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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. lol, meta. He's the flag bearer/commander/morale indicator I guess. Doesn't do any fighting; can't be attacked.
  2. My favorite character storylines so far are the cheerleader, the flying politician, and the silent servant of the possible red-herrring bad guy in the glasses. I want to know the servant's story/powers, lol. Tho I'm pretty curious what the power-leecher dude will turn into, also. ...and yeah, the only reason Mr. Politician landed where he did was so the other character could see him. *rolls eyes* Still fun tho. :D
  3. That's exactly what I thought of it when I saw it again years later. In the theater, I was LOLing all over the place. Later, I thought...well, Robin's funny, but....still, a decent movie.
  4. That site is really cool...but their download speeds from TX are abysmal. Guess they're busy... Cool 3D desktop thing. I never actually played any of those...I think there was an arcade place around here for it, but never went in.
  5. That was kind of my thought, alan. They're not writing a whole new engine or anything, etc. There might be some quirks with the mods as something they restore causes a conflict with something that's already there, maybe...or something...but I don't think it'd be system-variable.
  6. If you save the game before clicking on store people that may sell robes, you can then re-load when they don't have a dark one and try again. Once you click on a store person tho, their inventory is 'set'. And I don't recall anyone selling anything but the padiwan dark robe. The master ones and such had to be found. And then there's the KSE save game editor...
  7. Obsessively taking way more screen captures of xmen3 than is neccesary.
  8. I saw a trailer for Fantastic 4 on the Xmen3 DVD - I didn't know the guy from Nip/Tuck was in it. As the bad guy, yet. Darnit...now I'll have to rent what I hear is a very bad movie.
  9. I played catch-up. Series is definitely getting better. If they can hold that pace, it oughta fly.
  10. Still Caesar4 - I think this game is going to eat me alive, just like C3 did. There's a few things that I don't like compared to c3 - it's somewhat easier, for one thing, and combat w/your legions is more pointless than ever - but overall it has the same city-building addictiveness. Far better than CotN in that regard, say. The editor is buggy, difficult, and almost useless, tho, which is too bad. There's a huge, "pure" pre-order-only sandbox level that was immediately uploaded by fans so everyone can have it, haha, and it's a peach of a sandbox, no doubt.
  11. Why in the world would I want to make garbage smell pretty? So I can keep it inside the house in a large bucket? I'll pass. :D
  12. I guess it's scientifically interesting, but since a smell doesn't have to be universal to trigger feelings of relaxation or pleasure in people, I don't see how it's "exciting". People can already find smells they like individually and use those for happy-smelling. Perhaps they're thinking it'd be useful in anti-depressant research or something? Otherwise...just sounds like a way to sell more perfume.
  13. I'd like to seem them make something entirely new and not already franchised, or whatever - tho still a RPG. Failing that...Kotor3. :D
  14. Review makes me hopeful that I'll enjoy it, since I'm usually more focused on the SP game. I like editors, too, but if it's as complex as the Morrowind editor was (or moreso), too much work for me re: making whole levels and such, and I'd wait for the mod geniuses to make stuff. :D And I like taking both "pro" reviews and user reviews into account. They're all subjective...getting as much input from as many sources is always good. Which is why I probably will wait a week before I buy the game. heh
  15. Thanks, that would explain it then. When I asked hubby about it when he got home, he said about the same thing...He didn't know it'd changed either. We don't pay much attention to changed details on "common" hardware like that, heh.
  16. I ran that test a bit ago. It says I pass with flying colors, although I'm doubtful that's really the case. I'm sure it'll run ok...just not as well as the test might make one think. I did update my video driver tho, I'd fallen behind a little. :D I was confused with the "2 processors running/rated at..." stuff too. I asked hubby about it and he said some techy stuff I don't remember...yes, I'm so helpful.
  17. I believe if you've already initially gone through the sparring process you can't trigger this glitch? I could be wrong or mixing it up with another glitch exploit; I never played w/Handmaiden really, just seems like I read that somewhere...if that's the case and you're trying to get them "later in the game" after finding out about it, it may not work.
  18. If we tried to take away the 'right' to sue, someone would sue for that. And yes, the whole sue-happy thing is out of control. Sometimes even if you sign those waivers, you can still sue. Or at least a lawyer would try to convince you that you could.
  19. Well, I've never had a headphone jack on any of my cd or dvd roms. There was a time when I wouldn't get any sound without the wires plugged in. *shrug* I guess that's changed now, for some reason, and I didn't know it. I still think it's weird there's no pins, but since it works...like you said...guess I won't worry about it. I take it, then, that no one else has soundcards still plugged into their drives?
  20. Wow...it's going to take me a while to become an expert city-builder again. Lots of mechanics changes. But I like the cloudy rainstorm days. This is just the 3rd tutorial mission.
  21. Bought a new DVD-RW drive. Sony DRU-810A. Upon install, I notice the spot where I've always plugged in my sound card wire had no metal pins in it! Distressed, I looked at the manual diagram/booklet. It seemed to clearly indicate this was not needed and that there aren't any pins. (see attached picture). So I plugged it in and yes, the sound works. Music CD's, game CD's, so far seems fine. Ok, maybe some new tech, doesn't need direct sound card connection? I Google reviews. I Google Sony's website. No one mentions such a thing. review has a picture of the back that kind of looks like it has pins in that port, but it's hard to tell. Anyone have any comments? I'd like to know if I should take it back and get one with pins, if indeed it has any...and if I need any? Is this normal now?
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