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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I would have to disagree with that somewhat. It is more in-depth and somewhat more immersive than Diablo2 - but I wouldn't describe it as having 'surprising depth'.
  2. I think most people here are probably commenting on the original version only. I could be wrong tho.... I can't help with your inquiry myself...I didn't even know there was a 'Plus' version coming out. I liked the original well enough - for a while - particularly the aspect of being able to explore freely and ignore quests if you wanted etc. And it had a nice sense of humor. It got a bit dull rather quickly tho - the item creation wasn't very interesting to me. And the whole bit with riding a horse in actual combat was neat, but not well executed (ie frustrating). And yes, it's more akin to a Diablo or Dungeon Siege etc. than, say, BG. Also, the rate of monster regeneration was a real pain in the rear end. If they've done something to improve the game play mechanics/interface/items it might make me take a look at it again.
  3. Everything in the world can be physically harmful to humans to some degree or another. Individuals make choices about what risks they're willing to live with vs. how they wish to enjoy their period of living-time on the planet. Btw, I have friends who drink way more than 12 diet sodas a day, for decades, and they're just fine. No drooling, no fainting spells, no loss of IQ or ability to concentrate. If they're brain-posioned, you wouldn't know it by their real-world (vs a lab) abilties. Many health risks are also highly dependant on other factors - such as individual chemistry/tolerance & other diet/lifestyle considerations - lab tests are a nice starting point but often they make things sound scarier than they really are. Anyway...as someone else said...live and let live. The risk that's comfortable/tolerable for you isn't neccesarily what's tolerable/comfortable for someone else.
  4. I have a net bud who's been playing it all day...he knows I love Kotor2 and he's urged me to try it. The screenshots he took are pretty. heh I think I will check it out. He says you can solo well enough at the beginning, which is important to me...so I'll give it a shot. Looked like it might be fun, for an on-line game. If the store's not sold out I'll get it pretty quick...I'll report on it more then, if bunches of others haven't already.
  5. Wow, bwookie, you've been busy. lol I kind of ran out of steam on the whole sound thing. It's hard to know what people would want to hear and I don't think many are interested in what *I* want to hear. *grin* I did notice that a couple of my recent ones (battle music and one other) on my site (not this thread), the links were broken due to typos - they oughta work now. People never tell the webmaster of these things....
  6. I didn't say it was current, I said it was slightly more current than what I usually listen to. :D The CD-case says 2002...3 years is pretty 'current' to me.
  7. An old Barenaked Ladies CD...can't be bothered to give the title, since the case is in my car. Once in a while I actually try to buy something slightly more current, so I've also been listening to Coldplay's 'A Rush of Blood to my Head' - I like it, except it's a bit too mellow (not enough 'toe-tapping' quality' or, alternatively, 'wailing/haunting drama') for general listening and kind of puts my brain into sleep-mode. Makes good background music for when I'm graphic tinkering or otherwise intently concentrating on something else, tho. Reminds me of a cross of several older music styles, really.
  8. He's obviously into pain as a way to control his emotions/thoughts/impulses. So many of them are probably self-inflicted during meditation/learning rituals. har Guess he found a way to heal himself etc. and of course he had to practice a lot to get it right - plus, once you have a skill like that, you'd probably become pretty careless about injury since you could just heal up whenever you want. "Ooops, sliced off a finger while chopping my sirloin steak No problem."
