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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That Jupiter's Legacy trailer: --first several seconds made me think long-haired fantasy version of The Mummy, for some reason. --The boiled down plot summary sorta sounds like Watchmen, but in more conventional superhero comic fashion. I think there was another one on Netflix that was more teen oriented with a similar device (parent superheros and kids), too. --There are so many superhero (for kids, for adults, for teens) series on Netflix now that I wish I could block the word superhero from any of their rec. list. --I can still like superhero stuff, btw. Just not 98% of what they keep coming out with these days. --Edit: I'd watch Loki series if it was on Netflix. But that's because Loki is hilarious and I'd be hoping he'd remain hilarious in the series.
  2. ^ But did you finish your castle? ...I love being a sniper in some video games. Long range/distance is my jam.
  3. Warms my heart to know Prosper (may be) prospering!
  4. It's been months and months since that trailer. Has there been any more news at all for this game? Has covid had any delay impact? I'm guessing not until maybe 2022 or 2023?
  5. Depends on possibly the age and tastes of the family. It's more comical than horrific imo but really young kids maybe not. I unfortunately don't tend to watch "family" movies (or movies, really, these days) and can't think of anything I've seen in the past year or so that would qualify as such.
  6. Stronghold: Warlords - well, it is a bit better than most of the other 3D ones and while the graphics are kind of dated looking, I do like the East Asian aesthetic. I haven't done much more than the tutorial and some freebuilding, so generally no comments re: military/combat yet. --runs great on my system at 4k/100+ FPS. :P Although it would appear older and/or "potato" systems may have low fps issues and/or crashes with a lot of units/buildings over time. There are total-unit limitations by default (rather low ones imo) but you can increase them via an .xml if your pc can take it. --units can now move in formation, which is nice. I remember in original game I'd tell hundreds of macemen to march over there, and they'd end up in this single-line stream rushing to attack. But, see, to me that was amusing... --there are a lot of building restrictions, which make sense in normal play modes...example, you place a large Temple or a small Fear Factor deco item and it greys out in the UI. There can be only one, sometimes two, of each type. In freebuild this is irritating because maybe I want more than one cherry tree in the whole town? They could make it so only the first one placed of each thing gives a bonus and extras do nothing. Would achieve same strategy restriction but allow you to have a little more aesthetic too. --castle building becomes more and more simplified and restricted every game in this series. Some might like this. Not me. --as is often the case with these updated "3D" of older top-down isometric RTS games, the maps are small and feel cramped - oh and there are no moats. >.> Anyway ... so far it's a bit like the 3D version of Crusader 2 they did a while back. Where I don't dislike it and I at least sort of like the freebuild (there is a map editor for it, so that helps), so I'll probably mess around with that and maybe AI skirmish mode off and on - but as is often the case, while the originals may be graphically outdated with "stupid AI", they still had more flexible/creative gameplay - and charm, the originals had way more charm. But at least Firefly still has their corny sense of humor: (when you click on chickens/pigs they have names...)
  7. As I play the tutorial a bit, I feel like something is missing. Then it hit me: in the original games, when peasants dropped food off into the granary, or lumber onto the stockpile, there were these sound effects. A patterned sound. Plus other activity sounds. In Stronghold:Warlords, there is almost nothing but silence. Is this important? No. But "game personality" is lost.
  8. *stares at Stronghold: Warlords in the virtual stores* On the one hand, it's supposedly the best "3D" version of Stronghold they've put out (set in East Asia this time vs. European medieval). On the other hand ... it's "3D" Stronghold, with likely more emphasis on typical AoE-like RTS over what made Stronghold unique in the first place. But I'm so borrrred/want a new non-action game. At least it would have freebuild just to goof on with.And it's not $60.
  9. Wait ... they're making a Borderlands movie now? What? Like movies based on games have done so well in the past... https://www.shacknews.com/article/123666/borderlands-movie-official-cast-list Hmm...Cate Blanchett as Lillith? I can sorta see that, although I feel she's a little older than the chr. ought to be (I picture early 30's, not 50's). Jack Black as the voice of Claptrap? Mmm, maybe if he disguises his voice enough where I can't immediately go "that's Jack Black." Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis? That's not too bad, although again, seems on the older side vs. game chr. Maybe the movie is set 15 years in the future vs. games? And then ... Kevin freaking Hart as .... Roland? Roland is (in the game) a bland, stick-in-the-mud and military hoo-rah type personality. Well, maybe Mr. Hart can surprise me.
  10. ^ Yeah, I had one of those notes from my hospital that I was now qualified to make an appointment because I'm a certain level of "high risk" - when I went to the site the first available one was the start of May. >.> Can't pick which brand/company etc. I did flake off a week before trying to make it, maybe I could've gotten one a week earlier if I hadn't. Hardehar. I'm not in a hurry tho ... still don't really want one yet but eh ... while I never go out, hubby does more often and he could bring it home so I suppose I should. That guy from hubby's work recovered/is back, although he said he felt like he was dying (suffocating). He thought about calling the hospital at some point but thought he'd rather die at home (I can relate to that). Anyway, luckily he survived.
  11. ^ I mostly mentioned the after credit thing in case anyone was going to see it in the theater and didn't want to sit thru the credits. ...I would find it so strange to sit in a theater full of people wearing masks. Not that I'll probably ever go into a theater again (not because of covid, just because I don't want to). Also, since eating/drinking would mean lifting/removing the mask, will they still sell concessions? Will theaters finally stop smelling of stale and spilled buttered popcorn?
