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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Almost forgot - Nip/Tuck. Surreal/outlandish, weird, edgy, sometimes soap-operaish in drama-level. Has plastic surgery 'cases' but a lot of interweaving plotlines outside of those as well. Kinda like...the cases are usually at most 30-40% of each episode. Not for everyone, but Blockbuster may have it for rent too.
  2. There's remembering and there's dwelling. Dwelling to me indicates the pain/fear/anger hasn't healed enough to become an open and unrepressed memory vs. something that stops you from moving forward, if that makes sense. Course, like Rosbjerg said, some people are still able to function very well while 'dwelling' and indeed may not even realize that's what they're doing - and some aren't.
  3. That almost sounds contradictory since episodic series can't have real closure until the series ends...but don't worry, I think I know what you mean. Taken: We tried the first disc and got bored, never watched anymore. 4400: only saw the first few pilot episodes etc. Those were interesting but I have the feeling it will/does follow an x-files or 'thing of the week' kind of pattern. Tho of course it has a central storyline and threads. The Dead Zone: It's so-so. Gets some good press so I watched some of it, but it wasn't special. Not terrible, just not special. House: is like CSI in it's case-solving aspect, along w/the continuing/developing character arcs (CSI does have them...), but it's not as...um...goodygoody in nature. House is a great anti-hero (or something) character - he IS the show. He's what keeps people watching even if the 'cases' get a bit repetitive. If you like main charactrs different from today's usual TV norm, worth renting a disc or two from Blockbuster to check it out. Galactica: I disagree with astrocreep, it was dragging way too much by the end of the 2nd season. If you dislike shows that seem to go nowhere per episode (ala 24, or most soap operas, say) then I doubt you'd like Galactica. Each episode does (usually) have a minor plot that gets wrapped up somewhat (especially in the 1st season), but mostly plots and arcs just go on and on and on...and on...hubby and I roll our eyes at the end of almost every episode, heheh....that said, I enjoy the show most of the time, with great acting/atmosphere, and it's definitely not Star Trek. Rome: That's one I want to see badly too, don't get the station. I'm hoping to buy the recent discs soon.
  4. @ Zulu86 - I love that last one. Wallpaper time. ^_^
  5. MrSafety's NewNuma Parody song. "I will not will not pay, the song's ok, but I still will not pay.."
  6. Broken Trail (Imdb) Or AMC's site A 3 hour (on DVD) miniseries from AMC. I love epic, more mellow Westerns if they're good, and this one is pretty decent. Not as good as Lonesome Dove - man I miss the days when 'miniseries' meant 4-5 nights, not 2 - but Robert Duvall is excellent as always. One of those actors born to play a guy in a saddle and a hat. Thomas Haden Church surprised me a bit too - I still think of him as the goofball from "Wings," heh, but he did great here. The plot is a bit predictable but if you like this kind of Western - you'll probably like this one. Decent production values for a mini-series.
  7. Hypothetically, I'd say yes, because one, I don't believe in a soul and two, if the duplicate thought it was you, and acted like you, what's the difference. Even you wouldn't know you weren't you, except for the cold fact on paper. For me it's just a 'queasiness/fear' factor, not a moral one. Realistically tho, I don't even like going on planes to save time. The transporter could malfunction and both copies of you would be lost and...
  8. My back hurts a lot, as it does about 50% of the time now, does that count?
  9. But they didn't lead blissful lives in the Matrix, because perfection wasn't accepted and 'whole crops were lost.' Thus the Matrix life is full of strife. The question - I don't know and can't answer until such a thing is possible and I could take it for a test run.
  10. Agree w/the others - Dink Smallwood is a lot of fun...don't expect good graphics tho. I remember Descent too, from before it was freeware - we liked that one for a while, even if the controls made you dizzy. We tried Descent3 or something not too long ago - pretty much more of the same only prettier.
  11. *invades thread with the 'cute/funny' sort of pic...*
  12. Some ATI cards have catlyst problems w/Kotor. Did you update those?
  13. Rumor, hoax, fact...different points of view have been presented, and they can now be continued in this thread.
  14. Have you gotten one yet? I was kinda in the same boat - didn't want to upgrade to a PCI-E motherboard/build a new pc - so got the 7800GS. Been pretty happy with it, and since my previous vid card, while ok model wise, was only 128vidram, I thought it worth the price for something I'll use until I get around to upgrading the board.
  15. Anybody watch Mr. Cook's videos? He's pretty funny.
  16. I balk at buying $150 pair of sneakers/shoes even if it's been years since I bought a pair of shoes. Doesn't matter that I can afford it or if it's chump change; it would and does irritate me that companies think their sneakers are worth that much. :D
  17. Hmm....interesting, and if it continues to hold in further tests, it would probably make certain patterns in my life sensical. What I'm always curious about is why areas of the brain get turned on and off like that, and why for some people like Nartwark it happens on it's own, and for others, it appears to get 'stuck' forever and does not. Not that I expect any answers anytime soon. Of course, I'm not sure I want anyone drilling holes in my skull and putting electrodes in my head. I'm funny that way. Good for testing perhaps, but I hope in the long run they find a less invasive method to affect that area of the brain.
  18. Voyager's holo-doc cracked me up; I did enjoy his character. I liked it even more when he showed up for a cameo in the Star Trek: First Contact film.
  19. I think how one deals with a death is often in direct proportion to how much one feels like there is unfinished business/lost chances/regrets, as well as the circumstances of the death (natural, violent, lengthy disease etc). When hubby's mother was hit by a train (suicide + medication problems), his sister (usually the 'cornerstone' of the siblings) had a lot of...history...w/their mother, and went through all those 'steps', and it lasted for quite a few years. My husband, however, hardly blinked - he'd already said his good-byes on an emotional level years before, if that makes sense. Myself, I typically skip the first three steps and go right to Depression, if I mourn much at all. Denial, anger and emotional bartering I do with the living, not the dead.
  20. oh no! ....the video's actually kind of funny...but not as charming as the first.
  21. I spent 6.5 minutes watching to see if it had any relevance to Kotor/SW at all... Moving to WoT. Edit: The pictures in the video are pretty....
  22. Being a copy-protection n00blet, why is it asking you to turn off your firewall? Is that a part of the new cp tech, that they send off little packets of info to verify something? Do you have to turn the firewall off-off, or can you work around it another way, with port settings or whatever? Does such only affect software firewalls or hardware ones as well?
  23. The Enterprise was the one that I didn't really see much of. By the time it started, the station that plays it here didn't come in well. Tried to watch it a couple times and it did look kinda interesting...different at least...but watching it through staticy snow became too troublesome.
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