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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. If it has any kind of 'goop/grease' in it, or has any seriously weird shape sculpting and it's not Halloween, I don't like it. If it has more than two colors, I don't like it. If it looks like you electrocuted yourself and then put too much hairspray on it, I don't like it. Other than that, I'm not too picky.
  2. Really tired of windy, cloudy, overcast, or a combo of the above, days. If I wanted that type of spring/summer climate, I'd live in San Francisco. Hubby's been working on the old van, trying to get it shaped up for some vacation journey's. We're thinking about making a bedframe for it, that would be set off the van floor so you could store gear under it. We're tired of tent-camping; it's a pain when you're the sort who moves from site to site every day as you're driving the roads here and there. I think this is gonna be a fun summer.
  3. We buy bottled water. Our tap-water is very frightening.
  4. If Titan Quest/Immortal Throne had a dedicated server for MP, might've kicked D2's butt. As it is, I like it much better than D2 for single-player. That said, the first act/land is way too easy on normal difficulty, if you're a thorough explorer like myself. I assume they did that on purpose to help players learn the game, but it went on too long. And Conjurer's/summoners/pets seem far too powerful. I assume they'll be a lot weaker on Legendary difficulty.
  5. First one is not just for ladies, but seemingly young ones - I barely relate: but according to that one, I'm a camel. According to shamanistic wisdom, camel people are extremely patient and frugal. They don't get overly excited about anything and store up their energies for a rainy (or dry) day. They tend to not be into showiness of any kind. While some may call them cheap, camel people are just minimalists. Their only-what-you-need attitude carries over into how they treat the environment; they are careful to conserve earth's resources as well as their own. Camel people are usually super-chilled out and make reliable, steady friends. The 2nd one in the original post, I'm also an Owl. These tests always make me sound stable and steady, or something. Hahahahah .... that's a laugh.
  6. About 10 ... I cleaned it up once already, should do it again.
  7. Ah! A title I recognize in this thread! That's an entertaining read - kind of spins your head around a bit; always loved Q.
  8. Tho it looks much the same graphically on the surface, it's not the same game, technically. Unfortunately, just because your pc will run one, doesn't mean it'll run the other. Same thing. There are many factors in what make a game work on any given computer, even beyond what's stated on the box, and it is very possible - as opposed to false & stupid - that a game may not like shared memory while others may be able to 'work around it' better. Without you understanding computers a bit better than it appears you currently do, it's not easy to give a reason why stuff like this happens that's going to make sense to you. But as frustrating as it is in your shoes, minimum (or sometimes even the recommended) specs given on boxes do not mean an absolute 100% guarantee that the game will work on your computer, with your specific hardware, driver, and software configurations.
  9. Attack of the Black Lagoon Guys, or Something. Playing hard-to-get w/my lava golem on the beach.
  10. I came out a d20 too. Whether that's good or bad, I have no idea.
  11. Heh, I have a couple of those in my cabinent, and they get used now ... a lot. :D Hope the neck gets better. Funny how what seems like a little thing at first - that you think will just go away really quick - can be such a pain in the, well, neck. And my day so far - woke up and it's raining. Meh. Summer comes later every year.
  12. I'd say no too ... lke mentioned, getting rid of Anakin early wouldn't stop the killing - perhaps delay it, and different people would die, perhaps. But not stop it.
  13. That's what I thought when I first fired it up. The character body models, and the way they stand, or something. Edit: And Titan Quest was in the bargain bin (tho I also bought the expansion for more...), so what the heck. I'm trying it. A lot better than the demo led me to think it would be. Fun Diablo clone.
  14. Yes, sorry, missed that reply - #5 is a ballpoint pen.
  15. Mocha latte is about the only coffee drink I like. And I had a diet coke while at the salad bar for lunch.
  16. First PG-13 horror, and now PG-13 action. Suckage.
  17. QFT As to topic - darnit, I know there was this game where an entire level had this horrid, fixed position camera, where you couldn't turn it or anything - you'd end up turning a corner and staring at a wall, unable to get a view of your characters or anything. I can't remember which one tho - maybe it was The Summoner...
  18. I saw one of those eating contest stories recently, which is why I said that. This guy and gal, they each ate 11 pounds of cheesecake (more or less) in 9 minutes. Or something like that. That'd be a lot of working out to burn that off.
  19. Camera's just a tool - a good photographer can take good pics on almost any camera. I don't think my camera has any filter effects like that, except for B&W ... but I also believe there's still features on my camera that I have never tried. And yeah on the standing still part - why can't animals be still, darnit. heh
  20. The Life and Death of Peter Sellers. Very strange movie. Geoffrey Rush was brilliant - the movie as a whole was ... well, it's just bizarre. I'm not sure whether I liked it or if it was more appalled fascination tha kept me watching. Like most biopics, it focused less on the career/talent and more on the fact the personality wasn't 'perfect,' which is a shame, because Sellers, imo, was a great talent. And I don't just mean the Pink Panther movies.
  21. @Cant - After Tigranes post, I thought I did understand - tho it's possible I didn't, can never be sure. You should hear my husband and I sometimes, talking in increasing circles when we were actually saying pretty much the same thing from the start. I don't, and I don't think I ever said, that I hate having to withdraw and come at an objective from a different angle. I simply hate not knowing in advance that multiple options are possible before I waste time looking. Foreknowledge doesn't decrease my personal enjoyment, but lack of such foreknowledge can increase my annoyance. My antipathy towards lack of clues etc. is directed only towards main plot quests/obstacles that have to be done to progress. Perhaps some of the difference in viewpoint stems because I typically look for the non-battle option first - I always have - by the time I fight, I've already determined it is, indeed, the only option - whether because the game dictates it or I decide I prefer that option. Thus I'd like the clue that I must fight to be there, so I don't waste my time. Backwards maybe? The thing is, you want one thing, and I may not - imo you have to give the player a choice of, not have it be one or the other. Something games don't do well, as I already agreed. Conceptually I don't think it'd be that difficult to allow at least a sort of middle-ground - perhaps you could, for example, have a game setting that dictates how deep the "clues" NPC's are allowed to give you, via using/not using certain lines in their dialog trees - giving the player some control of how much 'leading' they desire to be possible - or an unwinnable battle would tell you it was such, but only after you'd died a certain number of times - say 10 or 15. But I still think the main problem isn't so much getting the 'average' mass player to accept change - it would be that games with too many 'path options' per objective would likely add a lot more programming time and other such stuff, which the publishers aren't generally too keen on. ----------------------- @ Walsh - I didn't specify pnp, and I wan't referring to table-top gaming. I was thinking of performance acting/re-enacting. Now, admittedly I have done neither, so perhaps I'm wrong about whether it's more possible or not; I have, tho, had numerous friends who were into both types and while they'd argue, in the end they weren't all that concerned about it. Maybe they were a less ... competitive ... group than most. I wouldn't know.
  22. Hairbrush, yeah. Glass bottle, spot on, good guess. It's actually a shot taken through the open top of the bottle, straight down, focusing on the bottom glass. And it's a Moosehead.
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