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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. It's not really like that at all ... although the Cube comparison would be closer than HG. I did initially think it was just going to be a bunch of those puzzle-box room type scenarios, but every game is very different. It's not the greatest thing since sliced bread and I'm not saying it's deep or anything like that but it has more ... heart? intensity? moody? not quite sure? than most of the genre. Just me tho.
  2. Well, you could say Borderlands loot system is a lot like Diablo. It's nothing very unique. There is also no crafting in BL. Outside of some higher tier loot having a few randomized special stats, Cyberpunk's loot feels a lot more static, from what I've seen. I don't know how random loot drops/placement actually is (or is not) but it has more of a static feel. I actually was finding the loot rather ... dull overall, outside of finding clothing where I simply liked the appearance of it more. As to Keanu - I like him in his silly movies but I've been in no hurry to get to him in the game. I'm guessing I'll chuckle at his monotone line delivery. I usually don't like famous faces in video games, outside of a cameo maybe, because the uncanny valley becomes impossible to ignore when you know what the real person looks like.
  3. The only one of those games I've played is Borderlands (and maybe about 2 hrs of System Shock 2 forever ago). I don't think there's all that much about Cyberpunk that's going to really make you think "Borderlands". Even using a controller the gunplay is nothing like it (BL is much better gunplay control w/controller, imo). It is in first person tho. :P There are moments in the game, both that I've seen and seen others playing in, that for some reason reminded me just a smidgen of FO:NV, tho. The desert-y stuff certainly but I dunno exactly. Just ... something.
  4. Watched six episodes of Alice in Borderland. The 3rd episode went dark, emotional, caught me largely by surprise and mildly depressed me in a way. After that, it's still dark but more in line with what you'd expect from the thriller/horror genre. It's not a humorous show and more affecting at times than I was expecting. Outside of a few obvious CGI moments it all visually looks great - some good camera work/framing. Entertaining in a grim way. Maybe it helps I'm watching at night in a dark room.
  5. I was interested in the crafting of epic loot until I realized the potential special stats on such crafts would be ... random based. I get enough of that from Diablo2, Diablo-likes and Borderlands loot. Yes I'm sure you find as drops or treasure some nice gear (also random stats I think) without having to craft. I'm just saying, as a mechanic, randomized crafting stats is something I'm burnt out on. Edit: possibly because I get too "ocd" and save-scummy re: trying to get what I want - also, hope I didn't say that before. I'm starting to lose track of what I've said where. ...btw, I haven't ever actually tried, because I largely was using the bat and hardly used any ammo, but can you craft more ammo and thus carry more than the seeming limit? Not necessarily have more available in reload-stack, per se, but at least have it on you so when one "box" runs out, it'll use the next one? Because it seemed if my ammo is full, when I picked up ammo loot, it would disappear/pick up but nothing was added to inventory.
  6. You always know they're out there. The difference is the 'net makes us more aware of it/shoves it in our face. I did like Rutger Hauer. To me he was the best thing about that movie.
  7. I don't think it's xmas per se for me, more just winter or "getting old, what is life anyway" - but I have definitely been ... extra bored, unmotivated, lazy, slightly grumpy and easily annoyed this month. Nothing is getting done, I just harrumph it all aside. I'm slightly worried I'm not taking enough care of myself lately but can't muster the will to care too much. It's always the same issue for me, past few years - feeling like I need to go or do something drastically different, before, as the saying goes, I really do get "too old", but I just don't know where, or what. Plus sometimes I don't know if that's even truly what I want, or is it just a poor state of mind that makes me think like that and ... yeah, too unmotivated to think very hard about it. Easier to just watch more tv and fall asleep.
