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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Some of the areas they showed early on had similar color schemes to WoW....that is, a more pastel palette or something. I don't think the chrs. look like WoW chrs. or anything. But there's something about it that definitely reminds me of WoW...not to mention Titan Quest. Eh...they all look alike these days.
  2. I don't think I'd like "more intrusive." That doesn't sound in any way appealing. I got the latest FRAPS version again, and it has one of those cache features now too. But only 30 seconds I think. I haven't used the feature much since it does tend to lag the fps if you have it running constantly. I think FRAPS does compress a tiny bit, but not a lot...probably for speed reasons (compressing on the fly is slower?). I'd be happy if they'd add another record-size option, too, in this day of big widescreens. Like, half size, full size, and 1280x720 (or 3/4 size I guess?)
  3. I was doing some chores this morning and nearly fainted when I bent over in tip toes to dig clothes out of the washing machine. I then realized that on top of only 3 hrs. sleep, I had forgotten to eat yesterday (30+ hrs). Now that it's crossed my mind, I'm ravenous. lol. Hmm.....meat and rice/vegies, here I come.
  4. The one game that could pull me away from NV if it was released next week. Which it isn't...just saying. I have more and more reservations about D3 - not that it won't be good, but that I personally won't like it/tastes have changed - but I will still be grabbing it up into my greedy little hands.
  5. A little. But...um....mostly...no, not really. OCD baby, OCD.
  6. No PC patch until later. I'd say "wah" but I still need a break from actual playing/questing so I'm not crying. The PS3 players are already moaning about how the patch makes things worse. Have I mentioned lately how much I like being on the PC? Yeah....
  7. If you pretend hard enough, maybe this could be both.
  8. Most are probably completely, and quite sensibly, unaware what an utter pain in the arse it is to get 5 companions to be evenly spaced and dance AT THE SAME TIME.
  9. Waiting for a NV patch changelog. *taps foot* Which probably won't be for a while so I guess I'm going to run the errands I've been putting off all week. Exciting.
  10. I was able to stunlock enemies, so I'm not sure what the benefit of knocking them down, over that, is? Granted probably wouldn't work on deathclaws. Hm. I've gotten the one from the Ranger but never tried it since I assumed it was VATS. Guess I need to figure out how to use it/read more carefully. Veronica...I'll have to skip that one because I can never keep her around long enough.
  11. Care to elaborate on which ones those are? I don't think it would help too much with my liking melee, but I'm willing to give it a shot. At least it might be more entertaining than madly flailing and chasing. Oh how I hates melee-chasing. Diablo1 and warrior vs. succubi taught me that. (edit)I gave Arcade & Boone fire axes once. They killed everything, but it was so aggravating watching them chase enemies for miles to get those last swings in... lol
  12. Oh...I know you get those special moves, but they only work with VATS, right? And since I don't use VATS....
  13. Yeah....I have liked melee in a few games even tho it's not usually my thing, but all my attempts in NV have ended up exactly like that. Enemy runs towards me, I smack it with my spiked knuckles or bat or whatever. Enemy moves a little, I keep flailing away with the mouse clicks and they either drop dead in 2 seconds or I break a limb or two and have to chase them around as they flee. Melee is definitely powerful - I took out the special Legion 4-groups that show up when you're Vilified with spiked knuckles when I was lvl 5 (there were also 8 bandits, and Boone was taking forever dropping the entire grouping w/his default rifle so I waded in) - but utterly without any feeling of achievement, imo. Just random chaos. Not fun in a game, for me.
  14. Knight & Day. I thought it would be a little more stupidly amusing than it was. Had a few moments/chuckles but overall not very good.
  15. Agree with Rosbjerg - if it's a true phobia it's not something cured by rational thoughts. I don't have any advice....I don't like flying either, but don't have any serious issues. The main thing for me is my allergies make me a little paranoid that one day my head will explode upon take-off. Also, not afraid of heights but am afraid of falling, eg ladders are almost bad enough to be an actual phobia, but not quite. I refuse to get on them 99% of the time however. Oddly, I'm not afraid of climbing trees. I guess they feel stable.
  16. Except for some strategy games, I've never been very into turn-based combat. It works and I know why it's used/some like it...and pausing to give orders to party members is fine...but still..not my favorite thing. ...thinking maybe my problem last night was that I'm not liking the current character. Fun as the companions are, the tactic of letting them do all the killing was becoming dull. Plus the Ferocious Loyalty wasn't quite working the way I'd hoped. The DR does work, but not a terribly fun way to play (half-health all the time) for very long. So hm...the patch is tomorrow? Guess I'll wait and see what ppl say about it, then make a new chr. after I (probably) download it.
  17. I'm not sure I could go back to that sort of visual look for a game I've never played before. Up to a few years ago it would have been no problem, but the recent games I've played have kind of spoiled me into certain visual layouts. :/
  18. ....I fired up the game last night and...I do believe I've finally become a bit burnt out on NV - yes, even the Boone Experience. Altho I can still run around watching him kill stuff for a while. I think my last game/chr, which was a very in-depth playthru, + too much video editing, tipped me over the edge. ...guess I'll take a break. The boredom of having nothing else I particularly want to do should have me scurrying back to the game in a couple days...
  19. I still don't agree with the isolationist thing. I can understand wanting to preserve the tech and not wanting to 'hand it out' willy nilly because it might be dangerous, but that doesn't have to equate to societal isolationism.
  20. LadyCrimson


    The thing that gets me is how unaware many people are of just how many calories are in their favorite foods. So for that, some of those food docs. are kinda useful. As to Asian food...if it uses soy sauce, it's high in sodium. 2 tablespoons (a common number in recipes) can have 2 grams of sodium (85% of "daily" requirement). Even low-sodium versions are usually over 50% of daily. Soups are usually really bad sodium wise, too.
  21. LadyCrimson


    Heh yeah, SuperSize me fails because it tried to target "McD's/fast food" when what it was really doing was just showing what a high-fat, high-sodium, high-carb, low nutrition diet can do to someone if that's all they eat all the time. Nothing new there. Someone who eats nothing but sausage & pepperoni pizza 3 times a day, or a pint or two of ice cream a day...or eats a Chili's/Applebees platters twice a day...same thing. Basically, restaurant food should typically be restricted as your twice or thrice a month eating out treat, maybe once a week. Using it as your staple daily diet is not good for most people, no matter the venue.
  22. LadyCrimson


    Did I say I hated fast food? No. Depending on the place/personal taste, some of them can be tasty. My objection stems from the usually ginormous amount of calories (mostly of the 'bad fat' sort) for amount of food eaten and their general lack of nutrition value. Even the so-called 'healthy' options on most of their menus pack 700-900 calories for one shot. I'm a tiny person who doesn't spend 2 hours a day working out...I can't eat like that 2-3 times a day without gaining weight. Edit: I forgot..the other issue is massive sodium. Massive. I find this more objectionable as I become older...the entire food industry is horrible about sodium. Plus I agree with Hurl...eat such too often and you start to feel rather terrible.
  23. I think that's why I find them dull. I'm not into serious isolationism in stories because I don't understand it. Individually I can understand introversion and a strong lack of desire to be face-to-face social very often, but isolationist is another matter. It's not interesting because it makes for a static/dull culture, and one that's likely doomed in the long run because of it, as you mention. Although I do realize in NV they were trying to lessen that aspect of themselves a bit.
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