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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. LadyCrimson


    After weeks of mediocrity, I was pleased they finally got rid of one annoying character last episode. That and ... I think I finally can see Rick Shcroder as something other than the "silver spoon" tot.
  2. I found it easiest to highlight my choice and hit that 'b' button for bold, since I'm far too lazy to edit a check-form on the internet.
  3. Kicking people with your leg muscles developed your arm muscles? :D And still playing Titan Quest. After so long not being able to play games much, it's nice to spend some time kicking monster behinds. Uh, when you lift heavy stuff like cars and elephants, you are supposed to lift with your legs. Trust me, you don't want to throw your back out when attempting to hurl a garbage dumpster at a bunch of hooligans. I think you take my glib statement a little too seriously.
  4. @ mkreku - I know the feeling. I tend to be a fair weather photo person myself - excepting the never ending deluge of 'I love my cats" snapshots. @ Bokishi - I saw that on the news. That's where my sister-in-law is going (LA, not that area specifically), so I was paying attention. Being able to take pictures of such from your home would be surreal indeed.
  5. What age range are you in? __ 18-24 __ 25-30 __ 31-55 __ 56+ Are you male or female? __ Male __ Female Do you think overpopulation is a problem? __ Yes __ No What do you think should be done to solve it? __ A maximum limit of children per family enforced by law. - I'm not sure in the long run if that's enough, if lifespans continue to increase. Don't know really tho; I'm no stat-math person. __ Colonization of currently non-habitable environs. __ Nothing, new technologies will be developed to allow us to place more people in the same area without stripping the planet of its resources. __ Nothing because I
  6. LadyCrimson


    I have never eaten spam, and have no desire to try it.
  7. Kicking people with your leg muscles developed your arm muscles? :D And still playing Titan Quest. After so long not being able to play games much, it's nice to spend some time kicking monster behinds.
  8. Water, because I'm hot and sweaty. But at least the weather is really great.
  9. Agreed. The added solider threat aspect just felt out of place/tacked on for the rest of the film.
  10. Lots of grass fields around here = lots of rats and mice. Not that we actually see them much, but they're there. And right now we're trying to figure out what to have for dinner. Tacos is sounding likely. Speaking of which, does anyone know if 'el grullense' is actually a word with a definition? I don't find one via googling so maybe it's just a common surname ...
  11. LadyCrimson


    It's Hard to Be Humble - Mac Davis Either that or The Chant from Stronghold game - a good walk into the room in slo-mo bit. heh
  12. Yes, I've seen the other ending. I still thought the movie grew weaker towards the finale; not just the final end bits. If it's atmospheric enough, less story more gore can work well for a horror flick. But yeah, that's my fear; sequel-itis.
  13. Speaking of kitties, looks like we'll be cat-sitting my sister-in-laws two new kittens for a few days in a couple weeks. So I get all the fun of rambunctious cute kittens for a while, without the commitment. Can you say ... photo opppurtunity? teehee. Tho they'll have to be in a seperate room - Misty's a jealous cat.
  14. 12.5? I guess I misread somewhere ... I thought it was 1.5. :blush10: Twelve would indeed be awesome. *googles some more* 12 is with the optional battery, right? I'm reading more like 4 hours with the default one (Sony says 6, reviewers got around 4). Still be very good tho.
  15. One of the most amusing things I've seen in a game (graphically) in a while ... the game has semi-ragdoll effects, and this sabercat died/fell in this odd position.
  16. Sounds like a good field laptop - light and strong and small. And a decent battery life.
  17. I liked the octo-arm guy in Spiderman2. I thought he was a lot of fun. The whole Goblin & angry Goblin's son stuff is mostly annoying, to me. I've been watching the ads for Another 28 Days/Later and I'm kind of interested. The first wasn't the perfect horror movie, mostly because of the weak ending etc., but I liked it enough to wonder what they'll do with the sequel.
  18. I don't get the reference - are you saying you like multi-color hair, or don't like it, or ... ?
  19. There's a lot of flaky guys in California, too. And just about anywhere, really. hehe The weather has grown uncomfortably warm and muggy now, but still with kind of a icky haze to the sky. And no, it's not all smog. And the new kitty above is awesome and cute as an angel Or is that cute as the devil ... kittens can be a handful.
  20. Veterinarian, then a novelist, then a biologist. I became a spoiled housewife instead.
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