  8. I don't think I already said, but I do also think the "hate train" for the game is rather absurd, outside of the last-gen console stuff maybe. But I think that for most things of this nature. Sure, be annoyed if it isn't running well for you but we've all had games that do that. These days with all the popular 'net reviewers, meme-spreading social media etc. it just snowballs in mere hours and "everyone" likes to be edgy/cool and parrot what they think everyone else is saying, even people who don't even own the game. >.> Outside of technical issues, not liking something or being angry at a dev. doesn't mean the game is bad. It's just not "for you" or what you were hoping for. I mean, most of us here haven't even had major constant bugs or crashes, either. I think it's a decent game but the whole cyberpunk thing isn't for me and I knew that going in. I don't even think Bladerunner is that awesome/interesting of a movie. *ducks...* That all said, if one is on the fence, I probably would recommend not buying (or at least not playing) the game for another couple months, wait for all those patches.
  9. Haven't watched it yet myself (planning to, just haven't yet), but if you were at all interested in Showtime's "Your Honor" (w/Bryan Cranston) but not subbed to that channel, Showtime put up the 1st episode for free on YouTube so you can get a taste.
  10. Watched 2 episodes of "Alice in Borderland" on Netflix (Japanese, live action manga-based). Banging start! I may binge the rest (6 more) tonight over pizza.
  11. "Underwater" via HBO Mixture of Alien and maybe Deepstar Six with a hint of Abyss, or something along those lines. Starts the action right away, no long "get to know ppl" intros. Which means you never really get to know anyone as they crawl under debris, walk the ocean floor in suits and bang on doors trying to get in. There's the funny guy, the captain, the scared one, another guy, and Kristen Stewart. Because they spend so much time in their diving outfits the movie is very moody-dark and often murky, hard to tell what's going on occasionally. A good showcase for the OLED TV. Not very scary/suspenseful tho. Kristen's chr. is largely mute the entire film. The ending monster and scenario is straight out of a video game, I snort-laughed. So yeah ... for its genre ... maybe a 4.5/10.
  12. I already said most people probably don't have to worry about it re: save file problem. It's just something to be aware of/check those save sizes now and then to be safe. But there are enough players who are likely obsessive enough, with these types of games, to make it more than just a minuscule issue. Just for myself ... I spent 550 hours on my first playthrough of FFXV (console) before even bothering to complete the main quest (yeah don't ask I'm not even sure myself) and more in post-game. FO:NV? 400 at least IIRC. Although I don't think I'd reach anything like that with this game (maybe 100 at most if I kept going). I don't feel much lasting "obsession" for Cyberpunk at this point. Plus, no fishing. If I had continued to obsess tho, this would be a 300+ hour 1st-run game for me, easily. I'm quite sure I'd reach that 8mb limit long before.
  13. I should note that it's true that many (most?) people may never reach said limit. Most people don't pick up everything or craft a lot or care about getting crafting XP (which is why they're hoarding crafting materials), kill every gangster, etc. They play, finish, quit. You might end up with 6-7mb saves that way. But being an open world type of game you're going to get people who play in such a way that is going to bloat the save long before they finish the game. Such a game that doesn't allow for this type of playstyle is rather weird - "don't craft, loot, explore so much" is not a great answer,lol. It's still unknown exactly what the true cause/actions are/may be, but various testing by players has shown the "bloat" occurring and that many actions do not then reduce said bloat. One person's theory: There's also a user.ini that you can tweak to apparently disable the auto-saves, not clear if that helps anything.
  14. Nope. People in that CDR forum thread I linked to earlier said it happened to them and all they did was pick up everything and disassemble it. They didn't even craft hardly at all or hoard much of anything. Which is about what I've been doing. My first Manual0 Save is 1MB (in the garage Nomad start) so that seems to be about the minimum/starting size. I'm still in Chapt. 1 (The Heist is the next story mission) and it's at over 2MB now. Almost all the manual saves go up by 100-400kb each time. I've done one "Gig". Everything else was just running all over the open world area, killing gansters, picking up every single piece of ground/box litter and disassembling. I haven't crafted a single thing, used any of the food/drink machines, and bought one item from a clothing shop. I have 2 melee weapons, four guns and 5 or six clothing items in inventory, about the same in the room stash. Edit: I think I had about 1800 common crafting and 500 green/uncommon crafting components, but don't quote me on that I'm kind of afraid to play now. Based on the size of the full map, if I played the same way the entire time, I'd reach 7 or 8MB before I finished the main story.
