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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Watching Lirik twitch stream Godfall. Looks an ok action loot game, even if melee isn't really my thing. Certainly has nice textures/visuals/effects, although the graphical style is nothing special. But it's another always-online/PS+ sub/even single-player. So sadly I won't ever buy it to check it out myself. That was one seeming trend about PS5 that I noticed earlier, that makes it more likely I'll wait a long time before getting one - more games with a SP mode still needing PS-Plus just to play. You can cite anti-cheat tactic but one could at least separate SP and MP saves for that reason. Or just make it MP only so no one expects offline ability.
  2. Winter morning and I really wanted instant ramen noodles. They're so bad for you me, nothing but fat, salt and a zillion empty carbs, but oh so tasty now and then. So I added squash and cabbage, that makes it all right, right? (I know the pic is terrible/likely unappetizing - but I added lens flare to make up for it! )
  3. Contemplating whether I want the newer Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 tablet. But it's freaking even bigger - 11" vs. 10.5" making it even less "hand-y"- and the attachable KB thingie is around 150 bucks on its own, making it nearly $800 for both. I could get a 3080 for that, sheesh. But I spend more and more time on the tablet (and don't want/need a real laptop). They have older/cheaper (and smaller) models ofc, but then they're not really an upgrade. Some of their more recent/cheaper models don't even have a headphone jack, either, wtf is up with that. To sell more dongles I guess? Edit: wait, guess s7 doesn't have a headphone jack either. Cripes. Anyway...expense of tech toys is just out of hand. We should all just go back to playing tiddlywinks on the sidewalk.
  4. Depends on the color used. RGB red is an average of 4fps more than blue, but blue is easier on the eyes so I don't mind the performance loss.
  5. This sounds a lot like what hubby says a lot re: management whenever they want to change/try something "new and trendy" but is likely to be more of a PITA and major hassle from an IT/tech/security pov. OBS is useful/a good program don't get me wrong. I'm pretty picky/a semi-control freak re: video compression.
  6. Wut? ...I mean, three fans, man! Totally worth it. ...but yes, it's utterly ridiculous. And prices don't seem to go down much over time anymore, either - retail or used.
  7. Yes. Its video compression quality over all and especially if on the fly downscaling (playing in 4k, want video to be 1080 or 1440 etc) is the pits, to me. Also less "easy" to use.
  8. Was watching k-drama "Live Up to Your Name" on Netflix. Fairly decent time-travel hospital/romance/comedy that bounces between modern and past Korea timelines. The male lead Kim Nam Gil is one of those "1000 expressions" types where he's equally at home doing absurd/cute comedy one second but serious melodrama the next. So I looked him up and ... now I'm watching "The Fiery Priest" via Viki. Which is even better. Same dramedy style but no romance. Just a hot-tempered, ex super-agent turned Priest looking for vengeance against city corruption. It's hilarious (in spots) and occasionally bits of action are so over the top I'm in stitches. Although most of the time it's not *this* overtly silly.
  9. I've usually had FRAPS still work in 98% of games on Win10, but sadly DX12 stops it. Happily I finally found a substitute. It's called Action! - tried their watermarked trial, liked it enough. Similar to FRAPS, you pay for an activation key. Video quality not as uber high as FRAPS but looks good. Can even do simple Twitch streaming with it supposedly. And their .avi option for videos still opens up in VirtualDub (unlike popular mp4 codecs), which is great for me. Still prefer VD for making large simple edits before other editing software. ...um...other than that, it's been an (extra) lazy last day or two.
  10. Borderlands 3 decided to do a second "season pass", of which it sounds like there will be two DLC? The first one adds a new skill tree to each vault hunter and a new play mode where you can't use your farmed gear or something (I hear it's tough, but very short). For $15 stand alone. Pass is $30 which makes me wonder if the 2nd will also be $15, or even $20. Think I'll skip for now. ...I still haven't played the first 4 DLC, haha. ...and the only thing I've really been playing is mobile-slots again, while watching TV. 'Cause I'm a "grandma" now or something.
  11. If there *is* a 3080ti and an EVGA version of it was "only" $1000 or so, and it seemed enough of a performance boost vs. 3080, I'd be, as usual, half-tempted, then I'd skip "40xx" series instead. Oh wait, wasn't I going to stop reading these threads...
  12. Not really news maybe, but mod-interesting. I wish it was TR1 tho - but maybe that would likely be a lot harder to do re: texture replacing, not sure? tbh, I barely remember 3. 1 and 2 and 4 are the ones I remember most vividly.
  13. I know someone who said a couple of his friends recently qualified to be on Jeopardy ... but now, if they get called to be on the show, there will be no Trebek... Such a TV/gameshow icon .... you will be missed. RIP.
  14. Sunday. Hubby's cocoon-wrapped in a sleeping bag at his desk, watching some seemingly endless M365 (I think) video training courses. eg, he's busy, I'm not in a gaming mood and am thus restless. But not this restless. It's still really windy and about 55F mid-day - but at least we don't have giant hail. Still loving my super long legwarmers - don't need no sleeping bag! (eyeballs her extra-wimpy husband).
  15. *web search* Ah. Yeah to get 64 does seem rather pricey. I was contemplating next rig (3-4 years from now) I might bump up to 64 (just because...) but we'll see how prices are then I guess. At least you don't have to replace ram often, if ever, unlike I how I feel about gpu's since advent of 4k gaming started. Edit: at least it's not like in way way way past where I swear I'd buy another gpu every year...
  16. Is it that expensive?
  17. I'm at least partially relieved, and I can go back to my hobbit-hole, mostly ignoring the news again for a while. I'm not as optimistic as Hurlshot tho, even if I sort of still agree with him. It's not my nature, especially re: human politics.
  18. Basically me standing by the door of hubby's office every day.
  19. ^ I wouldn't know, I hate beer. That's hubby's territory. While these days he's more discerning re: quality than when we were poor 20 year olds, mostly I think he likes whatever has the biggest box in the store. There were weekends w/friends in the far far past where I felt he and his cousin's apt. looked basically like this (minus the cobwebs tho, ha):
  20. They'll probably still be counting when you return. I spent time cleaning up the yard this morning. It's been really windy and those darn city street trees are doing their usual leaf dumping. You could stand out there dancing with your rake all day and never catch up. *shakes fist* It's good exercise tho I guess...
  21. Every time I see pictures of Trump or Biden's smiles, I think about how at least they still have nice teeth for their age. Or more likely, very good veneers. Maybe I should get some too.
  22. Don't worry, I hear 80 is the new 30.
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