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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Rango. Animation looked great. Nods to old Westerns were welcome. But neither funny or interesting. It was so lifeless that I fell asleep at about the 3/4 point, so maybe the end made it better. Not going back to find out.
  2. Once in a while. But from my pov...it's pretty rare. Considering the record of most video game movies, I wouldn't be surprised if studios would be hesitant to greenlight very many for a while.
  3. From someone who (still) hasn't read the 2nd book ... that wasn't bad. A good set-up episode I suppose. Cast is still top notch. I miss Sean Bean tho. Strange how I liked the political intrigue in Rome, but in this series some of it falls a little flat for me. Oh well, probably just what one is in to, period wise.
  4. I personally thought Doom could make a fun/decent mindless action flick, but apparently I was wrong. Hollywood has no clue what to do with movies based on games, imo. I'd personally like to see Overlord turned into a comical/satirical film, ala Monty Python or Mel Brooks or whatever. But not sure it would actually work well.
  5. Sure we do. It's not about the odds of winning tho...it's the social fun of being able to joke about maybe winning. And the daydream. Most people don't expect to win on Vegas slot machines either (if you "break even" you're doing well), but it doesn't stop them from sitting on those stools playing when they visit. It's just a fun way to spend your spare cash sometimes, like any other pursuit (unless you're a gambling addict, which is another story). I rarely play the lottery...most people I know only play when the jackpot gets big. It's just a fun lark. And if on some off chance you did win...well, as they say...wouldn't that be nice. And today....the sun came out again. Wonder if that'll last. This afternoon will largely be filled with chores while waiting for Game of Thrones.
  6. Nothing that's punked me yet. The Beth fora turned the Community Discussion forum into a textual celebration of My Little Pony, tho....which is both amusing and exasperating.
  7. Hm. Never played Wasteland...I'll have to research/read more in depth this weekend. But I like rpg's, post-apocalyptic, and supporting good projects when I can....so if I like what I read I'll pledge something. And if Obsidian themselves kick-starts their own rpg project, I'll be on that one too.
  8. Hm. Well, these days I like pretty, so I'll try 4. The first one wasn't one of my faves (mostly because of the setting, I prefer other settings more) but enough to give a sequel a shot. Also....replaying BG1 reminded me how I basically went through the entire original game using nothing but bows/arrows and magic missile.
  9. Same here. A book on tape might be heard but not absorbed. I mean, I like casual walks with friends/family but exercise doesn't work. Music is about the only thing that works for me while exercising.
  10. Well, I haven't played 3, so that would mean nothing to me. But if 3 is well rated then...hm, for $40 perhaps I'll give it a shot.
  11. Oh good....since I'm not into Mad Men, this means I'll have something new for my Sunday evening slot. The 1st season didn't make me drool fangirl spit or anything, but it was very watchable, so I'll give season2 a whirl.
  12. I could really use a new castle-building sim. But I don't think one exists....I don't count Stronghold3. Or Minecraft. Anyone try Tropico4? The 1st one was fairly decent, haven't played the others.
  13. Indeed. Wonder how that works. I love bullet time visually.
  14. Bought my MegaMillions ticket. When I win that 500million, I'll buy everyone here a bunch of Steam gifts and a keg of beer.
  15. That's why I have to stay away from Steam's website most of the time.
  16. I think they changed their name officially to GoG, didn't they? No more Good Old Games. Hm. Legend of Grimrock looks interesting, based on some videos. I might get a little bored of never-ending dungeon after a while but it reminds me of some old games, only with better graphics. Could be happy weekend fun.
  17. @Labadal - in these times, that's great news. Must be a load off the mind. Dear Diary: Today my plan was to be as unproductive as possible...and I was successful. Go me.
  18. Baldur's Gate1. First reaction was "no wai, the play area window wasn't that small, was it?" I could swear on my old CRT things (portraits/buttons too) were smaller and stuff, and I don't mean because the screen was smaller. So I got the mod that let me play in higher resolutions. Don't care about widescreen etc. Just 800x600 was good enough, more like how I "remember". Also...it's a bit like playing Diablo1, in that I keep wanting them to walk faster. But so far, a good nostalgia leap. Just have to grab doomsayer Xan now.
  19. Government barcodes lasered into our arms can't be far away! More seriously...I'm not really seeing a practical application for this, outside of novelty sales. It'd have to do a heck of a lot more than tell me my phone is ringing for me to be even remotely interested in a magnetic tattoo. Also...how would they fare if you needed an MRI scan? ....and Wals, because I like you, I'll be sure to call several times a day.
  20. In the past I gave my cats actual names...simple descriptive or "cute" ones. But always been terrible with naming. The shelter called my two cats Jude and Johnny, and I didn't like those names at all...but I can't be arsed to come up with a permanent name that's better. So Mr. Grey and Mr. Black it became. Or cat. Mostly, just cat. They come running when I make mouth click noises or finger snaps so that's fine. I tried some cheap Sony blu-ray player largely to check out the netflix access in the unit (don't care about the dvd player). After going thru hoops to be able to actually do that, I discovered anything from netflix wouldnt load to play via this unit. Just gets stuck. This was over a wired connection too, not wireless. The interface menus are terrible, even for YouTube stuff (which did work, but very slow). Basically it all confirmed that I should stick to plugging a cheap PC into the television over some unit service. What a piece of crap.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztHAcNbHKF0
  22. They're both neutered. Not a guarantee of not spraying/marking, especially if one waits until after they start the behavior to neuter (vs. before 4 months say). Get the feeling it was done later. Mr. Grey's the hall sprayer...maybe once or twice a week. Mr. Black just pees on the inside walls of the litter box occasionally.
  23. In an effort to not have to give up one of my new cats, I'm trying this: http://petcomfortzone.com/cats.html ....I'm pretty dubious, plus it's expensive. But if it works I suppose I can deal with that. So far Mr. Grey does appear to be more mellowed/less high strung, at least. Don't know about his hallway spraying problem yet. We'll see.
  24. I've decided that perhaps this new info explains why eating a giant bag of beef jerky makes me happy. ...also, Gorth, what exactly is too much work for cooking beef? Versus what? I'll grant it's more work than eating an apple, but not more work than cooking chicken, pork, sausage, etc. At least in general. eg not going for a perfect chef creation, just tossing in a pan, in the oven or on the BBQ.
  25. Ultima7 .... kind of interesting. Graphics are actually tolerable/fine, considering. What I'm having trouble with is feeling like the game alternates between herky jerky and sudden speed ups, as well as mouse-click response delays. I dunno if it's GoG's dos-box usage to get it running on Windows or what, but makes it hard to get into the game that way. :/ So far the voice acting cracks me up. Not because it's bad or annoying, but so much of it seems a bit over the top, in almost a satire kind of way.
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