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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Not having actually gotten very far as a male Exile, my opinion is based on watching hubby play and on info from around the net - but to me it seems they're essentially the same. The only difference is that fans react differently to the NPC's backstories and voice-acting. I could say I prefer Disciple's story and possible future/s as outlined by Kreia, but far as that affects the SWUniverse...I'm not sure it does, since who's to say that if you're female & pick Disciple, that the Handmaiden wouldn't at some point find another person or another way to achieve many of the things she does from meeting the male Exile...or vice versa?
  2. I think I shall forestall further debate on the Force bowel powers....
  3. Heh..I paid the few dollars. No tag. But yeah..it still only goes up to 1100 or so, I think. If you go higher it cuts the size in half. Still useful at times for getting those impossible action ones tho.
  4. Yeah but w/Frappr you can record a movie, open it up in some editor, then grab ANY frame that you choose...or all of them.
  5. Considering they're artwork from a licensed game that anyone can grab screenies from with a program like Frappr, well...I don't think it's neccesarily so that he 'stole' them or anyone else 'stole' them from him. I'm not sure you can 'steal' a game screenshot, really...Only so many frames in the movies or cutscenes or backgrounds, for example; people are bound to capture the same ones from time to time. Besides, game-screens - they're not your art to copyright. (Fan-art, of which I saw a few in those galleries, is a different beast) ...good job at capturing the screens tho. I know it's hard to catch some of them, especially in-game action ones.
  6. Yes! Another Buscemi fan! If it's the right bow and arrow, of course. I remember a highschool chum dragging me to see Rambo2 at the drive-in, and then she complained that the drive-in wasn't dark enough and you couldn't see all the gushy-violent parts.
  7. He's pulling ahead now...I put my vote in. GoTo, the useless wonder. He did have a fun voice tho.
  8. *gets excited* Wait...I got excited about Children of The Nile, too... *downloads the demo anyway* I've been waiting for this for yearrrrrrrrrrs. Nice to see Keith Heitmann is still the forum dude... Edit: Must be popular - downloading at 9.1kb/ps.... <_< Maybe I'll try later.
  9. I remember when futons first became a 'rage'. I wanted one, they seemed useful and cool. Then I realized how uncomfortable most of them are to actually sit or lie on. Occasionally there's one that's cool, but most of them are awful. Tho still better than the average sofabed.
  10. Most restraunt/store coffee sucks. Not that I'm a coffee person, that's just what I hear. Even my hubby thinks Starbucks is pretty bad, although he'll drink it because, well, he's addicted to coffee. Peets is supposed to be pretty good...mostly their beans tho, rather than the coffee they serve in the store, which is usually on the burner too long and burnt; a common store problem.
  11. I have yet to enter an Ikea store, the closest one is in E. Palo Alto, not exactly where I want to go most of the time. What's to hate about them - is it like a Wal-Mart dislike?
  12. I agree, which is why our house is full of things like cheap desk/patio chairs, desks taken from offices who no longer wanted them anymore and boards resting on top of those triangle wall mount brackets. We didn't even have a couch for a long time after our past hand-me-down was tossed, until recently, when I took one my mother didn't need anymore. A bookshelf unit in the living room, a small narrow desk, and a few short shelves for DVD type storage are about all I've ever spent on furniture. And the mattress. Personally, if I didn't have/wasn't allergic to my cats, I'd just toss giant pillows on the floor and sit on those.
  13. Oh please.... :D Sometimes I wish hubby was better with a camera. It's hard to do some kinds of pic/video shots by yourself.
  14. Usually my tripod, but that time it was hubby.
  15. Just posting to prove that while it's dry by my house, within a 30-40 minute drive in almost any direction you get easy variety.
  16. *watches video* All I have to say is pink converts make me ill. And I like Pepsi better.
  17. Well if you turn 40 and change your mind, and you have money, you can have it removed via lasers. In the meantime...it looks pretty cool.
  18. Not sure what search the internet means in this instance, maybe there's stuff I'm unaware of, but as a gentle reminder: let's not encourage the use of non-paid-by-yourself CD-keys here. If the key isn't in the registry it's probably lost for good. I don't know how to look up such info in the registry tho, beyond trying to click on the relevant entries and seeing what they say. If the game installs files in the MyDocuments folders, sometimes they'll leave ini type info files in there, but I don't recall ever noticing cdkeys being registered in such files. Dunno.
  19. DOOM3 is going to be going away soon, and Oblivion. I have a big disk too, and haven't uninstalled very often since, but lately...video files are huge, and I hate running with anything even remotely close to a full disk. I don't even like a half-full disk...
  20. Never had a need for it either. I do occasionally see that effect but pretty rarely. I probably don't play the type of games that might do it a lot, very much. I've also had too many old games that really didn't like it when vsync was turned on - ie they'd crash - so I developed the habit of it always being off. I forget about it most of the time.
  21. Movies: Anakin. Whiney spoiled brat with "much fear" in him. Kotor2: Much as I like him, Disciple had some of the most annoying lines. Always lecturing you and stuff. Especially when you were DS.
  22. Thanks, I needed that. And I'd agree; it's a strange combo.
  23. So what does the 'stop in the name of love' hand sign in the GUI represent? A force power?
  24. Ack! Everywhere I go, Kermit keeps staring at me! Fun pic. Sounds like you had fun on the cruise?
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