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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Like I know anything about speaker tech. I find out if they'd work on my PC then plug and forget 'em. I'm staring at these. ? http://shop2.outpost.com/product/4288354
  2. It's an excuse to update my speakers at least. Should I go for seven?
  3. OK, I feel stupid now. I guess the speakers/plug/whatever just plain broke. It didn't even occur to me to think of that. Always so busy trying to find the software/driver problem, kind of the opposite of the infamous 'is it plugged in?' haha! Oh well... Edit: Anyone got any speakers they really like? :D
  4. Yes I know that, meta - tho I didn't when I first bought the card and wondered why there was no sound then. :D
  5. Hehe...yeah, pretty silly. Someone else just mentioned it might be because my speakers are powered and something blew up or something, causing a 'ground loop'. Guess I'll have to steal some old non-powered speakers from hubby's desk and see if they work.
  6. 1st, yeah, I've googled it, still thought I'd ask here. 2nd, two questions: 1 - Anyone have an Audigy 2ZS and had weird speaker problems with sp2? 2 - Can your (analog) speakers be so ancient that the new OS patches crash when you try to connect them (cause they aren't compatible or something?) I ask the 2nd one because at the moment my headphones seem to work fine but every time I disconnect them and try to plug in the speakers the system freezes or spontaneously reboots. If the speakers are plugged in upon reboot, there's no crash upon Windows starting, but no sound either. Odd that the headphones work. I installed newest drivers, nothing. It all worked fine before sp2. :angry: The only maybe solution I've found so far is to uninstall drivers, remove/replace card, remove entries from the registry, reinstall drivers, but that was for a minor speaker-unrelated issue that I'm also having.
  7. That's pretty weird and not very, uh, random, haha. You didn't go in the cave before, to do something else earlier, before you went in to get the crystals? Probably not...just checking. :D I think I remember getting a couple of one type in the cave before, but not where they're all the same. As to color...sometimes I think there's a random seed generator that kicks in when you start a new game and determines a favored color. I've had games obsessed with purple, blue, green...where 90% of the sabers or crystals were initially one color before constant reloads. Even the sith guys would attack me with purple sabers.
  8. The scene where you're falling through the floor via multiple portals made me dizzy. Looks pretty neat.
  9. When all else fails, Amazon.com often works. They're still selling new copies. But yeah, walk-in stores stop stocking many old titles (often sooner rather than later) because it's not profitable to them anymore...only so much shelf space. As to being out of actual production/discontinued - no idea. The sales clerk could've just meant it's a discontinued stock item for their store.
  10. Human Space Invaders - it's the 2nd video down. The first one is Pong, but it's not so great.
  11. I know 'to google' is officially a verb now, according to Merriam-Webster. :D
  12. I once pulled over to the side of the road and got out of the car to film a lightning/rain storm. Hubby tolerated this for about 2 minutes then hollered for me to get back in the car. Party pooper. Edit: It's the Loma Prieta one I was thinking of, Calax. I was living w/hubby then so it was after '86.
  13. one of the most popular, too. :D And yeah, that one crossed my mind too. Of course, bad dancing wouldn't be complete without mentioning The Brady Bunch during their variety hour days. Hahah...oh man...
  14. Glad you're ok too. Reminds me of the..uh...89? quake where I knew it was a big one but was unaware of just how bad until I got home and saw the news. Mother nature/earth is ever random.
  15. I went to his main site and saw the "Advanced" dancing one too. I'm still stuck on the 80s moves you see in the first Terminator - I'm afraid I have a long way to go to match his expertise.
  16. Superman Returns verdict: It was ok, mildly entertaining. I liked the new guy as Supes better than I thought I would. Didn't think he and Lois had much chemistry together tho. The rest (like kinda slow pacing etc) was already said in that Superman thread. My husband thought it was "too mushy."
  17. It's 100F in the house, way too hot, so I'm off to finally see Superman Returns.
  18. Atton got 'stuck' in the game a couple times for me a while back, which is where those came from. The Kreia bit is from the Telos convo they have early on. It seemed appropriate to the 'spin me round' lyric. I should've made it shorter tho - but was too lazy to change the music by then - I didn't have Pinnacle (or anything else) and couldn't change it easily. Now that I do, I'll have to think of something else fun to make when I have the time.
  19. Just no. Awwww... Tho in truth, I'd make a lousy DJ. hehe
  20. Nostalgia's great - 80's ftw! Might make a good WoT topic.
  21. A lot of people feel similarly. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=42877
  22. Warm weather is great for playing in the sandbox.
  23. Those look interesting, Bokishi. I think I've seen something similar posted before. They're always fun to look at when I can't sleep some nights.
  24. Did you mod it? I've heard (but know nothing about...) that modded xbox's can have problems with the game. Other than that, I can only echo the 'exchange in case you got a bad disc' mantra. I've heard of a lot of glitches on Telos but that's a new one for me.
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