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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I force (powershell) uninstalled Windows 10 Photos apps because it was causing problems with the software I actually like to use to quickly look at images or videos. Once removed, everything went back to normal again. >.> I removed most of their "apps" ages ago but left a few like that and Paint cause you figure what problems are they going to cause right. Maybe it was that last update I did a while back - it can take me a long time to notice small things. And they seem to have added more r-click context menu items (to more of their stuff that I never use/care to use) that you can't remove without registry tweaks and ... ... time to remove more Windows "apps." Edit: I feel like they keep trying to stick their app fingers into all your pies without asking. Go away, MS.
  2. Maybe most people wouldn't want/don't want to truly live forever, but at the same time, no one lives long enough.
  3. As I was roaming a town, idly punching zombie's faces because I can, I felt like I was reminded of something. Then it hit me.
  4. When you realize you can alter file parameters to make a map generator spawn bigger single cities, spawn less or zero smaller cities, change lake sizes, etc etc. And you spend all day trying to create the "perfect map" with perfect spread, certain buildings you want, maybe take a quick look at some, make another, repeat forever. All while knowing that even if you manage to get it, you likely will never "play" it. It passes the time tho. >.> Not enough "downtown" tiles STILL NOT BIG ENOUGH
  5. For a few months now, neither local stores or Amazon Fresh have had my diet Mt. Dew in cans. Ever. Sometimes they have 16oz plastic bottles, sometimes not. I prefer cans. Strangely, whenever up at the new house, the stores around there have it/are apparently hoarding it, so whenever I go up I check and buy some. Hubby went up there last night just without me (just paying/checking in with a handyman dude, coming right back). He texted me a picture with a thumbs-up over four 12-packs of my caffeine addiction, with the word "SCORE" I love my man. Btw, he's not an adult, either. It's probably why we get along so well.
  6. Oh, I agree with that. Just keep them to televised pay events or whatever, dunno. But if you're going to allow such events, I assume usually because money, apparently they need to do a better job/be a lot more strict, is all. >.>
  7. Sure ... but it's still pretty irresponsible to get a positive result and just ignore it like that vs. going elsewhere immediately to get retested to be sure. Although imo that shows more how ineffective these measures are at actually screening people, in terms of preventing "postives" from entering public crowded events. But I'm not sure what they should do. Stamp their forehead with a "DISEASED" temp tattoo so they can't just waltz in through another line doesn't seem like a good/ethical idea either.
  8. ^ Probably said before but longest my hair ever was, was about the small of my back. A little higher than the hipline I guess. But another factor of (my) aging is hair brittle and thinning. The density of hairs per inch. Mine used to be flat but super dense and my brushes would be almost clean of hair/breakage was minimal and my clothes/pillows etc. would never have hair on them. Now I seem to be shedding all that extra density like a cat in summer. So far it's ok because it was so extra dense to begin with, but I'm starting to wonder if I'll be egg-bald when I'm 70.
  9. Btw, I'm 53 now. I was still in my (late) 30's when I first started showing up in this forum. How bizarre. ...y'know how I didn't quite shave my head earlier this year? It's all maybe 4 inches long now. I think it grew back way more grey than before. I became used to not having to "take care" of hair and it's super annoying having to consider it again. I may buzz it off again in early summer.
  10. ..the white cat at around 1:52...I can't even, lol.
  11. ^ I finished that Blade of the Immortal movie. The massive ending fight sequences were impressive for such a thing. I also remembered there was an anime version of the story/manga and that I had actually tried to watch that via Amazon Prime a while back. I think I found the anime too weird and didn't get past a few episodes. Maybe I should try it again. And also, the main antagonist looked familiar - and the actor had more charisma than the lead protagonist - so I looked him up. Apparently he was the lead in that live action Bleach movie that was on Netflix. Quite a different role/acting style.
  12. Well, as I've probably said in various ways before, I'm not sure I'm an adult even now, despite what it says on any gov. records. I've never had a career-path type of job but I worked lots of retail and had my own housecleaning "business" (just self-contractor, basically, with a full-time number of clients I'd scrounged up) until I was in my late 20's. After that it was occasional part-time or single-job tasks, then it became "retired." In retail I was apparently smart enough or likable enough managers/owners kept wanting to promote me and send me to management ... classes? training? ... but I'd always say no thank you. I learned I do not deal well with certain types of stress triggers (depression/suicidal tendencies back then) and also had a few terrible employer/co-worker "me too" type experiences, and thus most of my life has been about studiously avoiding putting myself in situations where such stress triggers or situations could occur.
  13. I watched that Shang-Chi and a buncha-glow-rings movie. It felt slightly less USA super-hero-y than most Marvel. It was also totally absurd (sometimes to the point where a good-natured/fun chortle leaked out of my lips), the action was cool and visceral but so over-choreographed and/or CGI there was no sense of danger/suspense. It had most/all of the cliches and shallow development you might expect, and I likely will never care about watching it again - but for some reason, I quite enjoyed about 90% of it. Maybe I just liked most of the actors/actresses. Or maybe it was that cute faceless fuzzy creature. Or that water dragon. Or ... =========== ...after that I started to watch 2017's (live action) Blade of the Immortal, a Japanese Edo-period supernatural samurai movie. It's supernatural because the maiin chr. has been cursed with immortality - but not of the fun kind. Gets to feel all the pain, but it doesn't kill him/he heals up, even if stuff is cut off. Based on a manga I gather. It starts out interesting/stark, with a bit of old-timey feel. Half way through however, the many one on one fights (there's a vengeance plot because of course there is) start to feel too one note and repetitive. Tends to be an issue when someone is, y'know, "immortal." Good/well done bloody fantasy samurai action tho.
