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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. For someone who likes to acquire in bulk whenever possible so she doesn't have to think about something for months, the way hospitals/regulations like to dribble the things you need to you in tiny increments is ... also, quantity consistency. Amounts of stuff won't match, like 100 of this but 50 of that, and you need both in the same amounts ... doesn't compute. Can I just not eat? That would keep blood sugar etc. down, right?
  2. *Wakes up, looks at election maps* ....I had cats who could count faster than this. *Goes back to sleep*
  3. Yeah...even if he survives the first term, I don't envision him running for a 2nd. He'd have served his purpose ... getting MrToupee out of office. Next Pres. election will also be ... interesting, I think. Maybe the next several.
  4. Yeah, I don't know about game development techie stuff to even guess. But it's probably partly going to depend on how well/effectively and comprehensively they implement high-res. textures, draw distances, and certain types of effects (ray tracing maybe?) as well as how effectively game engines deal with such. At least for some types of games.
  5. All day today: Do we have an official Pres. yet? ... Nope, nope, nope. (repeat, repeat, repeat) This is probably the most keenly interested I've been in a Presidential race/outcome in my lifetime and ... argh. Maybe by the weekend? Side note: I wouldn't want a vote-counter job.
  6. If/when it's Biden, are we taking bets whether he'll survive his first term? Because rumor has it that he's, y'know, kinda old. At least his VP seems all right and didn't/doesn't set off major alarm bells for me.
  7. I thought the point of that act was an attempt to make the popular vote mean more. Thus regardless whether one has large or small population, it's still a measure of the general state popular vote? Maybe I have it completely wrong tho. I've only looked over such briefly. Or I'm lost again.
  8. Maybe the thought is regarding oil and other natural resources needed/wanted for our current modern way of life. A great bargaining/economic chip so to speak, to have. Which is also a prime talking point if one thinks about another civil war or splitting the US into multiple.
  9. ^ I binge finished To the Lake. Kept my mind off the election. First 4-5 episodes were pretty great. It became a bit more of a strange, occasionally violent drama towards the end, but with the apocalyptic aspect still in the background, building to something. Solid acting all around and I liked (most of) the pacing, atmosphere, etc. But ... it ends really abruptly/cliffhanger, with an obvious season 2 in mind. So there's that.
  10. To the Lake, via Netflix (Russian with subtitles, altho if you insist on dubious quality dubbing, there's that option) After the first 10-15 minutes, the first episode will likely grab ya pretty quick. I turned this one on because I recognized the lead - Kirill Käro - from another series ("Sniffer" crime procedural) that I liked a fair bit. This one is a thriller/dark drama I guess, post-apoc in the process, fast acting disease epidemic, a couple families trying to get to safety etc. No zombies, just "humans can be the worst enemies". Originally aired more than a year ago so filmed before the real-world pandemic, and is based on a novel. Anyhoo, 2 episodes in (of 8, so not very long) and it's pretty gripping. Sometimes the fairly narrow focus camerawork bothers me just a tad, personally, but otherwise - if it's your type of story premise, worth a try!
  11. I've never used it as a consideration in the past, but at the moment I feel as tho the Pres-race county maps are a good way to decide where I do NOT want to retire to.
  12. What are you rambling about? I said Biden also had little charisma (he also sounds like a doddering old man sometimes, albeit a sober one). Trump is, at least in my eyes, an (extra) narcissistic buffoon who makes a rather mockery of the "top office" of this country with his posturing antics. If he was a Democratic or Independent or Friendly Neighborhood Spaceman candidate, I wouldn't vote for him either. I don't pick a candidate or vote simply because someone is a specific "party." Trump is repeatedly not someone I can even pretend to respect and that's all there is to it. Pffft.
  13. Listening to Trump speechifying again, with his ridiculous statements, I just don't understand the charisma thing. I mean, Biden has almost no charisma as well but at least his voice, words, and speech patterns don't make me want to stab knitting needles into my ears. Bah I'm going to bed. Here's hoping that in the end of this close race, Biden will win - Trump for 4 more years might not be the end of the world, but Biden would at least keep my eardrums safe.
  14. Y'know, I was pretty sure it wouldn't be some kind of "landslide" (in either direction, whatever) but regardless, more and more I feel like whatever the outcome of this election, I'm going to feel depressed. Maybe I'll feel more positive later. He's the one that fires, not the one who gets fired. At least that's what he's trying to convince us of.
  15. Has he won it tho? I'm watching PBS via YouTube and they haven't "called" it - although I have seen one website that's colored FL red. it's just very close with Trump having a slight edge, like 1% or less. eg, it might be likely but it's not really official quite yet.
  16. Some funny, some sweet, some awww, some meditative, plus nice music bits. Also, just plain *beeping* adorable.
  17. I think that's up to the dev, what to call what game phase they start ea in. 7 Days to Die has been Alpha for like 7 years (Alpha 19 now!). But yeah, maybe EoE was called Beta to start with, don't remember. I didn't get too far since I didn't want to "finish" it in ea.
  18. No serious bias, just stupid funnies. YMMV.
  19. Yeah when I saw it was on Netflix we watched it last night. Or rather, I watched half of it and hubby watched all of it (this seems to be becoming a common occurrence for us...). Now I'm glad I stopped. It wasn't terri-bad tho, what I saw. Better than some other films in the Tremor series. Just not good enough for me to not want to do ... something else.
  20. I find it strange/sad that some areas are prepping for possible rioting or violence or whatever if election results aren't what people want. The USA is still a relatively youthful nation and it feels like a new growing pains period of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't, what's acceptable, what's not, what's democracy, what's not etc. At least, I hope that's all it is. Sometimes, now, I'm actually glad I'm on the older side vs. just starting out.
  21. Oh, I don't care about raytracing at all yet, I've seen nothing about it that makes me interested they'll have to improve and utilize it a lot more first. And I'm sure you could run in 4k with a lot less vram if you turn some settings down, per usual etc. The main point is AAA and maybe "AA" "recommended requirements" in the next few years are likely to skyrocket in general, even if they're at times a bit exaggerated - vs. the past long period of us being used to hardware requirements going up pretty slowly for a long while.
  22. Not that I'm interested in this game personally, but... Godfall PC system requirements: (from this article: https://www.pcgamer.com/godfall-pc-system-requirements/ OS: Windows 10 CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 or Intel Core i5-6600 GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB or Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB RAM: 12GB Recommended (based on video below, it's theorized this is for 1080/60) OS: Windows 10 CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 or Intel Core i7-8700 GPU: AMD Radeon 5700 XT 8GB or Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080Ti 11GB RAM: 16GB -------------------------------------------------- Video: At the 1:18 mark: "We're using 4kx4k texture sizes and 12GB VRAM to play at 4k." (assuming with "ultra" everything on like raytracing etc) Yup, I knew this rig wouldn't last me as long as the previous, with new consoles coming out. Probably only 4-5 years vs. 8+. Not for 4k gaming anyway. Hoorah.
  23. Gong Yoo and Park Bo Gum? Yes please. Gong Yoo also has a series coming to Netflix supposedly in Dec. Thanks, Netflix. And this one too (not sure if posted already). Trailer is the last couple minutes. ...Hollywood is so dead to me.
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