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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Darth Sidious stayed 'regular' looking until Mace fried his face, and he was darkside for years and years and years before that. So I'm going to have to say that it doesn't really make sense to have a sudden face lift just because you go darkside.
  2. You're not stupid. There is a minor resemblence, but I think it's mostly because my hair is currently short and the similar angle of the pictures. Angle is everything in portraits. Besides, my nose is much wider than his. See?
  3. Btw, I do think these are great shots, kumquat, thanks for sharing. Such stuff always looks much better to me as a moving picture tho - I remember a video/show called "Over America" or "Over California" or something...it was on PBS...nothing but amazing hi-res video of soaring over stuff like in those shots, without even any narration IIRC. Gorgeous.
  4. Firefox 1.0.6, no add-ons like Adblock. The sig just make the browser go kinda wonky/stuttery when I'm scrolling up and down a thread he's posted in numerous times. I think you can turn sig pics off here...I may finally do that. Edit - oh...you have to disable signatures entirely...oh well, I guess I'll do that.
  5. If you get rid of the burger signature pic that my browser doesn't seem to like very much, I'll tell everyone I know what a nice guy you are. "
  6. Skeleton Key. A little slow, but entertaining enough for an 'intelligent' suspense/horror. The publicity-touted surprise ending wasn't very surprising, however.
  7. One couldn't even begin to carry enough extra emergency parachutes to get me to jump out of an airplane for fun. I'd have to be sooooo drunk...and if I was that blasted, I'd forget to pull the cord, so... :ph34r:
  8. *scratches head* I don't really see it. I was adopted tho, so who knows...maybe duff is a long lost nephew, twice removed!!!......nah.... Nope. Hehehe.
  9. Maybe she landed on something similar to that pile of cotton in kumquatt's pretty-photo thread.
  10. Maybe they're shy. :D Last Frappr I did, most people were in the US. More spread out here, which is cool.
  11. My first impression was sheep...maybe a lot of wool? But yeah, the green tarps, or whatever they are, give it a cauliflower appearance. edit- typo city
  12. Dxun. I like rain and grass. Beaches are nice, but I see them too often. Old hat.
  13. Cause there used to be/is an occasional bug where if you did it last, and you reached that point where they tell you to go somewhere and wait/do other things, the game would never continue or something (you'd be stuck forever waiting). That's what I remember anyway. Beyond that...people just like to have somewhere to go/something to do while they're 'waiting'.
  14. "Trans-form-ers! More than meets the eye...." Wait...wrong era...
  15. What in blazes is that guy lying on top of, in that one picture?
  16. I've been struggling with Comcast's router/thingie all morning just so I could read that....not. :D I hate Comcast. Every time I think of Ford, I think of Chase.
  17. Can't say that I have, no...looks like Wendy's tho.
  18. My cousin broke her leg parachuting. She stopped doing it after that. Can't imagine why.
  19. Ok, Frappr (or Comcast) finally behaved and let me add myself this morning. I do live in San Jose, but I didn't use my own zipcode, so if you zoom in, that's nowhere close to me. SJ is a big town. :D P.S. Child of Flame, that is one weird and annoying signature.
  20. IMO it mostly depends on what NPC's you want to focus on being Jedi. The sooner you get them, the more you get to use them. Dantoonie first is pretty common...but I like doing Nar Shadda 2nd, then Onderon, then Korriban. Also, you can skip around them...you could go to Nar Shadda 2nd, say, do a few things w/out triggering the full 'planet plot', then go to Onderon...then back to Nar Shadda. I've done that a few times because I wanted to do some really specific things...but there's no real reason to do it that way. Story wise, it's just little differences, nothing that seems important. Like, that one shopkeeper quest on Nar Shadda, it makes a little more sense dialogue wise if you haven't already done the other planets - plus I like the whole Onderon thing as a more fitting climactic prelude to the end-game, but it really doesn't mattert. *shrug*
  21. Ahh...someone made it. Kinda fun, ain't it? I'll add myself soon. Don't know about a picture tho. Mostly because I can never decide what picture. Or if I should wear a disguise to protect the innocent....eh...there's a few of me out there on the net already, I'll probably put one up.
  22. The special effects at the time were really zingy.
  23. What?! It's always a concern of humankind! Petay's right tho..maybe they thought it'd be more expensive to nuke everything then to toss away some fragile lives and guns.
  24. I don't remember the plot of that movie...but if we nuked it, we couldn't use it....maybe?
  25. You brought it up...how about you make it? :D I thought about doing that last week, actually, because some people at another place did it and it was kind of fun. But I didn't. heh
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