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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Sorry if this has been posted before...but I thought it was funny. They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard.
  2. I'm pretty sure there was a thread like this before but it was ages ago. And my answer would be the same: When you make websites dedicated to some aspect/fandomish-related of the game.
  3. Brokeback Mountain. The 1st 20 minutes or so put me to sleep but after that it became a lot better. It mostly made me want to go cruising up to the mountains. Gorgeous areas in the movie. heh
  4. Me too. I loved that little video. And I think he's great at darker comedy. :D
  5. Canon EULA 100. Yeah baby, I like it. Although I didn't realize you had to 'capture' (transfer) recorded video via the firewire at normal play speed. That kind of sucks. Heh.
  6. YA RLY. I sense the natives are becoming restless once more.
  7. *looks around the web some more* Ok, so I see a few HD for about $1100, but mostly for $1500-2000. I think that's a bit more camera than I (or most people) need/want at the moment, and those will definitely 'improve' a lot over the next couple years - 'soon obsolete' rarely means 'soon' for the average joe. I don't even own a HD TV yet. It does, however, make it a bit clearer that if I want something for the next couple years I should just get a mid-range miniDV unless I'm really set on the storage. Hmm.
  8. I don't know if anyone here is into this type of tech or not, but I've been shopping around for a camcorder and I really like the idea of one that stores 4-7 hours on a large 20-30GB HD instead of having to carry/swap tapes/disc around every hour? They cost about $200-400 more tho, for the low-to-mid range price ranges and pro reviews have not been stellar...does anyone have any ideas of whether the convienence is actually worth the extra cost, or if there's any big issues w/the HDD camcorders that I should know about? Many seem to think that if you want to do a lot of editing, miniDV is easier - then again, the HDD has no tape-transfer process. Think it's better to get a cheaper mini-DV now and wait for the HDD tech to improve? *lost*
  9. The internet as a whole is kind of a obsession hobby.
  10. Yeah, it's on Sci-Fi, Tuesdays I think.
  11. The two episodes I've seen, I liked it. Needs to grow some but it's still very early of course. I also like the male lead, he's perfect. I'm kind of wondering how long they can sustain the 'weird thing of the week'...but Smallville's been doing it for years, so... Oh and Krookie, it's about the sheriff of a small top secret town where the best scientists etc. live in government funded luxury while inventing all kinds of weird sci-fi gadgets & mishaps like invisibility screens, intelligent AI houses, and dimmensional holes.
  12. Kotor2 issues, moving. Is it worst when you're around 'smoke' or just all the time?
  13. Ahahaha...that hollered line was so funny...when I bought that one on DVD I taped that tiny bit of voice and played it over and over, giggling. ....uh...or something....
  14. I've seen flat panels that impressed me somewhat intially, but the more I'd play with them the less I liked them. Things like photographs just aren't...well to me it's like the difference between a glossy photo and a matte photo (even when the flat-screen itself was covered w/smooth and glass like material), where the glossy photo is much better at rendering dark contrasts and smooth textual lines than matte. My eyes are also much more aware of the 2D nature of the screen on the flat panels. There's something about flat panels that flattens the illusionary dimmension. I'd like the less/no eye-glare aspect of the flats, but my eyes just don't like their screens yet.
  15. Oh, oops, I moved your first post before noticing you'd remade it here. I'll have someone close the other one, then.
  16. I still love my CRT monitor. I'd like a flat panel but every time I shop for one I'm not happy with the way they display images/videos - well, not until they reach the $1000+ price range and I'm not going there for a PCmonitor.
  17. I've upgraded this one about as far as I care to, since the motherboard has no capability for the post-AGP vid tech - so the next thing will be a new computer for me, as well. Probably not too soon tho.
  18. *looks at her kotor2 box* Unless they changed the wording of the system requirements since I bought it (entirely possible), I see no reference to hard-drive space required. Maybe you're mixing up the CPU 1ghz requirements for the amount of physical HD space required to install the game? Games tend to inflate in size with sequels as they add new features, spruce it up, etc. Not always, but it's pretty typical. And you can always uninstall stuff to make room then re-install it later. Or buy a bigger hard drive. They're not that expensive anymore.
  19. I'm not too fond of myspace myself. That said, let's try to help MR out a bit more instead of spam up the thread. *hint hint*
  20. Photography and recently, making stupid videos. I think most of my other hobbies have fallen by the wayside enough, over the years, for me to not think of them as such anymore. I'm kinda w/Kaftan in that I don't typically consider reading or watching films a hobby. They're idle enjoyments. If you collect comics and buy every single new issue of a series and wrap them in plastic and go to conventions or make fansites etc, then it becomes a hobby. Or at least, an obsession.
  21. DR's right tho...that kid was a poor choice. I've seen plenty of younglings (haha) in films who were pretty astounding on-screen, or at least where the director was able to coax out a good performance. But GL's pretty bad at getting good performances out of most actors so maybe it's not all their fault. "
  22. Maybe those colors are easiest to deal with digitally or something. But more likely there's some Jedi background mythos GL had in mind.
  23. I used to like my P4 a lot better when all was doing was playing my games...then I started playing with too many graphic applications and it feels like I need about 30GB of RAM and a SuperPC.
  24. I keep meaning to watch it but as usual I keep forgetting. I just don't pay attention to TV anymore. People say it's good tho...even TVGuide.
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