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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. My problem with shopping for a new/better tv to use as a monitor is the Samsung's are constantly sold out at stores. By the time they have anything in stock or not a month long order list it'll be a new gen of TV's. >.> I don't want OLED yet, still too worried about burn-in with the way I'd use it (it's desktop-on pretty much all day every day, only off when I sleep). Also, I'd like one in the 48"-50" range but most of the "better" ones are 55" or larger. I could get a 60-65 and mount it on the wall but I'm paranoid about it falling down (especially if there's an earthquake), and even with some swivel/tilt and extension on the mount, getting to the back of it would be a PITA. Are there any truly good wall mounts? Hubby bought a floor stand for his 55" so it could be behind his desk putting a bit more distance - sadly that won't work in my case. I could just stick with a larger and cheaper LG TV again but ... I'm just horribly undecided.
  2. Hmm...I like the game look (pics from very start). This is the demo, not full game. "Ghostrunner." See that board sign ahead? You can run sideways on it to get to places (like parkour I guess?). It feels cooler than it sounds. Very smooth and fast. Can't take screens while controlling it so these are video stills. It's a slicing and dicing action game, btw. The one-hit one kill type. You will die. And die. And die. Maybe I shouldn't buy it, after all. But that running move is so fun!
  3. Don't know how they compare to any others but plenty of mom's I knew growing up would use the common US ones for stuff. Pies mostly, soup sometimes. My mother liked to dry out the seeds in the oven for eating.
  4. @Keyrock - I like your hat. The pumpkin could use a face, tho.
  5. No worries, even if you were, I wouldn't understand it. What Keyrock said is good enough, I trust y'all being more knowledgeable than myself. I'm still perfectly fine with 60hz as long as the 60fps is solid. But it's harder to find low hz quality monitors for example and I figure at some point I'm going to have to switch (yes I know I could run 120 at 60, just saying). I mean, I can *get* higher than 60 fps in games but outside of being an fps overhead I gather it doesn't mean anything vs 100+fps on an actual higher hz monitor. I'm dubious my old eyes would even notice a serious difference but one day I'll find out I guess.
  6. Ah, ok. So something like the Q90 has a 240 "magic trick" mode instead. Got it, thanks.
  7. Maybe the 4080ti will be able to hold 120 in 4k in even most AAA games of that future, and I'll finally get some higher hz monitors/TV's and see what the fuss is about (there was no way I was going to first get "used" to higher hz/fps if it still doesn't work for 4k, hah). Btw, all the "120hz" tv's ... are they really 120hz? Because tech specs may say it, but dig deeper and often are actually "native 60" with 120 being in some True Motion/Game Boost mode or something. I have no idea what that means in terms of tech, outside of the fact I can't stand things like True Motion on TV's...
  8. Started The Haunting of Bly Manor. I find the fact actors from the previous Hill House series are in it - but playing completely different characters - rather distracting. So far the show feels a lot more drama-y vs. scares and chills, although that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm not sure ... it feels like it's a good show that I should be liking more than I am (although not as good as, and somewhat different from Hill House) but it's not capturing my attention nearly as much.
  9. I love watermelon too. That's it, that's all I had to say.
  10. *google, zillow, google, zillow* "Oh! Hubby, look at this one!" "Did you find one you like? Did you send check already?" "Pffft, hush." We took a break after the last retirement property situation didn't work out (sold again/didn't like the areas after all). Gotta get off our butts again. Looks like some trips to Oregon is in order. I already checked - there's fiber net in up there in enough places. That's important, ofc. Someday we will find that 1/4-1/2 acre lot, outer-suburbia retirement house we want.
  11. I think I like the night (?) better. Also, can you imagine having a moon that huge in the sky all the time? Us on-Earth humans get all "oooo" when our moon is just a little bit bigger than normal/low in the sky. If we were on this planet we'd all faint or something. I have to move faster in the game tho ... you don't get very far when you have the game on for 10-15 minutes at a time and spend most of it looking at the sky.
  12. Outer Worlds - is there a hotkey to turn the UI on/off? Because it's a pita to go into Settings every time you want to take a scenic screenshot.