  14. See the most I care about house arrangement is that the new "PC cave" is set up pretty much like my current one. Although I am considering some minor adjustments (a U shape vs. a long L shape). That's about it. We put no decorations on the walls, don't care about dining tables/furniture/pretty, anything that looks like HGTV. Black bedsheets are my "window treatments" half the time. We're pretty spartan/not much to consider. That said, that big riverside park that'll be only 10-12 minutes (walking) away is something I want to check out in late Spring. Probably won't go there much in general but it's a new thing and I want to see it. Maybe I should get a bicycle again for it. I think my life doldrums is more from being effectively "retired" for many years already, and a lack of desire for social hobbies/difficult to find new isolationist hobbies I enjoy. I'm starting to remind myself of my mother's mom when she was in her early 70's, except I'm 20 years early.
  15. Imagine being someone with a ton of dust, pollen, material, smell etc. allergies. Like me. Can't even go grocery shopping or pick up take-out half the time without their heating/ventilation systems or the detergent/perfumed aisles or car exhaust etc. causing my nose to swell and sneeze at some point.
  16. I remember buying Cat Quest on PS4. It was cute, and it felt Diablo-ish in a way. Or something. Then at some point after several hours every time I went into a dungeon or tried a quest I had my furry ears handed to me on a plate and there wasn't much more I could grind to level up/get more powah and I just quit. I'm not sure if it was really that hard or if I was just lulled by the cuteness to expect something that required less than a few braincells of thought and was irritated when it started to become ... not that. Edit: I should say I did enjoy CQ, what I played. It's still on the PS4 actually, just never turned it on again.
  17. It's like when you drive a car off the lot. Immediately drops in value. ...come to think of it, I was able to return that car I bought. Years should come with time-back guarantees! Then I'd still only be 30!
  18. Happy New Year to all. Let's hope it's a slightly less world "eventful" year. ...maybe moving will be the small little kick I need to get me out of my seeming life-doldrums. eg, could be best year ever! ...for some reason my brain is telling me that I kinda wish I could be around for 2222, because I missed year 1111 and it'd be weirdly cool to be in a year with all the same digit.
  19. I ran out of internet again. Could play this or that. Could watch this or that. Don't feel like it.
  20. That's because Ryan George is a short comedy sketch God.
  21. ^ I've always wanted to safari and be able to take photos etc. Seems marvelous. ------ So does even highly controlled Type 2 D make you feel cold more? Or is it menopause? Or simply "age"? Whatever it is, when you're used to being cold-tolerant for most of your life, then having it slowly change over 2-3 years, it really sucks. *58F/14C in my room this morning = socks, heating pad over feet, legwarmers, light sweatjacket (no hood) zipped up to the chin and a knit hat on my head* -- I probably look like some cartoon character Going to need a couple more PC's as a space heaters.
  22. ^ It's in my Watchlist but DiCaprio isn't one of my fave actors (he's talented, just not my style or in movies I like most of the time I guess?). I do like cynical/biting/snarky humor if it's not too slapsticky in presentation, and I like Jonah Hill at times. So I'll try it eventually. ---Finished The Silent Sea. Eps 6-8 you get all the explanations and "stuff" finally coming together/happening. Which doesn't make it move much faster, but there are more things going on. There were two supporting characters (maybe three) that I liked more than the two leads (I love you Gong Yoo but ....). The ending is complete yet a bit ambiguous. I think this would've been better as a 2.5-3 hour movie. I still loved all the stark black contrast shots in the show when they come up, tho. Haha. ---Started watching a K-drama called "Navillera" - caught my eye because one of the supporting leads is an actor I recalled from something else I saw long ago. Old man wants to finally try learning ballet after a lifetime of denying what he wants in favor of responsibility etc. Ends up at a studio where a young man is being trained to maybe be a star. Old/youth buddy-drama and a little family-drama starts. It's funny because while I complained of "slow pacing" in The Silent Sea, a slow/calm pace fits a drama like Navillera just fine. Script, subject/plot, and genre expectations I suppose. I don't even like ballet but I'm enjoying the series so far (seen 8 eps).
  23. Got through another episode and a half of The Silent Sea. So that would be ... halfway through episode 4. I've read the series is based on some short film or something, and I wonder if the story itself was not enough to fill even an eight episode series, because I feel like nothing much has happened. Oh sure, some events have occurred, don't get me wrong. But it feels stretched thin. Plus while the sense of dread is often good, it feels a little too similar to some common sci-fi tropes/films, hence a bit too generic. And the two main chrs., great actors they are, are so far almost too sedate or stone-faced to be interesting. Anyway, it's not that it's bad ... it just feels like there's not enough to fill up the time space in an interesting fashion. Should've been six episodes maybe. Makes your attention wander a little too often. I'll probably finish it, but I'm not in a rush. I feel like S. Korea is trying to do "big" sci-fi recently, and this is one of the learning experiences. They're getting closer, but not quite there yet.
  24. Nothing, and these days more often than not I just randomly encounter or hear about and play/try something. I don't keep up with game news enough or like most game trends enough to really look forward to stuff. So I rely on some post-release gameplay videos and random luck.
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