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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. btw, is anyone else having trouble picking up placed world/ground items/loot? It occurs maybe 15% of the time for me - they aren't visually glitching into the ground, you just can't interact no matter how you move around it. Not bothersome when it's just "junk" but annoying when it's a lore recording or anything else more important. Like this guy was practically sitting on one and no matter what angle I crouched or jumping on his head etc. I couldn't click it.
  2. My sidequest/gig list is horrendously long just from running past all these trigger points. The highly disruptive calls and messages are so many that my rebellious nature is going "STOP BOTHERING ME, DO IT YOURSELF" so I've been studiously ignoring them all. Hence my low level. I know, I'm weird. Pffft. After a while I tried not answering the calls, but nope, that doesn't work. You auto-answer after some rings anyway.
  3. Every morning: "I'm going to barrel my way through some main quest because I really want to open up the world..." Result: "Wonder what's down there. Ooo, lootbox bonanza! I wonder how far this road/sewer/path goes. Are those more gangs I can murderdeathkill? I wonder what that giant building is. You-shall-not-pass! (darn) Is that a ship?"
  4. I've seen lots of videos with it doing 50-58ish at 1080 and still have it look decent. Lots of settings don't really need to be even on Medium for that, so a mix of Low and Medium would likely work. Probably depends a bit on CPU too tho. But yeah,,,if you're looking for rock solid 60fps, may not happen.
  5. Took 4 seconds to fully load, browser's fine. Still too small.
  6. LOL. Not interested in that, either.
  7. I've seen people on Very Hard basically one shotting everything when level 25 or so - if they get headshots anyway. So, yeah. They weren't even mega min-maxing, I think. Edit: I've been whacking ppl who drop lvl 18 stuff with my bat and I'm not even lvl 6 yet. I do use a few potions tho. Also, the hacking/breaching game pays out a lot eventually, if you like that stuff. All INT and whatever the other one is and you'll get all three all the time, which pays big. I hate mini-games myself but if you're good at them. Edit: I do like that with the skill xp, it's a little forgiving re: where you spend points vs. your abilities. Myself I'm not interested in buying the kewl cars so I don't see much need for money. What do you use it for outside of buying gear from shops?
  8. Got my first Legendary item, an outer topwear/jacket type. Comes with a couple special stat thingies, but ... looks-wise, I like my cheap, plain, long coat better.
  9. Queen of the Hill! ... or something. Also ... someone's gotta keep that bikini-armor tradition alive.
  10. @Gorgon TLDR: Considering I didn't think I'd like this sort of game/setting at all, I think it's at least engaging enough so that, unlike a lot of games I've tried recently, I keep turning it on almost every day, even if I don't spend a ton of time or doing much forward progress each short session. Make of that what you will. The early exploration aspect catches your interest, and you'll find plenty to do if you want to wander around outside of the main plot. I've heard the main story (if you were to totally rush it) isn't much longer than most big title campaigns are these days, but all that side stuff and exploration and some options is going to extend that time by huge amounts (and multiple playthrus if you like it enough). As someone who typically doesn't care much these days about story/writing depth or cutscene-ing, I'm not a very good judge of those aspects since I hardly pay attention as everyone's jabbering for long minutes (outside of lol'ing at one-liners....). I'm more the is gameplay and other mechanics interesting/fun observer. Game has a sort of Fallout4 dialogue system where the given options are short and then what your chr. actually says doesn't always feel like it matches what you picked, which I don't like but whatever. And those timed dialogue line choices (where the timer is like 5-6 seconds I swear) are annoying... I think gameplay so far is nothing too special, especially gunplay (non-gun combat is more fun imo). Outside of main plot missions, at least early on, a lot of time I feel like I'm simply roaming around whacking random-ish gang bangers for their loot and street cred points (hey, they keep running into my baseball bat, what can I do). Which is funny but...I'm also starting to feel like the crafting and gear upgrade system is very basic and not terribly interesting. There's different "color" loot but honestly if you just keep dismantling stuff and upgrade fave outfits/early guns periodically you'd probably do fine, at least on Normal. Not sure about the skill/perk system, some things seem interesting/useful, many things are in that "your health/stamina/whatever regens 10% faster!" for a point spent, category. I don't think there's any enemy level scaling either so if you grind a lot you might find general combat becoming way too easy at some point, where maybe only story and certain quest bosses might seem challenging (again, on Normal, haven't checked out higher differences, yet).