  13. When I played it at release (on an older PC) I remember the loading times were sometimes excruciatingly long. Like, 30 seconds or something. I wonder what they'd feel like now. I definitely understand not wanting to party manage much (or any micro-management, really). I used to like such a lot more, pausing games every second to give orders and the like but I think these days I wouldn't even want to manage the party ala KOTOR style. Turn based wouldn't change that for me at all. Just let me dump gear on them and let AI do their half-arsed job.
  14. Recently install latest Gimp graphic editor to check it again? Using a 1440 or higher monitor and all the program menu UI text is so tiny (like 3 mm tall at most) you'd need to press your nose against the monitor to read it because Gimp is apparently not "DPI aware" or some such? Then do this: ...took me a while to find that solution. Otherwise I'd have uninstalled it again. Gimp's improved every time I've looked (last time was likely several years ago...). I think it's finally become something I'll have perm-installed for when my old faithful Paint Shop Pro 9 can't handle something. Options are good.
  15. ^ Reference to Outer Worlds release? Otherwise, I'm still lost. ...I wonder if I'd like golden-year-ing in Texas ... "one of the highest property tax states." ... never mind.
  16. If you're getting lots of food bits in your KB you're not trying hard enough. I concede the occasional dirty finger, even with the least "greasy" crackers or jerky, at times, tho. I'll have a moist paper towel to wipe with if that happens. Anyway, I'm just joshing around. I certainly like meat, I just don't tend to think of it as a "snack" and save it for proper meal times. It also currently isn't great for me to eat a lot of it - it takes a lot longer to digest so blood sugar spiking typically stays elevated for more hours (3-4) vs. non-meat-protein/carb/calorie sources (60-90 minutes). If eat larger quantities of meat or frequently, it would be high all day.
  17. That might explain why I've never noticed them until I saw them near the registers recently. ...I'm very short, y'know.
  18. Oh...that might make sense. Without a comma between GD and "sister", my brain drifted toward maybe a planned sequel to GD or something. I often forget that not everyone on the internet knows that I already pretty much own 95% of all "diablo-clones" in existence.
  19. I assume not since I have no idea what "Grim Dawn sister" means. Edit: I do know GD has that constellation system.
  20. If I want a "meat munchie" ... that's what beef jerky is for. Giant slabs of cooked/greasy meat are a little more difficult to just grab and munch on while sitting at the PC desk in-between sword-slapping monsters. Also, that's called a meal, not a munchie.
  21. I was watching some video re: Diablo4's passive talent tree (that's actually graphically, on the surface ... a tree! haha, get it!) and thinking to myself that I kind of wish arpg's would stop aping Path of Exile re: extensive node systems at this point. Just because PoE has mega node system doesn't mean every arpg has to ape it in some form or another now. Someone needs to invent a "new norm" again. Per usual ... that's just me.
  22. I've never been a huge "chip" eater, but sadly I *am* a munchie sort, and there's only so many apples and pears I can eat. Carrot sticks are not my thing, either. So lately I grab these a lot. Still high carb but low fat/sodium more fiber etc. and I like the sesame seed flavor. Pretty decent when you have munchies. Handful now and then. I eat both of these a lot too. The dry wheat crackers for snacking/dips (not too many tho), wasa with nut butters/small amount of jam, since outside of sandwiches (or butter toast, rarely eaten) I don't tend to desire bread. The wasa's are smaller/lighter/crunchy and I prefer that, with a very neutral flavor (they don't taste "rye-ish") plus they hardly raise blood sugar, unless maybe you ate the whole package at once I suppose.
  23. The GoG copy doesn't acknowledge the ps4/dualshock controller (when not using Galaxy, at least). KB/mouse controls seem simple enough but darnit. My hands/thumbs really don't like being perched over a KB/m for long. If I buy it on both GoG and Steam, does that at least put me in neutral Purgatory?
  24. ... too funny, internet. But yeah, I'll probably check out it out.
  25. When you've had almost no sweets/pastries of any kind for a long while and then you cave and buy a piece of chocolate cake. ...best chocolate cake ever.
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