they thought blurring the top section of the screen was something they should do. I can see it in that video review, and people on Steam have posted screenshots/said there's no obvious way to disable it. That would annoy the heck out of me. Oh sure it's something I could put up with if the gameplay design was stellar, but so far doesn't sound like that will be the case, either... why would you do this type of graphic blur for this type of game?
  3. Most (not all, but most) survival type games become a grindfest at some point. Whether for resources or for keeping up repairs or for food stocks or weapons or ammo or whatever it is ... it's the basic gameplay loop after all. Like in 7 Days, I don't know how (or why) anyone would to play the same save to try to reach lvl 300. You'd have your mega base and best gear long long before then and all you'd be doing is grinding upkeep and XP. Or ignoring all of that and building castles instead. Re: Evil Genius 2 - hmm, doesn't sound good. Don't really care about sale prices but does sound like one should wait and see if they fix/change any of these QoL/UI annoyances.
  4. I saw some video that explained one reason some videos have millions of views in less then 24 hrs. Something about the comments. Not the ones under the video, some community thing or something. I forget. The algorithm that has YT recommending some low-count obscure video 7 years after it was uploaded to thousands and thousands of ppl on the same day is a weird one.
  5. Some on Steam are saying the LoD/pop-in is even worse than before, especially when driving. Anyone here notice such? If there's one thing I hate - particularly in supposed "graphic wowzer" games - is texture and other pop-in. Oh well ... I probably won't be able to dedicate to playing games like this for some months anyway (my hands, I mean). I may try to replay this game in 2022, see if they make enough changes where I'll find the gameplay/mechanics a little more interesting for my tastes. Won't expect miracles.
  6. Why does YT keep recommending all these "watching a movie first time reaction" videos? Why do they seem so popular (sorta)? Why are they all approx 30 minutes long (not 18, not 22, not 45, always close to 30). *few hours later* ...well, they're kinda cool for rewatching a movie without actually rewatching the movie...the ones who are calm and have more to say then "cool, I liked it" are more interesting. The ones who like to holler and scream/ham it up get turned off in 60 seconds.
  7. I watched their 9 minute video re: Biomutant. Something about it felt off. I don't know, it doesn't look very interesting ... maybe they just made a terrible video. At any rate, never had intentions to pre-order. I'll wait for review/more info. The way they sorta disappeared for so long can't help but make you wonder.
  8. Rented and tried to watch Tenet. Unfortunately the sound mixing (and more specifically, Amazon Prime's streaming audio, whatever they are using) was horrendous. I mean usually you can at least find some tolerable ratio between the extra loud music and needing to hear/understand whispering dialogue, but this was horrible. It might've been a good - or at least interestingly weird - movie, but we gave up and turned it off after 30 minutes. I think we may need to try investing in one of those fancy 90210.231 Dolby 50 speaker sound systems or something, just to see if that actually handles this modern day sound-mixing, vs. "2.1" (speakers, maybe a sub woofer). Or attach to an actual stereo receiver with a mega equalizer unit. Ridiculous.
  9. Count me in the camp of those where some games, no matter how much you loved them years ago ... for some you can still replay/don't care about either looks, mechanics or QoL thingies, others you just can't go back. I mean I suppose if I tried hard enough I could, but it's not like I'm not familiar with them already so the motivation to force yourself into the past isn't there as much. I notice they have Biomutant on their front page now, with "soon" - does this mean it might truly be releasing "soon?" I'd kind of given up on that game...
  10. I am jealous because my name doesn't seem to lend itself to anything nearly as stately and mature.
  11. LOL Oops, didnt even see/notice that possibility. Everyone used to ask if I liked the color because of the username.
  12. Wait, you can change your user name on your own, now? Hmmmmmm.... "CatLadyWithNoCats" "LCdoesntactuallylikethecolorred" "WhereNoOneKnowsMyNameAgain" "YouCanCallMeLC"
  13. I can't decide if I like this avatar better than the previous one. This one is more in line with my current extra grumpy/bored old fart self but the other one was cuter and caffeinated-kitten is what I'm like in my good/hyperactive moods. Maybe I should just switch them back and forth as a mood indicator. *stares down the hall at hubby's office door* ... is if 5pm yet? I'm so bored and my hands hurt. Hubby, entertainnnnnnnnnnn me. Or at least give me snuggles. Snuggles makes grumpy cat go away.
