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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Made some tapioca pudding. It was delish. So....here's what I heard tonight. It went on for about 10-15 minutes or so. I've been scouring the 'net for early newsbits but nothing. Maybe on the 10pm local TV news. Sounds like guns at first, then starts to become more rapid. The flashes reflecting off clouds is a bit noticeable at 1:45 and 2:18. Hubby's theory: someone's giant storehouse of illegal fireworks caught fire. It was weird, anyway. The weekend excitement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3zR_SKCI3U
  2. They change details/gameplay options a little bit, but yup, pretty similar. Except Casear3 didn't have roadblocks or any way to deal with the crazy market ladies (except by using stand-alone gatehouses everywhere). What started to annoy me tho was the pastel colors of the later ones like Zeus and even to a degree CoTN. Shallow of me, but yeah....
  3. There is either a huge gunfight going on downtown or some kind of explosion effect. Horizon flashes (can see them from backyard), fireworks sounding rapid booms, a few sirens.
  4. Played another level of Theme Hospital. It's still fun, and I'm sure it gets a lot harder in later levels, but the whole time I kept thinking that what the game needed was more building. You plonk down rooms/hirelings then just sorta sit around waiting for the patient cure/financial win requirements to be met. It's a little too much "business sim" for my tastes perhaps. So I went back to Casear3 for a bit and that was much better. Which led me to thinking that maybe I should finally try Zeus (the only City-Builder of that period I haven't tried/don't own)...which led to me discovering Tilted Mill is making a new CB game! Yay! I'm totally starved for a new CB. I thought it was dead, never to return....
  5. I dunno if anyone else here but me would be interested, but I discovered tonight that Tilted Mill is making a new city builder. I don't expect it will be a high-budget type title, but I've missed city-builders so much that I can't help but be hopeful/excited. It's going to be called Medieval Mayor and will be in 2d, and perhaps going back at least a bit towards "old school/classic style" mechanics vs. Caesar4. They have a very new webpage for the game, which doesn't have much of anything on it yet, and there was a nice long interview with Chris Beatrice on Games Arena.
  6. Bad weather so often ends up with more frequent automobile accidents. :/ ...be safe people. This evening: sparkling cider (don't like alcohol, but I love sparkling cider), a good meal, a movie, a comfy loveseat, and a spouse to share it with. That is all.
  7. Maybe Richard Adams. He made me care about the lives and legends of fuzzy bunny rabbit characters (actual rabbits) trying to find a land to call home, and their struggles to find mates and peace. The key words are "care" and "characters." It didn't matter that they were little bunny rabbits. They were some of the most awesome characters ever. ...but mostly, just this, really.
  8. Was rewatching the film F/X and its sequel last night. I miss Brian Dennehy's presence in the movies. He wasn't always in the best films, but he was one of those actors where a film might feel suddenly improved by his appearance. I know he's still around, in theater and occasional small roles, but y'know what I mean. Think I'll watch Silverado again.
  9. I know we don't "divide the spoilers" anymore, but it'd be nice if people would remember to use the spoiler tags occasionally, or at least warn that one's post will have some spoilers in it..particularly if a game isn't very old/lots may not have gotten around to playing it yet. Just a thought.
  10. I love that movie (didn't read the book), but ... yes, I wouldn't want that either.
  11. Well, I've been reviewing the thread off and on this morning, and while Hormalakh has made an admirable effort to keep it P.E. related, it is starting to feel like a general rehash of past threads. There's enough P.E. reference, however, that I don't think a thread-move is quite applicable either. My solution then, with apologies to Hormalakh, is to close this thread and to point people towards the current "piracy" discussion thread in the Computer and Console forum.
  12. I'm definitely glad I don't live in snowstorm territory. I like the rain, even if it does create a giant puddle in our garage sometimes. My litter-boxed challenged cat Mr. Grey, however, hasn't been too happy about it, since he was banished outside early this year. All huddled in his small outdoor hut - it makes me feel so terrible. ...but not terrible enough to bring him inside to pee all over my floors/walls again. Still, need to build him a small partially covered area that isn't just for sleeping. There's not much covered area in our yard.
  13. Rain today, and I think...mind you, this is just a guess...that it might rain this weekend too.
  14. bwahaha....the kind of call that makes you hope the caller is actually pulling their own prank.
  15. So? And your point is what? That games cannot be resold? That's against the free market laws. Why game developers should be treated differently from all the others developers and manufacturers? Used cars is a billions dollar market, yet you don't see Mercedes shouting to ban the reselling of used car. I bought it I can resell it, end of story, There is often confusion about copyright vs. patent, and patent vs. industrial design rights and trademarks and so on. They are not all the same and are not all governed by the same laws/management. This is, of course, just a matter of legal definition - with some grey areas (and loopholes) I'm sure - which tends to be challenged periodically....but while I understand when people use the "I can sell a car/bike" reasoning, legally, I don't think it's quite the same thing as this topic is talking about (software piracy), at this time. P.S. I should add, "in the United States." Also, I'm not a lawyer.