  9. I thought there was subtle romance in the game (female) as well...although I also realize this might just be my imagination/result of putting my 'he's so cute/funny/sweet' emotions onto the characters. Regardless, I just wanted more - not neccesarily going to bed or anything overt - but more dialogue choices, more closure one way or another, etc. I mean, Atton asks Bao-Dur if he'd have a shot with Exile, and he acts all jealous of Disciple, but then it's dropped like a sack of potatoes until Kreia tells you "oh sorry you/they know you can't have romance cause you're too important/busy" blah blah. (EDIT - btw I always find that romance-plot-device excuse stupid and annoying). Even just a few lines where Atton starts to say something about his feelings and Exile gets to go "more important things to deal with first" would have been something. Would have felt like it was at least dealt with. Or how about getting to use Disciples line back at him - he says "I'm hesitant to say this, but I think I'm starting to have feelings for you that go beyond the teacher/student relationship," and the Exile gets to holler back "Let us wait to talk until we have dealt with our enemies!" Haha....yeah...ok...just babbling. :D
  10. Might want to check this thread out. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=30631
  11. 1) For some people (maybe US people) some of the 'features' people talk about like the .ini file and some of the override file and dialogue file stuff doesn't work. Might be a different version thingie, but I don't know. 2) The save game editor, while generally reliable w/few tech issues, can cause tiny glitches (largely graphical, but I've seen the stat-warp stuff too). Just re-load...usually goes away. Remember to make a NEW save in a new slot of whatever save you wish to edit, and edit that one, not the original, in case something goes wrong.
  12. Really? Cause my impression was that they were just cutscenes, ala the Ebon Hawk type stuff. But that would make more sense...like the Mira/Hanhar bit I guess.
  13. The so-called happy ending, far as I can tell, isn't all that romantic either. Atton asks you where you're going, cracks a joke, and off you walk into the 'sunset' or something. Still...that would have been better than what they left in. A bit of closure. What I want to know is...does evil atton actually manage to kill Disciple? (or Handmaiden kills Visas etc). Where/what would the conclusion for that be? Dark endings indeed... Edit - because in terms of romance, it's the unfavored one that attacks, so your 'loved one' eats a saber? Or ends up winning and joining you at the end ala the Atton bit.
  14. Well I remembered I had this program that would turn wavs into MP3's, although it's really simple and you don't have lots of control over settings for that ability. However it does preserve their original sound a bit better than the MPEG's I was doing (don't get the light lisping of the female voices, like I was talking about). I don't think I'm going to re-do all the ones I've made tho - it's not enough difference to matter to me.
  15. His voice is pretty decent quality, even if the songs don't appeal to me too much. I keep re-listening to the pop sample - I definitely need to get that NIck Heyward album they recorded. Haircut100 - I remember them.
  16. Really? That must be interesting. I'd love to pick his brain about his movies. The closest I've come to the famous is several e-mails with the actor Chris Cooper when I was doing a fan-website once. He's a nice man. And that Tabori guy doesn't exactly make me think of HK. :D Edit - and yeah, I've seen the '24' Ellis shows...I liked him in that one.
  17. "This image was linked without permission" Edit never mind I can see it now. :ph34r:
  18. Gerg Ellis singing... Bit over the top... Unfortunately I can't link to it. Ok, I need to go to the music store now.
  19. Yeah, I saw some stills from the Crash movie. He's not a bad looking bloke - But I think that wig is hilarious. I don't find Nicky very attractive - but I haven't watched that show. Probably grows on you w/the voice and all. :D Edit - and yes, that imb picture isn't the best of Greg.
  20. ROFL.....sorry....I went to Greg Ellis' site for the 1st time and just had to post one of his pics. And gawd, that music on his site...gah! ick. hehe
  21. OMG...that's Sara? I mean, I've seen current pictures of her but I didn't associate it with that movie. lol! Trippy.
  22. http://www.greydelisle.com/ EDIT - you can hear her sing too...country music tho. not my fave. --- Kelly Hu is almost the same age as myself. For some reason that makes me feel good. :cool:
  23. *mirthful voice* Hey now...stale air could be valuable to the right market....*giggle* But agree with you - it's a problem inherrant to games that feel a need to have almost all enemies drop something. It's like running through BG and finding nothing but.....piles and piles of arrows...off of most enemies. Man that drove me nuts. But at least BG had enough 'mini-bosses' and chests for the good loot. Did you ever play Nox? It had it's plentiful share of the arrow-syndrome, but overall I liked it's loot drop system, considering it's very linear nature.
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