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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Installed Outer Worlds. Made a character. Had no idea what to do with stats, it's been a while since I've played something with all those chr. choices at the very start. Certainly feels Fallout-ish in that regard. Ran around a bit, shot some bandits or something, went ooh and ahh at the colorful scenery. NPC faces are a bit, uh, less scenic, but that's fine. Not sure I'll use that Tactical Time Dilation combat thing (kind of VATS like in a way, I guess, which I never used either). Anyway ... seems ok at the start, typical rpg very-beginnings.
  2. ...I guess this game looks all right. May turn off that chromatic aberration or whatchamacallit tho.
  3. My not finishing the game comment has no bearing on possible quality of the game. I just rarely finish ANY game anymore, for various reasons. Heck 85% of the time I barely play a game past the first early hours, even when I like/enjoy those early hours. Hence I'm rarely in a hurry to buy a game, since I know it's unlikely I'll spend a lot of time with it, anyway. heh.
  4. Can't figure out if I want to buy only the base Outer Worlds or the full pack thing. Not sure I'll even finish the base game....but I do want to check it out at least. Hm. Edit: also, thanks, thread ... didn't realize/think to check GoG for it. EditEdit: I wish GoG also had a single-file download for the game vs. only the 13-part method. >.>
  5. I have no idea what you're talking about. Well, I know that one. But why is everyone quoting stuff from that now? Then again, nvm, I'm just perpetually lost these days.
  6. ^ Last few/several posts - I'm lost. Unless ... Cyberpunk, that game everyone in the world but me seems to be waiting for? Is that it? ...Still feeling bleh. ...I bought new super-long (top of thigh) leg warmers. 10 pairs. They're thick, cozy, don't fall down and keep me warm while still letting me not to have to wear pants. And they're black, so it matches my kitty pillow when I snuggle it on the couch. I feel better now. ...maybe I need to visit the humane society just to look at cute kitties.
  7. Value, schamlue, the only thing that matters is higher numbers always look smexy. Kind of like all that pointless lightsaber spinning.
  8. Naturally. You can never have enough RAM, VRAM, or MHZ.
  9. ^ Never heard of Quibi, had to search it. Sounds like they spent a billion the first year to get programming (eg, a billion doesn't go very far if the profits don't match/come quickly), had some lawsuit stuff going on (always expensive, win or lose) and had a pretty low percentage of paying subs. Plus covid might've delayed too much production which wouldn't help interest? It is too bad tho, sounds like an interesting platform/concept.
  10. Regardless, I'd like higher resolution texture packs all the time with more/higher vram usage options. Or whatever. I'm tired of low res looking textures that only look good from "far away." Oh, also, I forgot: Never happen, since the game does work fine on "high", one doesn't have to use Highest. ...well, I could MAYBE see them doing something if they made/released an "improved" "complete-complete version for ps5 and maybe then finally adding dlss2+ and other tweaks to PC version while they're at it. Otherwise ... nah. They're totally done with it.
  11. I think Val Kilmer was the main reason I liked Willow. That and the "pigs! you're all pigs!" scene. Jean Marsh had a blast in that one. Anyway ... I suppose as an 80's nostalgia movie I can kind of get it. Still, not sure it has enough nostalgia for a whole series. But as long as it gets people to sub to Disney for that month, right?
  12. I feel like the exclamation points are telling me to be excited for something. Watched some S. Korean film called Haunters. I don't know if that's a terrible title translation or what, because the movie has nothing to do with being haunted, or ghosts, etc. It's more like mental mind-control super-power guy vs. a guy who's immune to that mental power with the latter trying to stop the former. The first 5 minutes were interesting and the bad guy was ok I guess (the "hero" is a bit on the slapstick-comical side) but the whole conflict aspect and film structure was a snore.
  13. Oh, I agree. And the game generally looks/behaves fine on High tram vs. Highest as long as the general "power" of your machine is up to par. A lot of that 65Gb is from the higher res videos than textures, tho. Every single movie/pre-rendered in-game cutscene, the "4k" pack version is at least 3 or 4 times bigger file size (some are 1GB) Which imo is worth it because they look like crud on a big screen without them. I'd believe that more if the settings menu didn't look like it was capping and it just "naturally" played without going over 5Gb - plus the not detecting my vram properly in the first place. Edit: it doesn't even allow you to have ... I think it was AF ... on properly. You can do it via forcing in gpu program but it's not done properly via game-settings. Distance looks a fair bit worse without doing it.