  12. ^ Hopefully the new drug mix works well. Also, I wish the peanut butter (or any food method) thing worked with cats. There's a reason most of the time vets give you cat medicine in a liquid form.
  13. @marelooke Yeah, workshop mods ... I noticed if a creator deletes their mod, and you go Online, it disappears from your game. I don't know if that holds true with all game's workshop mods - I've only tried Workshop on 2 or 3 games - but ugh. I'm sure you can find the mods folder for that game and back it up and restore it when Offline again but per usual, just too much trouble for me when all I want to do is purchase and/or download a game or maybe post in the forums (the only reasons I go Online - I can go weeks/months without going Online). I'd only use non-cosmetic mods on Workshop if the game is past updating and/or the mod has existed for a long time/well supported. Everything before the Main Menu definitely should be skippable with ESC or whatever. Can't stand splash screens either. eg, we sound of similar mind.
  14. With a little FFWD'ing, finished the G vs K. My general take: you love watching giant monsters have a fight? It'll scratch that itch. Visually great looking most of the time. Everything else is typical monsters-are-the-stars predictable/serviceable but nothing special. The human actors do what they can with very little, per usual in these movies. But if you don't care about/are a little tired of spectacle, this probably won't do much for you. --I thought the main fights sequences went on a little too long. I would've liked shorter but more fights, Just me tho. --there were moments where I burst out laughing during said fights. Probably wasn't supposed to, but actually, I enjoyed that I did. --I like this version of Godzilla more than I like this version of Kong. --there was no after credit cookie
  15. 43:36 into Godzilla vs. Kong --remember when Kong wasn't Godzilla sized? I mean the Empire State building still dwarfed him when he stood on top of it. I get it, they need to be more equal - just saying --battleships in this movie sure have terrible aim --visually it looks great so far (so don't get me wrong) but I feel like I'm watching some expensive animated cutscene in a video game. I miss practical effects, or at least a mixture of them and CGI. For this type of thing for some reason I liked Pacific Rim film more, not sure why --at least the audio is ok...music/effects is still too loud vs. other tho. No such thing as watching a (new, action) movie quietly late at night while spouse is sleeping, anymore. >.>
  16. "Don't update games until I launch them." - <---used so downloads don't auto-start when I go "Online." But then ... I like how Steam disables the "PLAY" button within their gui (even if you go back into Offline mode), because they don't want you to play until you update. Thankfully, most of the time you can bypass this (Offline at least so it can't autostart updating on launch) by launching a game directly from the .exe in the install folder. FU Steam. And before anyone wonders - no I don't really care that these games want updates. Except Xuan-Yuan, they changed a lot of things I don't want to deal with yet. Mostly I'm just too lazy to want to temp-backup game installs first, and then download, most of the time, especially games that seem to "update" every two days. I know there's a way to download/downgrade to older game versions (manifests?) but it's way too much bother.
  17. ^ I'm pretty certain if I installed Win10 on my old PC, it would still be overall fine for most of my personal gaming needs, even most newer games at medium/60 ... at 1080. Except maybe Cyberpunk. But I don't do 1080 anymore.
  18. *My PC must be silent, silent, silent! Noctua, low GPU fan rpm's, etc etc. SILENCE* ..medium/average summer-ish temps for two days where room goes over that because of computing etc. *A/C on (general room), floor fan on (direct on self), air cleaning filter unit thingie on (because who knows if that AC has allergen molds somewhere after being off for months)* ....so much for silence. By the time I'm 60 I'll be turning A/C on at 72F or something. Pfft.
  19. I sure am glad I bought my 9900K. It's going to last me a long time. Reminds me of buying the 920 actually - glad I bought that one when I did, too. Sometimes it's nice to not be a hype-train or benchmark comparing/caring person.
  20. When you're positive you replied to a thread but don't see it there. Then you wonder if you posted in the wrong thread, but if you did, don't see it either. Then you start wondering if you're dreaming. Anyway, I love those old man Cracked ads, they're hilarious. Too bad they don't make them anymore.
  21. That could be a revealing interesting (or predictable...) forum thread - post a screenshot of the first 'page' of YT recommendation. ...yes mine would have a lot of cats/animals. And today, apparently 9+ videos of "(insert # of hours) soothing sounds of rain to sleep by" because I went to a bookmark of such a video to see if it still existed or should be deleted (the bookmark).
  22. I spent years never even looking at YT's "home page/top url" where all the rec. are. Which is why I suppose I'd not know about memes or whatever for months/years, haha. I'd always just enter YT via my own channel URL and searchbar for stuff. The tablet/phone is where I began finally looking at it sometimes. I still generally avoid it on the PC.
  23. Well those videos I posted disappeared really fast. >.> So here's a simply "cute" video (not funny), because the way Cole loves being petted/does biscuits + close up expressions just makes me melt. Been watching the channel a while and I hope he beats his illness. Sounds hopeful.
  24. *install Dungeon Keeper 1/Gold (GoG version) on current PC for the 1st time* ---oh god the edge scrolling is way too fast and why does it look so pixelated ... oh wait I remember *hit Alt+R* ... there, less pixelated. Also, that seems to slow down the mouse scrolling/game speed, which is perfect. ....it's still installed on the old PC but it's good to know it works ok on Win10/faster PC. Except on Win10 it has this weird "press 1-5 to start game/see options/exit" type of dos menu initial start screen, whereas it doesn't on Win7. Interesting.
  25. Hmm...this might be the one time I don't like playing on the 4k TV. It doesn't look all that bad, actually (no hi-res mods used or anything) and I can take a slightly blurry 4k screenshot for no useful reason (hahaha) but something about it being on the TV feels off, heh.
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