  15. On Steam ppl are saying it's 1.7GB - or 4GB - or 1.5GB or 26GB ... I'd guess 1.7 is the "normal" figure. I think this happened with the last Steam patch too. It thinks some people have a lot of missing files or something. Steam is weird. Haven't gone back Online to d/l it yet myself. Edit: Yup, 1.7 for me. Edit: Am I the only one whose mind always drifts to that mini-series V whenever I hear "V?"
  16. But but it's not just a toy, you can do so much more with a PC than game! .... like, make silly photo chops! ... er ... I know what you mean tho. When I built mine a couple years ago...sigh, never mind. But unless you're a 4k/mega fps/RT/all ultra all the time sort, it should last you a pretty long time, with one gpu upgrade down the line perhaps, and maybe not even that if you're not too picky. Nowhere near enough. It's still funny how I didn't buy one/forgot all about it, but then I wanted to install a few of my older/always installed non-gaming softwares, pulled their CD's of a drawer and ...
  17. *Update Firefox browser for 1st time in a long while* ... I notice this: ...where'd the "never update" option go? Oh well, whatever, pick the 2nd option. ...week or so later: Open browser, or sometimes just reloading a page - a popup window: "There's an update! do you want to install?" Argh, it's like the cellphone, go away. ...*google* *grumpy old woman voice* Screw you, obnoxious nanny pestering program features. Edit: ... and for some reason, after doing that, Firefox seems to be running a lot better all of a sudden. Faster.
  18. That would be me, most of the time. I didn't even know what Cyberpunk was or that it existed at all, until recently, and only because I read this forum sometimes. So yeah, if it's not a game I'm personally playing, I'll usually know el zippo. Btw, the patch isn't actually out yet for PC, right? Steam hasn't had a download or anything...
  19. From my personalized experience, FO:NV release day was buggier (on PC) than Cyberpunk. I recall religiously and manually saving the game every 5 minutes because of the risk of crashing and losing progress, something like that. Although, I never had this one:
  20. "Everyone" hates EA and they're doing fine. "Everyone" complains about Bethesda's buggy games at release, so far they're still fine. Yes I know it's not exactly the same, but the point is, most people have short term memories and months/years later when a game they want is released, most people cave and buy it at some point at least. If their next couple of games has similar issues so it becomes a persistent known habit, then maybe.
  21. I meant doesnt decrease size enough to allow you to play, craft, etc very much before it rises to 8mb again and fail. So if you're already at 7.8mb you're in trouble to keep playing the way you might want to. Ppl in that forum thread tested stuff like that. Edit spelling stupid phone kb
  22. Should note that deleting inventory does not seem to decrease save size much after the fact. Could be a bug with crafting so over time crafting action alone does it. Why a 8mb file cap tho, what is this, 1997?
  23. PSA: Letting your savefile grow to over 8MB (there seems to be a limit to save file size) will corrupt/bug out save file (likely never recoverable). eg, don't be a mega hoarder of items or crafting materials, or duplicate-glitch a lot, or whatever. They'll probably try to fix it later but who knows. CD forum thread on topic w/people's testing: https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/save-files-are-corrupted.11052596/ Short article for ppl who don't want to sift through a forum thread: https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/hoarding-items-can-corrupt-cyberpunk-2077-save-data
  24. The outdoors is so much better than big-city life. Maybe I'll try to get to at least Chapt. 3 on PC version. Although, DS really needed a bit better far-distance textures....sigh.
  25. I had enough of crossover stuff during FFXV, I am not impressed with "forced" 35GB updates for such. ... altho, apparently Denuvo was removed as well, which should make some happy.
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