  14. FFXV with 4k "texture pack" and its TRAM setting at highest is a constant 9.5-10.5 vram used (my 2080ti has 11gb). If you have 8gb/less I wouldn't recommend using Highest on that game, no matter what resolution, since you'll get more stutter/frame pacing issues - although if you lower tram too much you then get much more noticeable texture pop-in "lag" (this w/the game installed on SSD). I also suspect Death Stranding could/would be up there, but for some reason they either purposefully or unintentionally (bug) have some kind of low cap on vram so it only detects/says I have/uses around 5gb max despite my having more than twice that. Which is annoying. I think going forward more games need settings re: how much vram you want utilized for certain things like texture loading or whatnot. But yeah, that's not typical of most games at the moment. They "cap" or simply don't need that much vram most of the time. Edit: I should buy Metro Ex. on GoG when it's on sale someday. I don't' care about playing it but I'm still curious re: performance. lol
  15. I either have bad allergies or a mild cold. Or Corvid. Or a zombie virus. Also, feeling rather depressed today. Blargh. Time for some fave sad-wallow shows.
  16. That's interesting. I liked that movie back then (not sure how I'd feel about it now) but isn't it rather critically panned? I'm surprised they'd make a series for it so many years later.
  17. [ Jiu Jitsu trailer video ] ...y'know, I've loved Nicholas Cage for years and years and have been quite willing to watch even his teri-bad movies (for humor value if nothing else). But I think I'll be skipping this one. Besides, from the looks of it, his role isn't very big. I bet he'll have about 13 minutes of screen time, 20 max. :P
  18. *clicks folders* - "Let's see how the days Ansel-ing came out." Cool shot. Cool shot. Cool shot. Should have been a cool shot. Not cool, game.
  19. I slept a lot. I haven't been exercising enough (again). I ate too many crackers/carbs this weekend even if they were high-fiber/seed semi-"healthy" ones. Forgotten my injection a few more times off and on, again. But I'm still fine apparently, so whatever. Between naps I watched a few episodes of this crime/secret life/melo k-drama and remembered once again that Lee Joon Gi is an excellent dramatic actor (he's just not often in series I'm interested in) but man does he need to gain weight. I have a difficult time believing him in scenes requiring physical beat-downs (swords are ok). Even I could probably toss him across a room.
  20. If sequels count, Dungeon Keeper 3. Not that I expected it would become a favorite of that series, but you never know and I wanted the chance to find out. Other than that, nothing. I don't tend to look for or keep track of developing games - often I don't even know about a game until after release. The few I did look forward to and took years to find a release form, so far did all release.
  21. I need to stop reading these threads because all they do is make me want to run out and build another current uber rig "just because I can."
  22. oops somehow hit new post instead of edit I guess.
  23. I used to start from tomato paste but since I'm pretty sensitive to acidity I'd simmer it for 6+ hours. Too lazy to go that long anymore, I'd forget about it and it'd burn or something. We've bought Classico as the quickie starter for ages. jars are small tho so I add the stewed tomatoes or more tomato sauce. I still find them too acidic but a couple hours and a tiny bit of sugar is fine (hubby hates sweet so I can't use much). Plus I'm the sort who makes a full box of noodles and dumps all the sauce in, so sauce gets absorbed sitting in the fridge etc. Or sometimes I put it in a casserole dish and bake it 30 min. w/cheese on top. I don't tend to like spaghetti sauce on noodles just poured immediately direct, it doesn't flavor noodles enough and pasta noodle flavor is meh. To be honest, even tho it can taste good, I largely make it because hubby likes it. If I was single I'd probably never make.
  24. Mm...it's always just "yellow squash" in the store/common usage from where I'm from. They're in the large and varied summer squash family, basically kind of like zucchini except a lot less bitter and more neutral (and have a curved neck/fatter bottom vs. straight), hence I like them more.
  25. *My pc suddenly starts making these constant wounded, weird, low-pitched beeps* ---check temps, check other stats, all seems fine, but a warning sound of some kind? ---restart PC. Keeps beeping. Fully shut down. Beep is still going. Ok... ---unplug the PSU power cable. Still beeping. wtf? ---roam around the desk looking at other potentials and finally ... ...it was the little portable alarm clock I have on my desk. I must've hit the top button accidentally at some point (making the alarm functional) and a low battery was making the beep really sound weird/unrecognizable.
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