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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Pop's opinion is the same as mine. I went so far as to create a very unsocial personality Sim to lessen that requirement but it was still way too much micro-management even for a sim game. I eventually began to just torture my Sims for fun, then stopped playing. If Sims2 is the same in that regard it'd irritate me sooner than later, now.
  2. Is it? I liked the original Sims for a while - it was funny - but became bored fairly quickly.
  3. No worse than people who line up for a big store sale...but yes, I agree...that wouldn't be how I choose to waste my time. I'd rather...uh...post on forums. :D
  4. I think some people thought JadeEmpire was a little along those lines in terms of gameplay...but not environment. I really haven't seen many games that have Kotor's particular blend of rpg and action, tho. They're usually more along the lines of Diablo in simpler button-mashing action or BaldursGate/Might&Magic in stats/story complexity. If you liked the story/choices aspect of Kotor, you might want to just try picking up some of the more well-known older RPG's out there to see if they would also be something you'd like...although like mentioned, they're not going to be on xbox.
  5. Yeah, that did occur to me after I wrote that. Well, I've been using Zip forever; It's familiar and still common for the average user to have it on their system; I'll continue to use it until something forces me not to. :D
  6. Ah...I didn't read that thread entire...I tend to be an impatient internet reader. I like Milkman Dan's Ode to Angels. Pleasant composition. Edit: @ D_R - lol, that was what I first thought when I saw NOX in the song titles. :D
  7. I used WinRar to unzip it. Then out of curiosity I used WinZip to recompress the files. Ace's file = 49,277 WinZips file = 49,278 Seems pretty much the same to me... Anyway - what are those songs from, Jorian? Did you make them or are they parts of songs/music in your personal collection/from BG soundtrack etc? The instrumental ones are interesting, but the vocal ones are a bit too...well..disco or dance/techno or something for my concepts of a RPG environment. P.S. Oh and I also tend to think of a "sample" as being shortened clips from songs...these seem to be the whole song. No wonder the file is so big.
  8. It hasn't downloaded yet, so I don't know if it's a problem. Was just wondering what it was. I knew of rar and zip and a few others...ace is new to me.
  9. The songs are 48MB and the server's a bit slow...it also isn't labeled as a zip file - what is .ace?
  10. I've been googling The Fountain - on imdb people give it 7.5 stars...which is odd since far as I can tell, it's not on wide-release yet? Anyway, I might check it out. In other movie news - anyone else's local theaters all taken up with placeholder announcements for something called Horrorfest? (pic) I seem to recall seeing a video on YT about some event w/this title, but didn't realize it would be on this scale. Sadly, most of them seem to be horrible movies...
  11. Thanks D_N. There's nothing official, no, for either the pc or console. Although the hope always lives on...
  12. There are no "official" plans for a Kotor3 right now - it's all speculation, rumor, and hope. As Nightshade mentioned, we have an ongoing series of threads for discussion of this popular topic.
  13. I guess I've been watching more TV series than movies lately. Sci-Fi's been playing Threshold and since I never got around to watching it when it was 1st-run it's fun to see it now. Mostly for Brent Spiner and Peter Dinklage. They're both pretty amusing. The rest of the show is passable but rather mundane sci-fi.
  14. I feel the same about people who talk in movie theaters.
  15. I've tried that route w/yahoomail once. I always end up forgetting about it and having the account cancelled for inactivity. Never tried hotmail. These days I just make my own "junk registration" email accounts thru my webserver and when they start to send too much spam I delete them and make another. But I still don't like to register since it makes more work for me.
  16. indeed. That sounds...convienent. " Thanks for the answer.
  17. I registered a game once, got a lot of spam, and haven't ever since. I also don't mail in rebates. Rebates aren't why I pick a product to purchase, so I don't care enough to bother...either that or I'm MsMoneyBags. Don't send in the registration cards for pretty much anything I buy, not just games - not only for privacy/spam potentials but also...I'm just lazy and forgetful. It is a nice concept to be able to support the games by registering I suppose...but any giving out of my information uneccesarily isn't for me. There's enough of mine floating around out there as it is. There have been some feedback-only things I've filled out, and those are fine....but if a company wants general feedback, they don't need personal info to get it.
  18. Can you have them die and play solo that way, by just dragging their unrevived "corpse" around? Or does the game do something to prevent that?
  19. Your wish is my command? Glad you found the other thread - there's lots of good ideas being discussed in there. A fun...if long...read.
  20. Is this true? If so, I find that a bit disappointing and reminiscent of linear action-RPG's in terms of world interaction. Course, if done right, it doesn't neccesarily mean a non-fun RPG experience (for me). Well, I shall find out soon enough. As long as I don't end up with any game-stopper bugs, the rest of the commonly listed glitches I've seen doesn't sound too bad to me. The way I play games I probably (hopefully) won't even notice. :cool: Nice to read about what others are experiencing tho..stuff I can keep an eye out for.
  21. Running out of battery juice all the time sucks. I get the same thing with all the camera/video doodads with their big rechargeable batteries and miss the days when 1 tiny flat round battery kept my camera going for MONTHS. But it would be nice to not have cords all over the place. Edit: And right now I'm...ah....um...doing nothing, really?
  22. Never had anyone walk up to me like that. They just come to my front door. Or they did, until I drew a homemade "We won't convert, go away" kind of sign and pasted it to the window by the door. Worked like a charm.
  23. (bold emphasis mine) I find this an intriguing statement. My limited knowledge says that dual-wielding weapons can be very practical, if you have the skill, and they're not super heavy arms like big broadswords. Since lightsabers are most likely very light in weight, I don't see how it wouldn't be practical? Unless you're just talking about story concepts ala "Jedi don't use two sabers because it's tradition."
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