  11. Hubby's sister's husband had a massive stroke apparently (he had a heart attack over a decade ago, as well). He's back home but needs a lot of care and she's trying to figure out how they'll live on mostly disability - we're not sure if it's semi-temporary or if he'll never be able to go back to work again etc. They're both in early 60's. So ... yeah. Another reminder of all our encroaching mortality and to always appreciate what you have when you have it. I wish we all still lived nearby, like way back. We'll have to figure out a time to go visit.
  12. They announced they would refund console users if they don't want to wait for patches/updates, along with an apology for not showing last-gen console gameplay so ppl knew what to expect and for not making it perform better in the 1st place. I suppose that's nice of them but I'm still kind of
  13. I am V, The Immortal. ...thanks, hex editing. Now I can rush the main plot and just take goofy pictures whenever.
  14. Anyone care to tell me approx. "how long" it takes before the whole city opens up (outside of typical blocked off dungeons/quest areas ofc), main story wise? eg, if you only do the main questline. Sidenote: this doesn't really feel like a game where running around on foot, outside of a few obvious places, is the best thing to do, immersion wise. You start noticing way too many weird AI, graphic, and "busy city" background scripting things that completely break immersion. Like the traffic headlights that appear and stop then disappear at the same spot on the freeway (they never get closer) or cars stopping/piling up in the middle of the freeway because they're obviously not scripted to go any farther but can't disappear while you're staring at them. One time I walked down a street, saw a filler NPC walking by, turned a corner and the exact same filler NPC was walking towards me again. The overall illusion of a busy city is good as long as you aren't paying close attention, but the AI/pathing/scripting of background is quite terrible.
  15. Nicolas Cage seems to be making a ton of bad movies again. Not that he ever stopped, but it's breakneck speed lately is all I'm saying. I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just quick-cash but maybe he's simply an obsessive workaholic? I was usually willing to watch most of his bad films but the last two I tried were so awful (outside of Cage himself) I had to turn them off after 30 minutes.
  16. Amazon-rented "Love and Monsters." Kind of a tongue in cheek young adult/family-film survival in a post-apoc world of mutated animal dangers where humans are largely living in bunkers. Takes a little while to get going but after the 25-30 minute mark and the main character ventures outside, it's quite cute and entertaining, better than I expected really. The scenes with Michael Rooker were especially fun. Also, super-cute best dog chr.
  17. I'm finding the early (and I do mean early) part of the game a bit too much of information overload. I know, it's sad, I'm going senile or something - it's a little more than I want to "think" about it most of the time these days. Maybe I'll get an invulnerable hex edit and just punch my way around. Does anyone know what those QT-like dialogue bit moments are for? I've been assuming depending on ones you choose some outcomes, npc attitudes would be different? Sometimes I miss the timing and just end up with default silence. Makes me want to reload all the time to try each one. I find this game to be almost as bad as Death Stranding - it makes so many auto-saves (every 10 minutes?) and I'm constantly deleting a dozen or two at a time. I much prefer making my own saves.
  18. I was showing hubby the game a bit and ran around randomly punching people. People standing distantly 150 meters away from me ran down stairs to flee, then stopped 20 feet from my position and did the cower position. So I punched them some more. Stupid people. Now I'm a wanted woman, apparently. Good to know.
  19. Tried to swim across a river. Game wouldn't let me - at least not yet.
  20. I stuck with Steam for this one because I really wanted to use the ps4 controller and my past experience re: GoG was that on average, they're a lot slower with patches. What do you mean by patch issues tho? Installation/download problems?
  21. I think games like Cyberpunk I'd have more fun with and be more motivated, in a way, if my (very funny, to me) husband was watching and doing commentary as I went. Maybe I can tie him to a chair this weekend...
  22. Sometimes, that's not a glitch, that's just real life. *...scurries away*
  23. My answer to this is always "define halfway decently" for you. For me, at least, this is one of those games that runs ok even down towards 30fps, although minimally, imo 40-50fps is a far better/smoother experience so you don't dip below 30 in some spots. I'd guess 980 would be a mix of Low and Medium at 1080, some things off, depending on your tolerance levels. If you're wondering what pre-set "Low/1080" on PC looks like, something like this (first segment:
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