  14. Best western novel I've ever read. Thanks, RIP.
  15. I don't even care if they can fight, provide food, or help you in any way. Just be a deco companion that follows me around and be cute as a button. Or if useful at all - tiger/panther mounts, like in that Neverwinter mmo. Yeah, I remember those. WoW, too. All fantasy-ish open-worlds should have panther riding mounts. F* horses.
  16. I finally found the perfect spot for a plateau/cliffside castle. Now the problem is trying to think of design. What's there is a few initial supports (supports go all the way down to bedrock) and testing. Need to figure out the blocks for building better towers and such. Gosh I love building (and the freedom about it) in this game. They have yet to let us raise/farm the chickens and rabbits, let alone the mt. lions, in 7 Days. All we can do is chase/kill them. If they add pet cats in your game, I'll rely on you to let me know. ... half the reason I kept playing Path of Exile was all their deco cat pets....
  17. I read a review then saw the trailer for "Nobody" - now I desperately want to see it but it probably won't be streaming until late April. Bob Odenkirk getting mad and kickin' butt, must watch. I expect the movie itself to be simply serviceable but predictable - but he in that kind of role - totally my thing.
  18. Uh, no, no it wasn't. Probably got dumped in a neighbor's garage mail slot instead. It's not really worth debating over tho ... I'll probably just try to order it again if neighbors don't bring it by in another day or two or something.. In other daily news, one of hubby's workers has Covid. He was one of the few that was actually in the office a fair bit this month (the place is largely empty most of the time). So hubby can't go in the office himself (IT/network server ppl need to do that sometimes) until it's been cleared or something. The guy's in his early 30's and has diabetes issues. Hubby hasn't seen him in person for a couple weeks or been in the office this week so probably no worry there. Hope the guy ends up ok. He was extra careful because of his condition but can't be careful enough these days I guess.
  19. Let's see ... the highest you can place a block is at 254M. If I build a single block column starting at 65M (typical not-mountain height is 55-65M), it takes 189 blocks to reach the limit. So seemingly, one block = 1M. My character is definitely taller than one block, so "M" is unlikely to stand for "Mile" ... thus I'll assume it's for "Meter" ... which means the max building height from 65M would be approx ... 620 feet? That doesn't seem very high, considering tallest in real world are 1800+ feet. Oh sure I could dig to bedrock and add maybe another 150 feet, but that section would be "underground" - unless I feel like digging up the entire world down to bedrock - and it's not the same. So much for my plan to build a version of 432 Park Avenue or similar. I am disappoint! Oh well, probably for the best, since often grand plans, not always enough patience.... Also: to place blocks without cheat-flying, one hits the jump key and quickly places a block under the 'feet', re-landing on the newly placed block, over and over. Then at the top, you just skydive off, die, and respawn on your bedroll. Repeat until you have your main vertical supports up, then start trying to create/connect all the floors/walls/whatever, using ladders (where's my elevators!) and makeshift scaffolding, of a sort, while now trying to not purposefully skydive.
  20. Sorry, I missed this before - I can understand that pov. The main reason the video sorta made me want the game is so I could try "breaking" it too. I mean let's face it, overall there's only so many ways you can do a crafting/survival+action game. There's going to be one (maybe) or two that fits a personal playstyle/game mechanics preference. I feel like Valheim has too much focus on boss fighting which isn't really my thing anymore, if it ever was. I'd probably play it (because it has a different aesthetic vs. 7 Days) if I could remove most of that and just creatively build mountain castles/towers that most players would never have the patience to make legitly. Ages ago, before all this 3D pc gaming, I used to want a copy of AutoCad or similar so I could design floor plans because I'm weird like that. I still haven't gotten far in No Man's Sky. I like its exploration feel and the theoretical possibilities, but something about it did not inspire the "one more hour" type of feeling for me.
  21. You can "mod" a lot of things in 7 Days very easily, it's just a matter of changing or deleting etc. lines in the .xml sheets. Not a big deal outside of the time it takes to hunt and peck for the right lines (alter or remove the "wrong" lines and you'll get all kinds of errors, haha). Although these days you can create/dump them into a Mods folder so updates don't constantly revert all the tiny line changes you made, back again. Or for more extensive mods some make that include more scripting or graphic reworks.
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