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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Another reason I disliked GoTo - his giant round above-ground profile bulk would often block my view.
  2. I believe Weapon Feats/Melee Weapons applies to non-lightsabers only. So yes, I'd say you're better off choosing something like 2-weapon fighting or Toughness or whatever other Feat you eventually want to max out, instead of Melee. I never put points into Melee Weapons and it was never a struggle in the early spots. *shrug*
  3. Tried to watch Miami Vice... 1st thought: "what idiot decided to put dark blue text credit titles against a dark blue ocean background?" 2nd thought: "what a dark movie, I can hardly see anything." 3rd thought: "they have the "no talking, all visual w/wild music down pretty well" 4th thought: "I can't follow the plot. Is there a plot?" 5th thought: "I'm going to bed."
  4. Hmm...I didn't know you could download that officially these days. That's one I've thought about getting but the problem is railroads don't interest me much so I never have. Maybe I'll give it a shot. I could use a new Sim/Strategy.
  5. Never took me more than a minute (for one item). I didn't even have to exit the game entirely - just to the front menu. And if it's the only option available to you, it'd be faster than not using it at all.
  6. Those hands have a nice shape to them, but they look like store mannequin hands in terms of detail. And I do doubt that such clarity/realism will find it's way into the average game any time really soon. But it's nice to know what's possible.
  7. Most changes to the swkotor2.config have never worked for me - the game doesn't seem to recognize the changes. I don't think I've ever tried the in-game cheats, tho, so can't say whether that oddity would apply to that function also. I just use the KSE when I want to add items to my game.
  8. So true. Disappointing from Time. The article is fine as a tech-trend essay or something, but as a year-ender 'person of the year' tribute...meh.
  9. Our house, in the funky, non-scale, & very limited Sims2 style ... I'll never understand why they designed this house w/the bathrooms in the middle; imo that sucks. <_<
  10. I think I can see pores in her nose! :D The teeth/smile still looks a bit unnatural...maybe because they're too perfectly straight/aligned or something. the lips themselves look great...just the teeth when she smiles. But yeah, I agree...best digitized human face I've seen, probably. I'd like to see the hands upclose/in motion. They always seem to be one of the hardest things to do - or at least an area where they cut the most corners in favor of other areas.
  11. imo her ribcage is too big, proportionally. Makes her back look odd. The other pics look really nice, tho. I love the frog one.
  12. I wouldn't mind a rpg game with strategy elements - and I don't mean Heroes of Might & Magic/fantasy setting RTS style - but I don't know how one would implement it for Kotor.
  13. lol....I love games with a sense of humor like that. Invite only eh...not that I have much time to play lately, but how do you get an invite? :D
  14. I understand the disgust, but I've seen that sort of thing from communities of all kinds of games, and all kinds of forums (social, game, chat, whatever) - not just Blizzard or WoW or MMORPG's.
  15. While I think there's enough sabers in the game overall for just going thru/winning the game, I do know that I often wished I could get them faster - usually by the time I'd collected enough sabers to equip my party the way I wanted, the game was more than half over. :D
  16. Done. Edit: @ ThEvIlLiAgEiDiOt - hope you don't mind. My aged eyes thought Diego was the poll originator and that he was making a request. :">
  17. That's what I thought of it too...by the end it became my favorite show of the year.
  18. Some of the tracks can be found on Griskey's site (the composer) here. Otherwise you can try renaming the sound file tracks as .mp3 and see if they'll play - if that fails, you can use Miles Sound Tools to play them and use the free version of Wavepad to record them (as they play) and save as usable mp3 or wav files.
  19. The Long Arm of the Craw?
  20. I've done that - I typically went to Dantoonie first - and he still didn't turn till I did another influence gain on another planet.
  21. Making my way through 24, season 5. Still weary of the whole moles and leaks - tho I understand it's probably hard to figure out another way to do it - and the young teen as substutitue for daughter in peril is meh - however, it's much better than season 4. That first episode opener tho - that was awesome. Whoah.
  22. I liked Fate...always interesting to me to watch the shuffling around of game-creation talent. And I'm not surprised that it's another action-rpg.
  23. Linux can have a similar graphical interface as Windows - hubby uses it on some of his computers and it looks like Windows with bigger & uglier icons. Whether it behaves like Windows for installing games I have no clue...I kind of doubt it.
  24. Agree with exenia in the sense that if you don't have a clue what to do in the game, no planet is "easiest." Most answers people give for 'what's the easiest way to..." are based on people already knowing the game...thus it might not seem that easy to a new player. And CSI: Atton's not that hard to make a Jedi once you've done it once. You can get all the influence you need to trigger his stuff on Nar Shaddaa by the time you leave Telos. Bao's a bit harder - I could never do it on the first planet - I always had to get one more influence check from him on a 2nd planet.
  25. I'm not sure that makes sense. You could give everyone in your party lightsabers, yet you think the game needed more? ^_^
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