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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Well, I'm not expecting a finished, all patched version soon. Just maybe another round of most reported bugs. That kind of thing.
  2. Think I've decided I'll wait a week for more patches before going very far plot-wise into this game. I don't mind the performance I'm getting but if there's more quest bugs or something .... I can wait a bit.
  3. 1.4GB patch (well, that's what size it was for me on Steam anyway .... ) https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/37043/hotfix-1-04 Installed and opened game. I don't notice any real difference FPS wise, but I wasn't having huge issues in the first place. Maybe, emphasis on maybe, FPS was a little higher/more stable when I turned RT reflections back on w/everything else still being High/Ultra etc. But some say it's better on their older cards. Who knows. Edit: not that performance was the patch main stuff.
  4. I chose female largely because from videos, I didn't like the male's VA all that much.
  5. Kimchi quest? +1. Also, cat, ofc. +1 Nice use of DoF.
  6. I suppose that's fairly interesting in a technical sense but it doesn't mean much re: visual eyeballing. I was noticing today that the draw distance for some environment details is very short. Either that or glitchy. Say, the large garbage bins (1st no lids on them, lids appear, more trash around bin appears) You can see it changing/pop-in as you walk up to something. So distracting. I didn't notice any pop-in until the main city. Yes I'm whinging about inconsequential stuff most ppl don't care about, I'll stop now. Maybe I just need another nap.
  7. Btw, if you're unaware, disabling windows "full screen optimizations" for the game's exe might gain you 5-10 fps. Or it might do absolutely nothing. But it's a simple thing to try, for any game. steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\Cyberpunk2077.exe r-click, properties, compatibility.
  8. Found some glasses and a long coat. Score! I'm starting to look kewl now, which of course is 100% the most vital thing in an RPG. One man's trash.... Edit: I've left Jackie waiting in some spot, again. Poor guy. At least he's patient.
  9. This is a strange "complaint" - and a very minor one - but I'm barely into the game proper and I'm already really tired of seeing the same graphical mound of garbage bags, cans, bottles, desks, shelves, billboards and other things 10000 times. It makes wandering around very same-y. Yes, this happens in all games but ... perhaps that's one reason I don't tend to like urban, office, indoor settings. It's less bothersome when it's duplicate trees/bushes/rocks vs. stuff that fills city streets to make things feel more busy.
  10. Glad you're back and doing ok, GD! ...as sort of expected once I hit the urban city of Cyberpunk I'm slowly losing interest - when I play it it's fine but when I stop I don't feel like rushing back to it. Spent most of the afternoon/evening catching up on some silly little k-dramas. Winter and feel like couch-slouching and not thinking.
  11. V has an ... interesting ... apartment. Also, apparently wandering dirty city streets makes me feel mean because when I saw these two hanging out, I really wanted to give them a push. Sadly the game doesn't allow it.
  12. Well I reached "the city" and can wander around. I've turned off all RT for 50-60fps instead - I did sorta like the puddle/ground reflections but that was about it. V doesn't even have a passing-by window reflection normally. Not worth it vs. higher other settings. Not enjoying the colors of a lot of the daytime streets. I prefer the dark rainy night. --Thing I like: the wandering around, picking things up, lots of corners to explore, etc. Also, so many things to read and watch initially. I spent 7-10 minutes standing in an elevator just to watch all the commercials and news vids playing on-screen inside it. Some of the lore recordings are hard to spot/find. --Thing I find weird for an RPG: I feel like I'm stealing stuff from under people's noses. Most of it is junk, mind, but point is - suitcase by a man on a bench? Open it and take the loot, they apparently don't care. --I'm unmotivated by side quests as they sometimes trigger just from me running by.
  13. Btw, what general type of settings are you playing with? Most of the closer-ups in-game scene bits look great in screenies but it's other "stuff" that can look a bit ... fuzzy. Especially distance and lighting.
  14. I saw people claiming with the same hardware as mine they were all Ultra/+RT/DLSS at 70fps in 4k. I call BS. Maybe if they were using the ultra-performance DLSS option and turned down crowd density but then it looks like butt. Can't decide what looks best on my stuff - I feel like screenshots are coming out slightly fuzzy here and there, is it just graphics/textures in spots or actual settings - features on, off, on, off, whatever, stop thinking about it. And - Jackie/Darkwing Duck? I don't really see it. Could be more line delivery than tone that makes me think that tho.