  16. Theme Hospital. Never played it before. Liked the intro movie with the Horned Reaper in the waiting room, harhar. Like it so far, although it might drive me insane on later levels. Keeping track of grumpy docs, slacker handymen and all the patients.
  17. Not personally, no. Hubs tried both...the most recent one, he started it, killed some bad guys, saw that the first quest was an Arena thing, did that, and quit. (there's more to it than the Arena, we don't know how that works exactly). Then he started the Pirate one. He skipped most side quests and finished it last night (he went in around lvl 21/Siren). I watched him play it here and there. It looked ok ... some new enemies (some that look/act like Zero, heh)...not something to write home about but the usual mix of stuff with a big reward at the end. The jetspeeder boat vehicles were kind of cool.
  18. I'm personally waiting for Grim Dawn ... and waiting, and waiting. Path of Exile, on the other hand, isn't exactly a secret/has been playable by many for a long time and you can get in the open beta with $10 now. Sometimes I wonder if PoE is ever going to be out of beta. Haha. Tried Settlers2...talk about old skool graphic sim/strategy. I think I need to read the manual. Seems like my kind of thing, however. Miasmata - man are the nights dark in this game. You have a lighter (which basically just lights up a tiny circle right at your feet so you have to look down the whole time), you can carry torches (they go out after a while) if you find a stick to pick up, but it barely helps. It's worse than the flashlight in Doom3 thing. I'm still falling off cliffsides in the dark, lol. So....pretty much I think I'm going to try to stick to exploring during the day.
  19. The new castle movie is a lot shorter than the old one. I suppose this could be a bonus, if you can't skip them, but between that and the content/layout of the new castle movie (the gate doesn't open, no panning of camera, no sensation of actually "entering the castle" etc), it makes me think they shortcutted things. Maybe it's because of money, I don't know. But I don't like it. Would agree it's not that the old ones are some kind of cinematic masterpieces. The new ones just aren't improvements, so I don't see the point...and I personally don't like the artwork. I think it's flat and ugly, even compared to the old movies. Anyway...I might get it one day, but from the sound of it, even beyond personal taste in cinematics, it needs some patching and stuff before I think I'd want to fork over money for it.
  20. I would never! ... ok, I'm lying, I did try throwing the rock at one but it didn't seem to do anything. There's rabbits, giant roaches in the grass, huge dragonflies etc...so far the wildlife seems purely decorative. It's pretty limited to what kinds of actions you can do, I think. Rock, dagger, stick, drink water, grab/pick up certain items, hold three total plants at a time (can't be 3 of the same, either). Mostly exploring and sneaking/hiding. At least so far.
  21. Picked up Miasmata from GoG. Total impulse, never heard of it, but watched and said "looks cool." Graphically, it has some aspects/times that look nice when in-game/in motion, but is dated. It seems poorly optimized and has a hard time getting much more than 35fps in 1920x1080 (max settings) but if you drop it to 1600x900 it's better. For me, at 35fps it ran ok but felt a bit "jerky" when you spin around too fast. Some people are getting very bad lag and have to play at even lower resolutions. Known issue, they're looking into it. And when I change resolutions, it sometimes freaks out and I have to restart it for it to apply properly. Other than that, since it plays fine for me one notch down, I'm having fun. As an "adventure/action" game I like it a lot better than Walking Dead. Sorry. It's about exploration, avoiding some kind of boogey-animal if you can, whilst finding a cure for your disease and maybe finding out what happened to the people before you etc. Plus, it has squirrels.
  22. Miasmata: the game where I... ...can pick flowers! For research! And thus can... ...combine plants, chop them up with what looks like a plastic butter knife, mix them up - to essentially make some Extra Strength Excedrin! Which I need every so often, since apparently I have some kind of plague. ....I know, sounds silly. But it's actually a fairly nifty little exploration/adventure/little bit o' suspense game.
  23. I spent an hour trying to jog my memory on what nickname I used on the old Interplay message boards. Darnit, I just can't recall. It's driving me crazy. I probably wasn't on them regularly too long (3-4 months would be my guess) but I posted a lot when I was. Chatted with some on mIRC too. Had some old letters and notes on 3.5 floppies that I could've checked, if I still had a floppy drive in one of my computers. Bah, the info probably wasn't on those anyway. Oh well. It's not a big deal...sometimes you just get a bug up your you-know-what about something. But I still wish I could remember.
  24. I hear ya. I was so disappointed with the MMO notion when it was announced (and which I didn't buy) ...
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