  15. I still haven't decided re: streaming (even for just a few hours) btw. I think I have it set where I could in a basic form but I haven't live tested it yet. There are two issues with me streaming that I've always had when I tried: one, I move so slowly during a 1st playthru and two, I would feel like I can't spend long minutes taking screenshots because who wants to see me in Photomode every 20 seconds. So I feel constrained. Also, I'm a bad actress. >.> Right now I figure everyone's playing/wouldn't want to watch spoilers much so maybe after a few more hours in (tonight, tomorrow) and I get used to the controls more - I figure y'all will be miles ahead of me by then. Game-wise - since I'm not someone who has kept up with/knows all about info on this game for months/years, I had no idea different starting chr. choice (Nomad, Street Kid etc) would alter the beginning of the game so drastically. It makes sense, but for some reason I thought the difference might be more related to stats or something, not the game start. I did pick Nomad, in case it wasn't obvious to anyone. I used little care re: picking starter stats and appearances because I'm not sure I'll finish the game. I find the UI very cluttered, personally. When you aren't "scanning" it's tolerable but even then there are so many elements on the screen all the time. I'm not sure what I could turn off via options that I wouldn't miss, yet. Also, is there a button/key to turn off the UI without having to be in Photo Mode? I couldn't find one.
  16. --Using a ps4 controller to drive was janky - as in, I barely touch the stick and it'd veer 90 degrees off the road in a mirco-second. I did turn down the sensitivity which helped a little but turn it down too much and then non-driving camera swing would get too slow. I have the feeling I'm going to utterly suck at any "gun fight while in a car" quests. Other than that controller has worked fine so far. --I like Jackie. I'm not sure why exactly - he's not particularly funny/witty or bright or handsome, but on very short acquaintance for some reason I've became fond of him already. Big soft lug meter alert is high. --I went through the optional combat/encounter tutorial section. It was almost too basic/easy and I don't think it'll help me much by the time I get to real combat because I'll forget what buttons to press by then. --Atmosphere of the game is decent. The bits of dialogue I've heard so far are decent (at least, it didn't make me feel impatient/want to skip). --ran into one UI extra-repeating weapon-text bug, very distracting, reloading a save made it go away. --does have that same issue most open-worldish rpg's have, where everything is prompting you to be quick in urgent voices but you can just "what's over there?" and ignore it while everyone waits for you. --early stealth option use is nice, I wonder how much in the main game you can truly maintain that, vs feeling forced into firefights or something
  17. I'm still not in open City proper but maybe I'm getting closer...
  18. NooOOoooOOOooo.....thwarted! Fine, I shall go back to the dude by the car ... I received some points or something in Athletics from galloping about tho. Didn't know that was a thing. Also, I liked that I could climb up/jump up pretty much anything I encountered. No walls, except for that boundary message. >.>
  19. This is why I never get anywhere in games. It's been way over an hour and I haven't even gotten past the first few tutorial missions. I left some dude standing by my car and ran off into the sunset. ...the 2nd pic, visually made me think of Tremors (pole-vaulting!) Also, shadows!
  20. I have managed, somehow, to get about 50fps, 4k, with both reflection type RT on (not the shadows RT). Mostly High, DLSS on Quality. But I'm not in the city yet, may tank there. At any rate, for me as long as it stays above 30fps, still feels fairly smooth for someone used to 60ish anyway, I could live with 40-50. I'm not seeing huge visual differences when I turn down some settings to Med. or High vs. Ultra or whatnot. I'll play with it more later.
  21. Only 7680px? But, but, that's so small! j/k ofc. Looks great.
  22. You're in the chr. creation right off. Make chr, starts a very brief scene bit then you're in front of some mechanic. You can save the game there and quit before talking to him if you want.
  23. I love fiber net. Felt like it took 5-10 minutes. Well, not too suprisingly, it's a bit like Control, performance-wise, for me. Have everything at max including RT/no DLSS (a few minor things Off because as usual I don't like them, like DoF) and it's 30 or a little below. Start turning things down a bit and put DLSS on Quality, it's 40-50ish. Turn RT off, then maxed/DLSS, close to 60. So basically, run at 30ish or fiddle until you can run at close to 60. That's at 4k. Haven't tried 1440. Edit: not sure I'll play too much tonight, either. Just want to get past the intro stuff I guess ...
  24. That's the impression I was getting from videos that had no RT. It's not that it looks bad or shabby or anything, but it wasn't super-pop wowzer in some aspects. The NPC animations can be really detailed tho, making them feel more life-like in a way. I liked that. Edit: ok, fine, I've caved to curiosity. Purchased.
  25. Oh....figured out the camera thing. Pffft. Ok, now where's my microphone. I'm not sure this is worth all this trouble. ...no one else is going to stream this, for funsies? Come on guys, it's 2020, you can do it.
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